parece que cuando acabe Avatar, la cual no tiene nada que ver con el Airbender, Cameron hara la pelicula de Alita, esto solo confirma rumore sque escuche hace ya unos meses, y probablemente sea a mi al unico a quien le interese, aun asi, pongo el link
viernes, 31 de julio de 2009
martes, 28 de julio de 2009
miércoles, 22 de julio de 2009
Pelicula de Warcraft O_O
Raimi, acclaimed director of the blockbuster Spider-Man series, will bring the forces of the Horde and the Alliance to life in epic live-action film. Charles Roven's Atlas Entertainment will produce alongside Raimi's Stars Road Entertainment.
LOS ANGELES, Calif. – July 22, 2009 -- Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. and Legendary Pictures announced today that Sam Raimi has signed on to direct the eagerly-anticipated major motion picture based on Blizzard Entertainment’s award-winning Warcraft® universe. Raimi has, in the course of his career, clearly demonstrated a genius for developing and adapting existing fictional universes for mainstream audiences while staying true to the spirit of the original content.
Raimi directed the Spider-Man trilogy, which has broken box-office records around the world and garnered five Academy Award® nominations. Known for his imaginative filmmaking style, richly drawn characters and offbeat humor, Raimi wrote and directed the cult classic, The Evil Dead and produced 30 Days Of Night. He most recently wrote and directed the supernatural thriller, Drag Me To Hell.
"At its core, Warcraft is a fantastic, action-packed story," said Raimi. "I am thrilled to work with such a dynamite production team to bring this project to the big screen."
Charles Roven’s producing talents were recently seen with last summer’s blockbuster The Dark Knight, which grossed in excess of $1 billion, was nominated for eight Academy Awards® and won two. His body of work also includes the widely acclaimed Batman Begins and the sci-fi classic 12 Monkeys. Roven, with Atlas producing partner Alex Gartner, will be producing with Legendary Pictures CEO Thomas Tull, Legendary’s Chief Creative Officer Jon Jashni, Raimi and Raimi’s producing partner Joshua Donen. Raimi’s partner, Robert Tapert, will be an Executive Producer and Blizzard Entertainment’s Senior Vice President of Creative Development, Chris Metzen, a Co-Producer.
"Partnering with Sam Raimi exemplifies Legendary's mandate of marrying the highest quality intellectual property to world-class filmmakers" said Legendary’s Tull. "Sam's passion for 'Warcraft' is undeniable and we know that he will create an incredible film worthy of Blizzard's phenomenal franchise. We look forward to collaborating with our partners at Warner Bros. and continuing our successful relationship with Chuck in bringing this rich new world to the screen."
"Blizzard Entertainment and Legendary Pictures have a shared vision for this film and we searched at length to find the very best director to bring that vision to life," said Paul Sams, chief operating officer of Blizzard Entertainment. "From our first conversation with Sam, we could tell he was the perfect choice. Sam knows how to simultaneously satisfy the enthusiasts and the mainstream audience that might be experiencing that content for the first time. We're looking forward to working with him to achieve that here."
"Blizzard Entertainment’s Warcraft has become a second home for millions of players and Sam’s experience and talent make him the perfect director for this remarkable and action-packed world," said Atlas’ Roven. "Alex and I are proud to be working with Sam and re-teaming with our friends at Legendary and Warner Bros."
The film will fall under Legendary Pictures’ co-production and co-financing deal with Warner Bros. "Warcraft is emblematic of the kind of branded, event films for which our studio is best known. We have enjoyed great success with our partners at Legendary, and this is an incredible opportunity for us to work with Sam on a project that is so eagerly anticipated by so many," said Jeff Robinov, President, Warner Bros. Pictures Group.
Blizzard Entertainment’s Warcraft universe is a rich fantasy setting that revolves around the epic conflict between the opposing forces of the Horde and the Alliance. Since its debut in 1994, Warcraft has developed a loyal following across the globe, with several bestselling, award-winning PC games and a range of popular licensed products including novels, action figures, apparel, comic books, board games, and more. World of Warcraft®, Blizzard Entertainment’s subscription-based massively multiplayer online role-playing game set in the Warcraft universe, is the most popular game of its kind in the world. Its most recent expansion, Wrath of the Lich King™, is the fastest-selling PC game of all time, with more than 2.8 million copies sold in its first 24 hours of availability and more than 4 million in its first month.
