lunes, 7 de junio de 2010

Quon Kuna

am tired, once again my fists are covered in blood, my own blood,my throat is dry and a craving for forgivness again fills my mind. These things have hurt no one, yet some of their kin are causing people much pain, or ending it all together. If I am lucky, my sister si taking care of them. Do I miss her! And I miss those distant times.

It was just so simple, a small pottery shop, father would make us practice pottery, mother would educate us in everything else. But then the Chaos started, Orcs attacking, Warforged mercenaries came, and then their wretched leader appeared and started waging his war upon us. Father and Mother ran dragging us. Until we were separated in a turbulent crowd, I found Miho two days later, her throat covered with blood-stained rags she is silent from then, I only had a few sratches. We never found our parents, They might still be around somewhere. The Warforged army grew strong, unnaturally moving creatures, enduring beyond any living thing, and skin of iron, steel or from ores of the rarest kinds, fighting the flesh of Orcs, Humans, Elves and Dragonborn,
Miho and I decided to help stop them, and thus started training, She took a sword and has never let it out of her sight, as for me, I took liking of the feel of metal being bent by my flesh and bones, it is a hard path, but I have become quite good over time.
At first it was satisfying, but now I am here, standing befor ethe remains of a warforged taht never rose a weapon at me, I followed my orders blindly to destroy any construct I found in my way. His words were at first gentle and shy, offering me food. I was doubtful, my ki was not well focused, My knuckles hit the plates, still strong enough to shater them. And like him many before, their strange voices haunt me at every moment, their cries for mercy, and their claims of innocense, many swore they did not support the wretched leader that caused my family to shatter. I can only stand and walk and fight now if there is ale or wine at my reach. And I usually try to act cheerful when drunk, trying to hide the guilt of my deeds, this falacy, and my overall scruffy looks drive people away from me, which is kind of a good thing sometimes. Yet last time Miho decided to embark with another divission to distance herself for a while from me.
I am now near a small town, Crowgar, Cragwar, or something like that, walking away from the armies I used to serve. Now I will simply try to find my parents, if they are around I do not know, hopefully I will find something that leads me forward...

3 comentarios:

Hyuga Ricdeau dijo...

Chupitos!!! Creo que voy a llorar...

Mr GFSL dijo...

no seas Emo, Palamardo

Eduardo Negrete dijo...

que pedo con el estado animico de la borracha