jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009
miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009
Respecto al comentario de la portada = P
No se ustedes, (y no presumo de comer bistek a diario), pero en Europa, las chicas de aqui, si estan muy sabrosas. (y tampoco las mujeres de Europa con como Megans foxes, solo que si le llegan a la cintura minimo)
Encuentro dificil no volver a considerar una mujer hermosa, estando aqui, el 90% de las chicas estan rebuenas.
domingo, 24 de mayo de 2009
Molesto y decepcionado
1- una vez mas mi mono es una ficha intercambiable en la historia. Trato de pensar y creo que de hecho en dungeons and dragons mis monos nunca han sido algo que importe para la historia y he aguantado pese a historias como la reina patricia y la reina patricia ataca de nuevo(la historia de cecil), claro que me queje pero nunca propuse ir a cementerios de dragones o mandar a la verga las valanquetas, pues pienso que hay que confiar en el storyteller.
2-Soy el unico mono que mágico solo trae puesto su arma y su armadura. Soy bastante tranquilo encuanto al loot con mi arma y mi armadura me es suficiente pero cuando un jefe le da especificamente a los 2 magos un item a cada uno y luego da 2 items que claramente son, uno para tanque y otro para rogue... uno no puede evitar pensar "y yo que?"
3- Ahora el motivo principal de mi enojo y decepcion es ahora resulta que aeris no fue aeris desde casi el principio del juego y osea no solo era ella mi eslabon que me ataba a la historia sino que ... bueno todos me vieron menos gigio pero se lo imaginara, para que te des una idea en mi backpack solo tengo aventurers kit, un par de pociones y una flor que le iba a dar, lo cual no solo me hace quedar como un terrible idiota que se la ha pasado cortejando a un hombre, tambien implica que aerith lleva prisionera como 2 pinches meses lo cual me encabrona aun mas que ser un idiota, para acabarla de chingar sé que leonardo se lo saco de la manga en esa sesion del palacio real de wroat y con la mano en la cintura destruye lo que es zack, para colmo le supliqué que que me diera chance que la cita que tuvimos haya sido antes de que cambiara y se niega inventando que si lo hiciera despues lo habriamos descubierto (pese a que cuando insinué que lo pude haber descubierto si en la cita ya no fuera la misma me presumio que tenia 33 de bluff y que nunca lo hubiera descubierto) al final acepta practicamente diciendo "pues haz lo que quieras". Pues putamadre. Y por que estoy tan seguro que se lo saco de la manga? pues facil

el coatl que no tiene nada que ver con shere khan, que no pudo ser manipulado y es omnisapiente, nos dijo que aerith estaba en wroat no solo eso nos dio una pluma la cual iba a brillar cuando estuvieramos cerca y brilló, pero la siguiente sesion leonardo dijo que tenia que brillar de colores y que en esa ocasion brillo rojo...
¿por que la falta de interes se recompenza con estelaridad y riquezas y el interes se castiga con humillacion y austeridad?
estoy molesto, pero mas que nada decepcionado.
Me disculpo gigio pues no tengo ni tantitas ganas de hacer comic esta semana tal vez cambie de opinon en la semana pero no lo creo.
jueves, 21 de mayo de 2009
Buenas Noticias!!!! Monk Psionic Striker!!!!

Buenas noticias!!!, efectivamente como Manolo había visto, los powers de Shadow y Ki, se fusionan con Psionic, y las otras. De esta Manera el Monk es el primer Psionic Striker, y ya salio su Playtest!!!!!! (welcome back Qulon, solo falta que Glen se lo apañe de Demonoid), El Samurai y el Ninja, seran paragorns de martials (Pb de Warlord, Fighter y Rogue), El necromancer va ha ser divine, pero quien sabe su rol. En la portada se ve un Psionic warrior minotauro, y un Monk githzerai.
De entre lo chido del monk es que suma wisdom en su daño en todos sus ataques, y tiene poderes que hacen que pueda golpear a mas de uno a la vez, y hacerle slide a los que no este golpeando directamente pero haya dañado (su segundo rol es como controller, tipo el warden), osea que bajita la mano un monk con wis +4 y str +4, hace de entrada 8 daños!!!! (mínimo 9 para gente como costilla que saca 1 en sus dados siempre jajaja).
miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2009
martes, 19 de mayo de 2009
Player Handbook 3, Buenas y malas noticias

Bueno a partir de Junio WOC empezara a sacar avances de la PH3, aqui esta la primera, la portada.