Further details about the upcoming Warcraft movie, including cast and targeted release date, will be revealed as development progresses.
Raimi, acclaimed director of the blockbuster Spider-Man series, will bring the forces of the Horde and the Alliance to life in epic live-action film. Charles Roven's Atlas Entertainment will produce alongside Raimi's Stars Road Entertainment.
LOS ANGELES, Calif. – July 22, 2009 -- Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. and Legendary Pictures announced today that Sam Raimi has signed on to direct the eagerly-anticipated major motion picture based on Blizzard Entertainment’s award-winning Warcraft® universe. Raimi has, in the course of his career, clearly demonstrated a genius for developing and adapting existing fictional universes for mainstream audiences while staying true to the spirit of the original content.
Raimi directed the Spider-Man trilogy, which has broken box-office records around the world and garnered five Academy Award® nominations. Known for his imaginative filmmaking style, richly drawn characters and offbeat humor, Raimi wrote and directed the cult classic, The Evil Dead and produced 30 Days Of Night. He most recently wrote and directed the supernatural thriller, Drag Me To Hell.
"At its core, Warcraft is a fantastic, action-packed story," said Raimi. "I am thrilled to work with such a dynamite production team to bring this project to the big screen."
Charles Roven’s producing talents were recently seen with last summer’s blockbuster The Dark Knight, which grossed in excess of $1 billion, was nominated for eight Academy Awards® and won two. His body of work also includes the widely acclaimed Batman Begins and the sci-fi classic 12 Monkeys. Roven, with Atlas producing partner Alex Gartner, will be producing with Legendary Pictures CEO Thomas Tull, Legendary’s Chief Creative Officer Jon Jashni, Raimi and Raimi’s producing partner Joshua Donen. Raimi’s partner, Robert Tapert, will be an Executive Producer and Blizzard Entertainment’s Senior Vice President of Creative Development, Chris Metzen, a Co-Producer.
"Partnering with Sam Raimi exemplifies Legendary's mandate of marrying the highest quality intellectual property to world-class filmmakers" said Legendary’s Tull. "Sam's passion for 'Warcraft' is undeniable and we know that he will create an incredible film worthy of Blizzard's phenomenal franchise. We look forward to collaborating with our partners at Warner Bros. and continuing our successful relationship with Chuck in bringing this rich new world to the screen."
"Blizzard Entertainment and Legendary Pictures have a shared vision for this film and we searched at length to find the very best director to bring that vision to life," said Paul Sams, chief operating officer of Blizzard Entertainment. "From our first conversation with Sam, we could tell he was the perfect choice. Sam knows how to simultaneously satisfy the enthusiasts and the mainstream audience that might be experiencing that content for the first time. We're looking forward to working with him to achieve that here."
"Blizzard Entertainment’s Warcraft has become a second home for millions of players and Sam’s experience and talent make him the perfect director for this remarkable and action-packed world," said Atlas’ Roven. "Alex and I are proud to be working with Sam and re-teaming with our friends at Legendary and Warner Bros."
The film will fall under Legendary Pictures’ co-production and co-financing deal with Warner Bros. "Warcraft is emblematic of the kind of branded, event films for which our studio is best known. We have enjoyed great success with our partners at Legendary, and this is an incredible opportunity for us to work with Sam on a project that is so eagerly anticipated by so many," said Jeff Robinov, President, Warner Bros. Pictures Group.
Blizzard Entertainment’s Warcraft universe is a rich fantasy setting that revolves around the epic conflict between the opposing forces of the Horde and the Alliance. Since its debut in 1994, Warcraft has developed a loyal following across the globe, with several bestselling, award-winning PC games and a range of popular licensed products including novels, action figures, apparel, comic books, board games, and more. World of Warcraft®, Blizzard Entertainment’s subscription-based massively multiplayer online role-playing game set in the Warcraft universe, is the most popular game of its kind in the world. Its most recent expansion, Wrath of the Lich King™, is the fastest-selling PC game of all time, with more than 2.8 million copies sold in its first 24 hours of availability and more than 4 million in its first month.
Further details about the upcoming Warcraft movie, including cast and targeted release date, will be revealed as development progresses.
Hola Back
Hola, perdonenme ustedes, pero he estado un poco enfermo, y eso es horrible cuando estas en otro pais, y no tienes a nadie alrededor, y te cortan el internet.
les dejo esto que encontre, esta cagado!

