Raza: Human.
Clase: Paladin 5/Wizard 5
XP: 37,000; next 55, 000.
Alineación: Lawful Good.
Habilidades: Str 14 (+2), Con 15(+2), Dex 13 (+1), Int 16 (+3), Wis 18 (+4) Cha 12 (+1).
Skills: (13/6.5) Concentration +13, Craft +3, Diplomacy +5, Handle Animal +1, Heal +4, Knowledge Nobility +3, History +13, Arcana +10, Religion +8, Profession (Soldier) +4, Ride +9, Sense Motive +10, Dechipher Script +3, Spellcraft +3. Otras no entrenadas: Spot +10, Intimidate +7, Listen +7.
Lenguas: Common y Draconic.
HD: 5d10+5d4 HP: 65 AC 20(FF19/T11). Saves: Fortitude +8, Reflexes +6, Will +10.
Race Features: Medium, Spd 30fts, +1 Feat, 4 extra skills, +1 extra skill cada nivel, Favored Class:Any.
Class Features:
WP: Simple, Martial.
AP: All Armors and Shields (except tower).
Aura of Good.
Detect Evil at will.
Smite Evil: 2/día, +Cha (1) en Attack y Nivel (5) en daño.
Divine Grace: +Cha (1)en ST.
Lay on Hands: Nivel (5)+Cha(1) =6hp al día.
Aura of courage: Inmune to Fear, +4 en ST vs Fear a aliados a 10fts (2sq)
Divine Health: Inmune to Diseases.
Turn Undead: 3+Cha(1)=4/día, 60fts (5sq), 1d20+Cha(1) =Nivel (3), daño 2d6+Nivel+Cha(1)=HD de undead turned.
Special Mount: Odin (Warhorse).
Divine Spells: DC14+Nivel; Al día 1/-/-.
Arcane Spells: DC13+Nivel; Al día 4/4/3/2. Failures 40%.
Familiar: Mog (bat), +3 en Listen
Scribe Scroll.
Bonus Item Creation Feat: Brew Potion.
Feats (5): Knight Training (wizard), Exotic WP (Bastard Sword), W. Focus (Bastard Sword), Combat Casting, Mounted Combat.
Combat: Base Attack +6+2
MW Katana: +10+6 (1d10+2 Slash) Critical 19-20x2
Smite Evil: +11 (1d10+7 Slash) Critical 19-20x2
Wizard´s Spellbook:
0: Detect Magic, Resistance, Mage Hand, Open/close.
1st: Burning Hands, Magic Missile, True Strike, Identify.
2nd: Melf Acid Arrow, Flaming Sphere, Bull´s Strenght, Mirror Image.
3rd: Lightining Bolt, Fireball, Dispel Magic.
Equipment: Katana (MW) 6lb, Fullplate Armor (+8AC, Max Dex +1, -6SP, SF 35%, Max Spd 20ft) 50lb, Buckler (AC +1, -1SP, SF 5%) 5lb, Spellbook, Holy Symbol.
Raza: Elf (Drow).
Clase: Wizard 6
XP: 32,000
Alineación:Neutral Good.
Habilidades: Str 11 (+0), Con 9(-1), Dex 18 (+4), Int 21 (+5), Wis 13 (+1) Cha 18 (+4).
Skills: (9/4.5)
Concentration +8, Craft +5, Dechipher Script +5 ,
Knowledge Nobility +6, History +10, Arcana +14, Religion +5, Planes +10, Dungeonering +10, Profession
(Mage) +1, Spellcraft
+10. Otras no entrenadas: Spot +7, Intimidate +8, Listen +5, Search +5.
Lenguas: Common, Elven, Undercommon y Draconic.
HD: 6d4 HP: 15 AC 14(FF10/T14). Saves: Fortitude +1, Reflexes +6, Will +6 (+8 vs Spells y Enchantments) SR:19.