Me llaman la atención 3 cosas,
- la fecha, sale hasta marzo del 2010 (malditos bastardos)
- la portada dice Psionic, Primal y Divine; no manchen ya qu van a sacar de los divine y los primal, digo ya estan todos los roles Defender (Paladin/Warden), Striker (Barbarian/Avenger), Leader (Cleric/Shaman), y Controller (Invoker/Druid), que mas quieren. Ademas que pedo con Ki, no piensan sacar al monje, samurai y ninja o que pedo???.
- por último, parece ser que van a sacar a los minotauros y los giths por la portada, pero sinceramente que chafa que nada de ki (soy perseverante en este asunto), se la maman!!!!!
Bueno pues a ver que hacen que suene interesante en este libro, ya deberian de haber sacado a los Psionic, Los ki y los Shadow de una vez (todo mundo pregunta por el Psion, el Monk y el Hexblade).
Bueno, no queda mas que esperar supongo, y ver que chismes salen.
y cuando Majodo aprenda a conducir
favor de activar bocinas para la musica que complemente bien el video
lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009
Magodo en 10 anios
domingo, 17 de mayo de 2009
jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009
Dragones de metal..............

martes, 12 de mayo de 2009
You are the best, around
lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009
Remi Gallardo
jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009
Mission 2
Agent: Miho Kuna
Date **/**/****
Umbrella has been investigated as best TFV can, I have received no news from the Cheiron Group, and ignore if they have some informaion that could be useful to me. For the time being we were told that Umbrella found something in the Antartic, and are planning on creating a weapon from it, many TFV operatives have died trying to retrieve more information about this.
For now we have information about some Dr. Wekner being responsible for this investigation, his house is right here in Racon City, and we have confirmation that it is also an underground research facility where they keep this strange creature found in the Antartic.
We were sent to help other TFV teams infiltrate the house, we all gathered in a spot not far from the house, having a good look at it from the outside, the house is among the largest constructions around, we make the proper introductions to everyone in the other teams, which led to a moment of disorder as Stargazer revealed his complete name to the others., to be honest I really cannot believe someone would wield such a name so proudly, yet his blatant arrogancy seems natural, yet pathetic, I fear that sometime soon he will jeopardize everything.
As we waited for the signal to move to arrive, we saw a vehicle aproaching the house, from it a number of bodyguards descended mong two people that were recognized as Alexia St. Giovanni and Dr. Kenwood, at the moment the St. Giovanni name rung a bell in my head, but I did not clearly remember why.
We were the Backup team, we were told to stay outside until we received explicit orders to enter or were requested to do so by those ahead of us.
We did not have to wait long, bullets were heard firing and soon our comunicators let us hear cries forhelp by Barry, the leader of one of the other teams. We headed in, barely making our way in, the Stealth used by the other Teams barely left anything that signaled how to enter
As we moved in we were told to enter the fifth underground level through an elevator in the library, we started heading there using a mapind device, but our steps were interrupted by the sound of screams, we recognized Barry´s voice, we headed towards it, a room not far a way, inside it the image was two bodyguards and Alexia in her distinctive white clothes, her mouth dripping blood as she let Barry fall, it was then that I remembered that the Cheiron Group had been investigating this St. Giovanni family suspecting them of being related to the supernatural beings they hunt.
We threatened them into not moving, a quick move by me and an arrow an inch away from Alexia´s foot and they stood still, Stargazer towed Barry away, seemed he was still living, The bodyguards surrender, in a glimpse the woman seemed to disappear in mid air, it took Chris half that instant to pull the trigger of his shotgun and made the woman reappear not far from where she initially was, bearing a grin that helps me see she is a vampire, It is natural for me to now recognize such a visage with ease. She tries to escape again, but it was Claire´s fast reflexes that stop her as she fallas again. The bodyguards pick up their guns and start fighting us, they woulnd me and Starkiller, he bleeds profously. But again the shotgun makes up for it, the men fall as the woman falls like a corpse.
We check on Barry, he is dead, drained of blood, We pile the corpses and ask for TFV to send after Barry´s body and Alexia, as we drag them I write using the spilled blood “Vampire” and an arrow towards Alexia, my teammates are conviced after what they just saw.
As we finished this little task, the corpses started to move again, I try nailing one of them to the ground using an arrow, but it was already to late, and I fail, the corpses move and start chasing after us. Using a flare Clare burned the undead attackers, as we tried cutting and slashing them, they were unnaturally strong and resistant. But in the end they fell, a disadvantage they have is their slowness, that is to be considereed for later us in further missions. From the bodyguards we borrowed their guns.
We moved on to the library which had its flor covered in blood, which left a trace leading to a bookshelf, which turned out to ve a cover for the elevator,. It was locked with a code, Claire threw some talcum powder from the CS Kit and we quickly found outthe code using the trace of fingerprints left on the keys, we headed down, knowing that we had to retreive some information hidden deep below. The elevator had corpses of TFV operatives, I quickly beheaded them to avoid them rising, we took their weapons. As well.
