martes, 20 de enero de 2009

Linage details.

If there is something missing or in need of clarificatin, just put it in the comments.

Lineage: Geass

Elements Air

Humor: Blood

Derived from the Muses, Geass wielders, as most of the very few descendants of this lineage call themselves, find themselves suffering from a craving of acceptance, of love, and the power to seduce, whereas Galateids are created from beautiful bodies, Geass wielders compell to bodies of people who wielded power, be it druglords, or simply charismatic people, to kings, these bodies need not to have been disfigured by their causes of death, but the death must have been violent.
The creation ritual is mostly the same, vinegar and herbs of a recipe most strange, substituting some by hemlock and pulverizing black pearls, to infuse the Azoth into the body, a kiss is needed, but not through the lips, but over a scar, that out of the common vanity of a Galateid, is usually made in strange shapes, most put this scar on the back of the head, where hair might cover it, some others put it on the back or on a shoulder, as if it were a tatoo, some do tatoo the strange symbol right over the scar.
The craving for power is natural for humans, probably a Geass Wielder was what inspired JRR Tolkien to say so about men, and it was probably the prescense of a Geass Wielder that started both World Wars, and drives the actions of many dictators, some drug lords have one Geass Wielder as a Concubine, with this it is stated, Geass Wielders´ Disquiet brings war and violence, marriages that lived happy until he got a lover, who is a promethean, and then he started hitting his wife to show his power.
But these prometheans as much as the other lineages, look only for some acceptance, and look more than anything to comprehend this craving for power, trying to understand so as to understand those they want to be, human.

Creation: Having the mixture made, and the body soaked in it for long enough, the next step is preparing the kiss, unlike their Muse counterparts, before this vital contact, Azoth is prepared within the mouth and between the lips of the creator by saying a special contract to be whispered to the body´s ear, being this lineage one that has to end its pilgrimage by creating one monster.

Refinements: Power can mean being next to some beautiful woman, this is why many Geass Wielders practice gold, power means winning, being stronger, which also makes Ferrum a natural for these Prometheans and sets them appart from the Galateids.

Disfigurement these lineage looks much like Galateids, save for the fact that their scar shines, much like a Tammuz´s marking, and their eyes grow black or blood red completely.

Background Why is such a tiny difference so important as to have a scare carved and black pearls used? The story tells, as Rambles have gathered that a muse was told by a Quashmalim about a certain body, he found her, a body still warm, with a very visible scar, this body would be a milestone for the muse, and so he created his monstruous progeny, using the same scar that he loathed to transmit the Azoth, and the Black pearls to make a reference of the violence the woman suffered and the hemlock signifying what violence causes. Some say it was a woman caught being the lover of a man, others said she left her boyfriend and he would not stand seeing her in someone else´s hands,, no more details were given, and there is little truth to be gathered about the body used, but that is how the lineage changed.

Bestowment: Mesmerizing presence: More than relying on mere aesthetics, and good looks, Geass Wielders may also use intimidation, they prefer calling their Bestowment presence instead of appearance, though the effect is almost identical.

Stage1 Air becomes still, devices such as fans will break down or have their effects diminished.
Stage 2: Devices will heat instead of cooling, this heat is irritating, people become aggressive.
Stage 3; Confusion reigns, those seeing through the affected air will see enemies instead of friends and will read and hear twisted messages that develop schizophrenic behaviours.

2 comentarios:

Eduardo Negrete dijo...

So, I´ll have the duty to ask

¿where are the farts?

Mr GFSL dijo...

in your brain, duh!