Race Features: Medium, Spd 30fts, Inmune to Sleep, +2ST vs Enchantments, Darkvision, +2 Listen, Search y Spot, Puede tirar Search para puertas secretas a 5fts, +2 en Will vs Spells. SR: 11+Nivel. Nivel +2.
1 vez al Día: Dancing Lights, Darkness ó Faerie Fire DC su nivel (8).
Light Blindness: Si lo sorprende subitamente una luz brillante lo deja Blind 1 rd y dazzled hasta que se extinga la luz.
Class Features:
WP: Hand Crossbow, rapier, short sword, dagger, club, hvy crossbow, light crossbow, quarterstaff.
AP: None.
Arcane Spells: DC15+Nivel; Al día 4/4/4/3. Failures 0%.
Familiar: Owl, +3 en spot en la oscuridad
Scribe Scroll.
Bonus Item Creation Feat: Brew Potion.
Feats (3): Combat Casting, Dodge, Mobility.
Combat: Base Attack +3
Dagger: +3 (1d4 slash) 19-20 criticalx2.
L. Crossbow +7 (1d8 +4 Piercing) 19-20 criticalx2 80fts. 10 Bolts.
Wizard´s Spellbook:
0: Detect Magic, Resistance, Mage Hand, Open/close, Light, Ray of Frost, Prestigiditation, Ghost Sound.
1st: Burning Hands, Magic Missile, Shield, Identify, Protection from Evil, Tenser´s Floating Disc, Sleep.
2nd: Melf Acid Arrow, Flaming Sphere, Summon Monster II, Mirror Image, Locate Object.
3rd: Lightining Bolt, Fireball, Dispel Magic, Carvoyance, Phantom Steed.
Equipment: Dagger 1lb, L. Crossbow 4lb, Quarterstaff 4lb, Spellbook.
Aun no agrego items mágicos porque eso dependeria de Manolo. Evidentemente las Abilities cambian mucho al igual que la progresión por niveles en 3.5 que en 4. Si quieren que les convierta a sus monos a 3.5, mandenmelos por mail, sobre todo si tienen sus Abilities originales (antes de modificación por razas y antes de subirle 1 a 2 a nivel 4, 8, y 12 y 1 en todas a nivel 11).
lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012
lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012
Gossamer Chant Crescendo of the eclipse (o aquella sesión que debió ser pospuesta :o(.
Quon y Avel miraron detenidamente como Teysa trazaba las
letras del contrato - "¿a servicio de quien desean que esté el
espectro?" pregunto la baronesa pausando su trazo. "Avel
Avinir!" exclamó rapidamente Avel tratando de ocultar la satisfacción que
sentía- "muy bien, Listo!. Desean invocar al espectro
inmediatamente?" Avel y Quon asintieron y la baronesa inmediatamente
invocó al espectro. Del papel mismo una figura espectral se empezó a formar.
"quien invoca los grandes poderes del unico y poderosisimo-"
-"Callate" interrumpio Avel al fantasma de dal mar quien posaba cual
genio mientras recitaba su presentación
"aaaah son ustedes! asi que por fín vienen a salvarme!".
- "nada de eso! venimos a interrogarte, ¿Para quien
trabajaba Savra?"
-" Para que tomaramos el poder de los golgari!"
contesto dal'mar ignorantemente
- "No mientas! dime todo lo que sepas del ataque a selesnya!!"
- "Cual ataque a selesnya, no se nada de tal cosa"
- "ya estaba muerto" agregó Quon quien se
acostumbraba a escuchar de nuevo esa voz que tanto llegó a desagradarle."
como fué que te invocaron, nos hemos enterados que no es cualquier cosa"
- "aaah si, verán un humano al parecer ciego de tez
oscura, de rastas y de blancos ropajes me llamó" - "ese suena como
uno de los tipos que ví junto con Szadek" interrumpió Ragna, Dal'maar continuó
"tengo recuerdos de haber estado en una especie de ciudad habitada por
millones de fantasmas perdidos, como una pesadilla y de pronto la vóz de este
hombre me despertó, me preguntó acerca de la esfera blanca que encontramos, Si
la tomaste de mi cuerpo verdad Quon?"