The door opened and we walked into a hallway, some zombies headed our way, we attacked them from a distance, and without much effort passed next to them, their wits diminished so much that they were not much of a barrier, we finished them off using another flare, but the fire left behind activated the sprinkler system, rendering the flare a bit innefective.
The sight is disturbing, closed rooms with zombies roaming around mindlessly, we find an empty lab where chemicals are stored, Claire finds some chemicals and from them she starts crafting a couple of sticky bombs, s she finished a growling sound breakes the silence, and a zombified dog started to attack us. We battle it, I behead it as it clinged from Chri´s bulletproof vest.
We prepared the first bomb and opened the door to a room where some zombies were, Chris held them at bay as Claire pressed the bomb to a zombies face, the door was closed again and the bomb did its job, the corpses fell burnt into nothingness after a couple of minutes, granting us access to the half charred computer.
The information in it told us about the research taking place there, the Antartic creature´s DNA, a mysterious T blood sample and the seal people´s bodies. We copied the files and left, knowing that the fourth level would be our next target.
Upstairs we were received by a woman in a military outfit, she caused us little trouble and fell quickly, I picked up an id she was wearing, her name has little importance, the remarkable information is that Umbrella hires mercenaries to do protection tasks at a millitary level, having brought her down we proceeded through the door she was once protecting, as we opened it, we found mny bodies inside and a door oposite to us, as we stepped in we heard a now familiar and disturbing sound, whale singing. A spirit hounted this grounds, and aimed for us, We threw one of the corpses at it and saw the body being shredded with fury, we ranto the next room, a UV arc of light covered theentrance, Claire used her knife´s lustrous blade to redirect this light to where the spirit was, it fell inmediately.
Not long after we heard the clicking of guns being prepared, behind us two figures aimed at us, both standing before a door with the leyend “Proyect T”. The bodyguard shot a burst against us, again I was hit, adding to my previous injuries, I breath deeply to work throught the pain and found some cover behind a tank with th corpse of one of the seal people, Chris did dthe same, we shot from behind this cover we found giving Claire the chance to throw the second sticky bomb, it brings the scientis t down at once, thought the man could still fight, but our efforts took the last of him, we stood up and found them still breathing, we called TFV through a landline, and received news that many creatures held within this instalation had been released outside, that help had not been able to get here, and would delay still. We looked at the door with the Proyect T logoand found the keycard to it half charred in the Scientist´s coat, it was useless, I exited the room and searched among the dead bodies, one of them grabbed me as it turned into what I have denominated a Zombie, I slashed through it and found no usefull keycard.
TFV arrived later, explaining to us that one fo the spirits is roaming around, as well as many creatures that had been released, Racoon city would stop being a nice place to live, if it ever was. Most tetrical was the fact that everyone that entered that house that day without anything less than a hazmat suit is now infected with some strange virus that takes over dead tissue and “zombiefies ” it, I sure wish Mayuri and Nemu read this, their help would be invaluable to find a vaccine to this, since this cell I am in is now infected.
lunes, 4 de mayo de 2009
viernes, 1 de mayo de 2009
Mission 1
Cheiron Group, Retreival Division
Agent: Miho Kuna
Date **/**/****
Being part of the Cheiron Group I receive little trust from the members of TFV, while our still unnamed cell is off duty my teammates are free to continue having normal lives and roam around, but I am made some sort of prisioner within HQ. My time is spent training, reading or skating. But there is only so much I can handle of this monotony.
Its been a while already, as stated by the differences in dates from my last report to this one, but finally a new code blue arrived.
We are gathered and breifed about people disappearing in the lake, not far from where our last mission took place, not only this but the area too was recently abandonned by Umbrella, the same company that competes against the Cheiron Group in medical research, and who has been recently buying quite a large part of Racoon City´s real state. Behind they only left a small lakeside house standing, our mission is to get there and see if we can find anythign useful or at least related to these disappearances.
As the night falls we get there, the place is fenced with simple mesh, Claire managed to open the lock holding the door shut, letting us in. The first thing to be examined was the pool, mostly empty and covered with a coat of dry leaves. Claire started poking the bottom with a cleaning net she found, finding nothing. Starkiller found the valve controlling the drain, and with it we emptied the pool, leaving only some dry leaves . He jumped in to have a closer look, and only a small crackling noise warned us of the thinness of this pool´s bottom, the floor beneath his feet collapsed, making him fall in an underground pool or something of the sort, the light was too dim for us to see anything but darkness, still he dived deeper in order to see what that underground pool was. His effort paid shortly after, a strange creature aproached him, we saw little of it, only glimpses of it moving as we heard noises similar to the songs whales make. A short time after this encounter, maybe some seconds, we saw blood coming out of the until then clear water, it was then that we moved, and dived to find out what was going on, the creature and Starkiller were fighting, the creature was easily overwhelmed by us and soon swam away through a small hole in the wall, to small even for me.