Otro rape a un post de gigio para poner otra cosa que no amerita un post propio...
El temible regreso de magodo ruco
les dejo esto que encontre, esta cagado!

Otro rape a un post de gigio para poner otra cosa que no amerita un post propio...
El temible regreso de magodo ruco

domingo, 19 de julio de 2009
Mas magodosidades de los simpsons, osea un pretexto para poner mas clips de los simpsons
Todos hemos visto en accion su perspicacia... ejemplo
segundo ejemplo, no en youtube Link
y despues d e una sesion de WoD...
jueves, 16 de julio de 2009
No pare de reir por 5 minutos
chequen esta pagina, no pare de reir por 5 minutos.
miércoles, 15 de julio de 2009
martes, 14 de julio de 2009
lunes, 13 de julio de 2009
Magodo en WoD
Aqui esta ilustrada la atencion que pone magodo en wod
y este, que hace mucho no veia pero que chistoso es
y este, que hace mucho no veia pero que chistoso es
D and D Wish List

Esta lista es para los jugadores que desean items para D&D, les recuerdo que los items que se arrojan por nivel entre los tesores son:
Uno de su nivel, uno de su nivel +2, uno de nivel +3, uno de nivel +4.
Es decir, que a nivel 10, se soltaran 4 items mágicos, uno de nivel 10, uno de 11, uno de 12, uno de 13 y uno de 14.
Recuerden, solo se tiran 4 items mágicos por nivel (para todos), asi que sean pacientes y traten de incluir otras cosas ademas de armas y armaduras (tambien hay cosas para brazos, cuello, manos, pies y cintura; asi como pociones, reagentes, alquimias, estandartes, etc).
Escriban en los comentarios lo que les gustaria que se soltara.
domingo, 12 de julio de 2009
jueves, 9 de julio de 2009
ya suban algo no?
Hola a todos, ya suban algo no, que me estoy aburriendo en mis escasos tiempos libres que tengo aqui, esta semana es de examenes, y mucho trabajo!
Como esto te entretendra unos 2 minutos solamente solo editare tu post, espero no te sientas violado...
Power Card: Ay, Ya Matalos Magodo!!
Como esto te entretendra unos 2 minutos solamente solo editare tu post, espero no te sientas violado...
Power Card: Ay, Ya Matalos Magodo!!
martes, 7 de julio de 2009
viernes, 3 de julio de 2009
House rules Cherubim
Bien, ya avanzando en esto de WoD, estableceremos las mismas reglas que discutimos en los comienzos de este blog sobre experiencia, variando algunas cosas y añadiendo otras
Por lo pronto se me ocurren las siguientes:
*Si los puntos iniciales para creacion de personajes resultan insuficientes para ajustar al personaje en forma adecuada a su concept, se dara a los jugadores un punto en algun atributo y hasta dos en skills y merits, sujeto a aprobacion democratica de los jugadores
*El aumentar resources de un jugador debera justificarse adecuadamente si esto rebasa los tres puntos, por ejemplo: si el jugador quiere resources de 4 y justificarlo diciendo que se gano la loteria, debera tirar diez dados y sacar al menos cuatro "0"s
*Si el personaje esta basado en un personaje de un libro, serie, anime, juego o similar, debera apegarse al concepto de ese personaje, de lo contrario, se le multara con experiencia, e incluso, una perdida de moralidad
Por lo pronto se me ocurren las siguientes:
*Si los puntos iniciales para creacion de personajes resultan insuficientes para ajustar al personaje en forma adecuada a su concept, se dara a los jugadores un punto en algun atributo y hasta dos en skills y merits, sujeto a aprobacion democratica de los jugadores
*El aumentar resources de un jugador debera justificarse adecuadamente si esto rebasa los tres puntos, por ejemplo: si el jugador quiere resources de 4 y justificarlo diciendo que se gano la loteria, debera tirar diez dados y sacar al menos cuatro "0"s
*Si el personaje esta basado en un personaje de un libro, serie, anime, juego o similar, debera apegarse al concepto de ese personaje, de lo contrario, se le multara con experiencia, e incluso, una perdida de moralidad
miércoles, 1 de julio de 2009
La verdadera "historia"

Todos saben la historia de batman,Bruce Wayne a quien un criminal (Joe Chill)mató a sus padres cuando era un niño y juró venganza, decidió combatir el crimen con sus propias manos y asi viajo por el mundo visitando a los mejores gurues y maestros de artes marciales para entrenarse tanto fisica como mentalmente para lograr su cometido, pues bien es aqui el momento en el que se enlazara la historia de batman con la cronica de glenn.
Dependiendo de como termine haciendo palo a L será precisamente por que llego a ny. Pero será ya sea para aprender en el "orfanato" de L como ser mejor detective o si ya es L el detective que es en deathnote pues habra ido a entrenar con L en persona.
en cuanto a merits voy a aceptar la version de batman begins en donde bruce se desaparece de gotham city para evitarme tener que poner 5 en resources los cuales para colmo no justificarían la riqueza de bruce wayne quien tendria como 7 u 8 (en el mundo D.C. lo que no es wayne enterprise es lexcorp), me gustaria saber si Glenn nos va a regalar merit points como lo hizo el palo en hunter pues la verdad no me gustaria tener que gastar mis puntos en striking looks o fama cosas que tiene bruce wayne pero que haran que sea un zopenco en sus martial arts que de por si su filosofia de no usar pistolas sera un enorme handicap (me lo puedo poner de flaw? >_> va a hacer que me maten, jajaja).
en fin si hay alguna duda pregunta, o si me falto algo pues mencionalo en los coments
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