Quon permaneció en silencio un momento "no me hubiera
acercado a tu cadaver apestoso por nada del mundo!" replicó Quon algo
molesta pero con un dejo de culpa en su voz
- "ay, pues al parecer la encontró o algo así por que
un día simplemente interrumpió el interrogatorio, salió apresurado y ya no
volvió... después me invocó una mujer, de lentes y actitud altanera me preguntó
cosas... de ... pues de muchas cosas de los golgari, de ... de ustedes..."
Los reclamos tendrían que esperar, el pasillo que llevaba a
la oficina de la baronesa Karlov se llenó de pasos, la puerta se abrió de un
golpe, La mujer que Dal'maar recién había descrito entró por la puerta, se
identifico como Jihl Nabaat de los Azorios, detrás de ella guardias bien
armados empezaron a entrar a la habitación rodeando a los aventureros, Jihl
echo un vistaso rapido por la habitación y se dirigió a lightning "que
BIEN que esta usted aqui Mayor Lightining, hagamé favor de Arrestar a estos
enemigos del estado!"
La sorpresa silenció al grupo excepto a Avel quien
inmediatamente inquirió acerca de los cargos de los que se le acusaban,
"por fraternizar con enemigos del estado, y acoger a uno de los mismos, me
refiero por supuesto a los Gruul y al ser conocido como Hukka!, Lightning se
paralizó, los cargos después de todo eran ciertos y aunque ella estaba
protegida por su puesto como boros sus amigos no contaban con dicha exención.
Se acerco lentamente a Avel con cara de arrepentimiento “NO te atrevas” dijo
avel. Lightning echo un paso atrás.
“Y bien que no hay alguien que vaya hacer valer la LEY en
este cuarto?” dijo Jihl tentadoramente
“Arrestenlos” instruyó lightning a los guardias.
Avel y Quon se opusierón al arresto y pelearon valientemente
contra los guardias, pero simplemente eran demasiados y muy bien entrenados,
Quon cayó. “es suficiente” exclamó Teysa refiriéndose a Avel “la espada no
triunfará, es momento de las cortes, yo los sacaré de su apuro, permítame
intentarlo, pero tiene que detenerse cada corte en esos guardias solo dañara
sus oportunidades”
Visiblemente enojada Avel aventó su espada en dirección de
Jihl, “Espero que sepa que saliendo voy
a ir por usted”
“cht cht cht…amenazando un oficial del estado,
eso no ayudará a su caso”respondió Jihl disfrutando de manera evidente su
“ya, ya”, interrumpió teysa compartiendo el
enojo de Avel “le aseguro Lady Avel que no estará encerrada por mucho tiempo”
Avel, Quon y los demás fueron llevados a una pequeña
comisaría donde fueron puestos en celdas individuales, a excepción de majorco
quien tuvo que compartir celda, ahí permanecieron por 2 días, lightning
iba a visitarlos frecuentemente y les informaba del estado del proceso, por
desgracia debido al evento de vithu gazi las habilidades de Bennu eran conocidas
y por su falta de gremio se le trató más como un artefacto que como persona, Teysa intentó que se le
diera membresía de selesnya por sus actos favorables al gremio pero alguien
poderoso tenía otros intereses, se decidió que fuera entregada al gremio Simic,
los encargados de la medicina de Ravnica para experimentar con ella. Hukka por
otro lado fue declarado como una amenaza demasiado grande para permanecer vivo,
se le condenó con el exterminio.
Al anochecer del
segundo día escucharon barullo proveniente de la celda de majorco, la voz de
lightning se escucho desde dentro, “auxilio auxilio, me quedé encerrada” dijo
un guardia inmediatamente entro y al verla en la celda la abrió apresuradamente
lightning tomo el mazo del tipo supuestamente
para amenazar a majorco pero en vez de eso noqueo al guardia de un
golpe, lightning rió fuertemente mientras revelaba que no era lightning
realmente sino un changeling y no cualquier changeling; Jedah drakestalker
estaba frente al grupo. Jedah saluda a
los demás y se dispone a abrir las celdas pero es detenido por Majorco “Nel
compa, yo ya estoy hasta la madre de ser el perro del grupo, ustedes Avel se rehúsa
a tomarme como parte del equipo asi que ahora se la pela, Quon tu te quieres
quedar con esa pinche vieja mamona, o quieres venir con los chikos cool!?”
