jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

Hunter Miho 0 20/04/09

Hunter Miho

It has been roughly seven years since I stopped being as ignorant as I sometimes wish I were, as ignorant as most of these people around me, if it were not for the fact that now I know some of these people are not human, some see me as prey, some as something to emulate, in spite of the fact that I do know I am kind of an oddball, I have learnt not to express myself at all, it keeps people away.

I still remember when I was just a teenager, as average as any teen can be in Japan, and as average as a tourist can be near Basin City, there my life changed. My family and I were simple tourists in America, traveling by car and visiting towns, a stop in the wretched city became necessary, my father was tired and we simply needed to rest.
Basin City runs on the wrong rules, those not written but that override those in paper, corruption, prostitution, crime, greed. We thought a good hotel would give us shelter from that for a single night, it is all we asked. Still to have such in Basin City, you have to pay, something we did not know, no one bothered to explain it to us. So as we pulled into the hotel´s driveway, we were spotted by the human predators of the city, mobsters obbeying a now dead Mafia ( thank you, Mayuri) seeing only fresh meat in me and my older sister. We stepped into the hotel, so did them, and they stealthily followed us, dad had rented the suite, large enough to provide the four of us of comfort, it was not long after that these predators barged in, we had not even put our bags down when I looked at a blood stained blade protruding from my sister´s forehead, and two whispers passing next to my ears as bullets were lodged in my father´s head and mother´s chest. I survived only because I had entered the bathroom, which gave me cover. The men entered and mumbled something I cannot remember, I did not speak English at the time so it was all nonsense to me. He put his hand in his shirt and brought out what I did recognize as a golden roman number: VII. He walked towards me, while the other had already picked my mother and seemed to suck the blood out of my mother´s chest.
The man closer to me wielded the same blade that three seconds before had gone through my sister´s skull, he smiled as he pointed it to my neck.
I remember little after that, I only woke up, being tended by another Japanese girl with a serious and melancholic look in her eyes. I looked dimly at her my sight was blurry. And heard a somewhat nassal voice behind her giving orders, in a language that was not English, and was even stranger to me. The girl just tended a bandage on my neck and walked away, it was a very well lit room, with no windows. All I could see was a strange symbol of what seemed to be a bow and an arrow, it was on everything, even the water bottles.
Another mand came and interrogated me, he did speak Japanese, and asked me what I remembered, it was hard to do, but I did answer, writing it down, since my vocal cords were cut and could not be healed. Through him I learnt that I had been unconcious for many days, and that the ones who saved me were Mayuri and Nemu. Not long after I was released, still they blindfolded me and drove me off right in the middle of Old Town. The translator coldly told me that their help was over as he took the blindfold off and pushed me out of the car.

Three years were enough for me to forge myself in Basin City into most of what I am now, I already knew some martial arts, enough to defeat some guys that were threatening a prostitute, thus I was often asked by them to protect them here and then, they would pay handsomely, I eventually used the money to pay for more training, The first man I killed, I remember him, some wealthy joungster, thinking himself owner of whatever he saw, maniacly tried to severe an arm off one of the girls, I shot him, not a style I liked, not an action that I felt proud of the moment, but at the time I felt how justice was served. The girls though, were very thankful, they do protect one another, and often carry some heat, the police have no business there, and they more often than not end up shooting bastards that dare try to have their way without the adequate pay, they made no big fuzz about the dead man.
I slowly grew colder, I admit it, it helped me impose myself in spite of my small stature, I became a shadow in Old Town, receiving help some times (my dear Dwight, as I remember this I hope you are fine) helping some others serve Justice above corruption and the very written laws. It was when we went berserk against the very mafia that Mayuri contacted me again.
The Cheiron Group, a multi enterprise conglomerated facading behind medicine and other stuff, the ones who helped me heal in exchange for my testimony years ago. Noticed how I had improved, helping the girls of Basin City and fighting relentlessly against many. I recognized his voice as he aproached, so stealthily that I aimed my sword at him, But he moved it away softly without me even being able to react. He talked to me offering me a revenge against those who hunt humans. Vampires had killed my family and the Roarke family served a monster they believed to be some sort of demon, he said to me. He revealed to me what until then had been only tales. I felt compelled to help, Still there was something I would need to do before I could fully undergo the acquisition of Thaumatecnology.

5 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

le hubieras nombrado, "memoirs of a mini geisha" y lo hubieras puesto en español para el magodou

Eduardo Negrete dijo...

no importa, traducire las partes mas importantes......

I grew colder.......prrrr....and the last sound that i made after cutting the man in two, with a swift and clean stroke, was prrrrrrrrrrr.........

Lo que se traduce a

mi frialdad crecio......buuurrrpppp.....y el ultimo sonido que hice, despues de cortar al hombre en dos, con un tajo rapido y limpio fue buuuuurrrpppp.....

Unknown dijo...

No me gustó, pones a miho como la victima e inocente y para mi ella es una maquina de pelea quien mata por el gusto de hacerse mas fuerte.

Se me haria mas cool que perteneciera a una familia olvidada japonesa quien todavia sigue el bushido y que le hayan cortado la lengua por haber fallado a su honor o algo asi

Mr GFSL dijo...

Ok, puedo cambiarlo a lo que dice Manolo, me dedicare a ello mañana, y Gigio, por tu culpa tendre que mutilar y desgraciar a Magodo Starkiller... le cortare una pierna y un brazo... no lo castro porque alguien se me adelanto

Eduardo Negrete dijo...

MOTHER FUCKER...............