domingo, 23 de agosto de 2009

Breve y tardio Background the Rydia

Aqui el background de Rydia, tratando de adaptarlo lo mejor a las extrañas alteraciones que vimos en un principio... y una brevisima y poco sustanciosa introduccion de Terra

Rydia Brandford Von Mystburg

It has come to my attention that now that I am officially one of the four witches for this land that I still find foreign, many ask about my past and about how was it that I survived the erradication of my homeland.
I am not sure, what I do know is that in this realm, I was born only nine years ago, still I have lived for more than twice that number of years, how, you ask? Well, it is still unclear to me, most of it is a burrry recolection of images, but I will now try to explain.
My mother, Midori Von Mystburg, was a rather talented summoner, this art was taught to her by my father Maduin, whom I knew little of, and as far as I know, my older sister Terra, knows as much as I do, we were not the wealthiest, but never lacked any food nor shelter, it soon became clear that Terra, being nine years older than me, had inherited the magic from the wild, she is to become a sorcerer, if the opportunity comes her way, while I was taught by my mother how to summon the many creatues that serve the Sovereign Host from the small realm called the Feymarch, inhabited by lesser creatures that help wizards who call them forward to battle. I
When the conflicts that my friends and I are now resolving started and reached the small town we lived in, my father walked out the door not without my mother, Terra and I crying and praying the host for his safe return, until now, his fate is most uncertain, soon our town faced the terrible Mist, my mother fell, as she tried to protect Terra and I, we somehow escaped, but got lost. The natural mist that gave Mystbug its name caught us as we headed to the border, a thundering sound caught us, a flash of light blinded us, when I was able to see again, I was in the Feymarch, surrounded by the strange creatures that my mother had summoned.
I grew up there, years passed for me, years in which I was taught to communicate with the monsters and to use magic, still I always longed for the place I once called home, in spite that harsh as the truth was, I knew destroyed.
The Feymarch is a strange place, time passes differently, but this I knew only when I returned, I asked if I was ready to return to Eberron, the rulers of the land of Summoned Monsters declared I was, and bid me farewell, I was transported to new Cyre, the small town where most of the few survivors of my homeland had gathered. I remember it quite well, before my eyes, carrying a very young boy before a rather large house, was my sister, unchanged, looking strangely at me, her eyes showed how confused she was, barely able to recognize me, still somehow knowing it was me. She helped me up, and hugged me, for Eberron, I was missing for barely two months, for me, years had passed. I joined the new family Terra was head of, and tried to build my life again.

The rest is well known, I simply tried to study black magic to further my training, Frederick meeting me, and betraying his masters in the end, I have forgiven him, still ahead of me lies a path of many battles and uncertainity, the prophecy is most unclear.

2 comentarios:

Hyuga Ricdeau dijo...

Muy bueno Glen, ahora deberias hacer una lista de tus poderes para que no te pase lo que ha magodo, no te toma nada de tiempo realmente solo ponlo asi para rápido.

Ray of Frost: IntvsFort +4(implement)//1d6+int+8(dual implement)+slow

Mr GFSL dijo...

se supone ya tengo hecho el pdf , solo me falta ponerle el hechiz0 nivel 17