Quon pensó por un momento, Avel no dijo una palabra solo se
quedó en su celda enojándose mas y más “bueno supongo que eventualmente
encontraremos esos chikos cool que mencionas” dijo finalmente Quon
haciendo gestos de que fuera a
liberarla. Así liberarón a Quon y salieron de la vista de Lady Avel “se arrepentirán de esto “ pensó para si…
martes, 2 de octubre de 2012
Ravnica Noir.
Ravnica is a dangerous place, most of all if you are a foreigner, I am living for a second time, not knowing why, I met who I thought was my old friend, Avel, but this is somewhat different, even though her hubris is just as great, some other companions have followed, Dal Ma'ar, whom I could barely stand, is dead, such is the price of being in Ravnica, Ragna is seriously injured, unable to join us, and our local guide, Lightning, is a stuck up bitch that does not yield in spite of overwhelming evidence, she is the perfect example of how stupid and brave are very similar. Stubborn as always, she does not trust Hukka to protect Bennu in spite of us learning that his only purpose is to keep her safe, Lightning thinks Hakku will hurt the girl. Stupid.
We are now headed to the richest territory in the whole continent, Orzhov, There we will seek getting in touch with the spirit of the woman-drow Zavra, who betrayed us shortly after Dal Mártian's death, she might have some answers for us involving the hollows. Our only contact in this hostilely wealthy territory is Teysa Karlov, a woman with a limp that works more often than she breahes.
We are welcomed by her servant, a guy called Maelisk, a dark skinned man that does whatever Teysa orders, she welcomes us rather reluctantly, we are interrupting her neverending work, she says that You can´t reach the top by resting. She is ambitious, and determined, and I am still not sure if she is on our side, and if she is, if we can keep her on it.
She ends up telling us that summoning a spirit is rather expensive, and it seems that our target has already been taking by someone she was indebted with: The name she gives us is some Reglius.
We are taken by Maelisk to some sort of arena, Reglius is viciously adicted to some pit fights these rich folk seem to enjoy. He drives us trying to chat us into some sort of friendly territory, Yet Avel distances herself out of her usual disgust for everything not even remotely elvish, Lightning is still bitching about Benu not being safe if left with Hakku and I am simply too drunk to care. I am somewhat dragged into the viewing area, our target is discussing with a woman who is clearly a prostitute, and I manage to hear how he tells her he is not divorcing his wife for her. We start discussing about our target, he dismisses his mistress. Avel tries to bargain about using Hukka, but I am doubtful of it being a good idea, the lad is stronger beyond our imagination, I think my fear is justified, but Avel insists on using him, since we have Bennu and the headphones that tranquilize him. I was willing to participate in the fights, having a high place in the savages´ tournament not long ago, I was confident I could wager a good fight and a show for that matter, in exchange forthis man´s help. Avel´s idea sounded a bit better when I saw in the pit below a uniform like those of the Hollows we have been chasing, my heart trembles, he is fighting, his oponent is a large minotaur, capable of intimidating anyone, but this strange man, he is tall, thin, wirey, ye wields what appears to be a large scythelike blade, almost twice his size, his left eye is covered, by a patch, unlike his large teeth, a hideous creature, not even my heavy drinking could make him attractive, and he is winning, I don´t think I can defeat him alone, and we would be a great threat to us as a team, even if we were complete, I fear even if my fallen comrades were still around, we would have a very hard time against him.