For strict reference, what I saw was this: a seal-like creature, taller than me but shorter than the average American, where seals would have fins this creature had small arms and legs, not very suited for life outside the water we found it in. strangest of all was its head, round skull, much like seals have, and a very large snout that divided in four, within each edge many lines of sharp teeth. The eyes of this creature were large, yet they were dark, more sharklike than anything.
We surfaced again with little wounds on us, almost unscathed, it was then that the air now stank of amonia. The scent came particularly from the bloodstained water, unpleasant as it was, we continued.
Once inside the house we searched fro the main switch and with it the search was much easier, the house was empty, only one thing left, a portrait of some family hanging attop the chimney, Claire touched it and moved it , this triggered something, the chimney moved and behind it was a stairwell leading down.
We found a secret laboratory of some sort, comnputers, desks, some papers scattered, and a wall of glass leading to some large accuarium that seemed to be connected with the lake outside. Claire hacked into one of the computers, important reports were still in it, claiming that Umbrella had found traces of a civilization long lost under the lake, among the ruins they found eight eggs, and from them creatures hatched, the description matched the creature we saw and battled. That they discovered the creatures were inteligent, and seemed to have learnt some of the language we use, since they seemed to be able to solve some of the mathematical problems someeone had written on the computer. They mentioned that they practiced some necropsy on one fo the creatures, and remarked that it was unwise to kill them. Two more were sent to Umbrella, shortly after the order was given to abort the investigations taking place around the creatures, and to set the creatures free.
We continued exploring the underground instalations, finally getting to what used to be the feeding grounds, the tank below us, covered with mesh, broken and torn at some points, bloodstains everywhere.
We retreived what seemed to be the corpse of the creature we fought with, it was lying in the tubes that connected the lake to the underground tunnels, it was decided that we should take it back to TFV HQ so that it could be analyzed and examined, luckyly for us the refrigerated room where they kept the creature´s food was still working, we dragged it into the room and locked it behind us. Not many words were said among my teammates when some banging noises reached our ears from the recently locked room, Starkiller opened it only to be attacked by a white and blue shadow that resembled the dead creature, it leapt forward and went through him disapearing in mid air, Starkiller then shouted and screamed, as his shirt became bloodstained, we took it off and found his torso covered in bitemarks, strangely enough, the bites seemed to come from within him.
We inmediately returned to hq carrying the information we had gathered and asking for someone to bring the creture´s corpse and to have Starkiller treated.
We were told later that Umbrella had discovered that the creatures leave behind something like a spirit when they die, this spirit is totally incorporeus, still it is capable of causing damage, the weak spot of this spirit si sunlight, thus the order not to kill the remainign creatures. Starkilller recovered slowly, some of his wounds were still deep but still he was put into action. TFV had told the community of a Cholerae outbrake, limiting the access to the lake, we disguised as sanitary inspectors diving. We carried some arpoons to fight the remants of the creatures and UV lights hoping it was enough to fight the spirits, and again the lights were justified as water purifiers.
By now Umbrella had sent someone to destroy the house and the secret lab, covering their tracks, as for the dead creature, it refealed little beyond a strange evolutionary route, a missing link some suggested, I leave such decission to those in Charge of the Cheiron group, hoping that some samples are of use.
We dived and found a small cave among a crack on the bottom of the lake, after some meters the structure changed, a perfectly square tunnel with ordered stones describing an entrance. It lead us to a great chamber with what seemed to be old buildings, the outermost wall had niches where small cocoon shaped things laid, mummified eggs, or embryios of the creatures, and carvings that seemed to describe how they once interacted with the first human inhabitants of these lands. But our orders arrived, we were to destroy this completely, Chris held the C4.
As we prepared to detonate the charge, we heard the noise we expected, the whale songs of the remaining creatures, they lasted little, injuring us even less, and every time one fell either Starkiller or I aimed the uv light at the corpse, the spirit seeed to dissapear inmediately, when the final one fell, the dim lights we had let us see many spirits emerging from a large cave at the very bottom, they were charging against us, but the UV lights destroyed them all. We emerged leaving the UV lights on within the cave in case any spirit still remained, the C4 made everything trebmle behind us, a civilization disappeared, Claire did not like it. I am not sure I have an opinion about it. Still, the Cherion group might take over what Umbrella left behind.
TODOS tienen que aprenderse la siguiente para cuando juguemos dungeons cone l palo
lets all dance right next to your corpses, WE ARE HAPPY THAT YOU ARE DEAD!