Reglius agrees to Avel´s plan, she tricks poor inocent Bennu into helping us, poor girl, too good for her own good, she awakens the now tranquil Hukka to fight, he moves drowsily and his heavy weapon, which I have many times seen wielded by him as if it were light as paper, now seems to burden him. Bennu is not in any real and inmediate danger. So the kid will not be as strong as he can be. No relentless destruction machine, just a barely rational kid.
We are about to find out if Avel´s plan is any good, when the news strike us. Reglius has been murdered, we hurry to his office leaving Lightning to guard over Bennu and Hukka. We find him lying on his face, two glasses of alcohol broken, I know enough of it to distinguish a gin and tonic and a whisky, fine expensive stuff, a good part of me cries over the spill of these. His safe is open and empty, and he said he had de papers we needed in there, he told us, strangest of all is the clear mark of some sort of wooden peg sliding against a puddle of spilled ink, which was part of the evident struggle Reglius put to not be killed, his body showed that his throat was shut closed by some sort of tube.
We had seen Reglius fight a loud argument with some guy called Brutus, the hooker might know somethin too, as we head to interrogate these people, rumors reach us about some guy called the tube assasin.
Avel inmediatley blames the Hooker, she dislikes these women quite irrationally, but the woman is very airheaded, ins pite of Avel's assurance, I doubt this greedy creature did it, though she does seem eager to do whatever she needs to grant herself a nice and luxurious way of living, and she did seem angry when Reglius told her he would not divorce his wife. But again, she might have gotten more from him alive. Besides her hands are smooth, no sing of wielding any sort of tube nor anything similar.
We head to see Brutus, he is loud and annoying, and has a peg leg... he claims he does not drink, which would not match the two drinks in Reglius office, however he has rough hands, he claims his peg le needs to be screwed in tight, and he does it himselft, so that would explain his calluses. We discard him, after he showed us al his peg legs, everyone clean of ink.
Some questioning here and there lead us to finding the tube assasin in a bar, his face was a mess of scars, not even a mother could express love for it, even less if she knew what the man behind it did for a living. He is a tough one, no intimidation, works on him, and he is quite able to hide whatever he is thinking or feeling, I would not like to face him on cards, more so that I am always so drunk that i play very lousily.
We leave him, unable to get anything out of him, Avel leaves, but I stay behind to observe him, I mix into the crowd, but as I start to put an eye on him, I am very certain he sees me. I run, desperately, trying to find the closest thing I have to a friend around here: Avel, her presence glimmers quite notoriously even in this area of luxurious and shiny things.
Maelisk comes and pick us up to take us back to Teysa´s office, he chats us up, as we discuss our findings, we notice a large bag that seems to contain ingredients to perform some ritual, we don´t heed them, they remind us of Dal Maár, and his annoying obsession with them.
As we enter the Palace where Teysa has her office, I notice a small ink stain on the carpet.
And remember Teysa´s cane, we find her as we left her, working, she looks even more tired, we tell her what happened, and I notice her breath smells of gin, this comes as a suprise to her, she seems to be honest about it. But Maelisk jumps and accuses her. We see her cane, it is indeed stained with ink. It all adds up after a handfull of minutes in which Teysa shows a great confusion.. I then stand in the middle of the room, and point at Maelisk:
You, Mr .Maelisk, are risponsible for this atrocity, you entered the office of Archiver Reglius Vuliev, where you were invited the Gin and Tonic that was found next to your host´s whisky, here you used a simple moment of distraction by your victim to attack him by surprise,and force him to open his safe so you could steal his precious contents. Even though he followed your orders, you still ended his life. You ran from the scene, without noticing you stained the cane´s tip in the ink that you and Veliev spilled when he tried to fight back. You then came back here and got rid of your greatest tool: Teysa Karlov, whose body, with the ingredients held in the bag we say in the vehicle, you took temporarily, achieving with it a perfect infalible disguise, and that is why the Barnoess Teysa Karlov cannot remember drinking, and this also explains the great fatique she has, and the great eagerness with which you accused the Baroness, Now , Lady Avel will open the mentioned bag where we will find the ritual ingredients for the mentioned suplantation.
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