martes, 31 de marzo de 2009

Comics de dungeons para cobayos 1

Dungeons Comic

para que no te pierdas toda la accion, ja aunque sabemos quen algun momento me dara hueva seguirlo haciendo, :_D

lunes, 30 de marzo de 2009

Book of the Dead Names, finale.

Lelouch pays, sending me to Australia along with a very annoyed Nina and the obnoxious Jonnhy B Good. We arrive in Sidney a whole day before Helena, Sephiroth and Lelouch get here.
I try to use the time to research about this monolith we are going to, Ayer´s rock, but I am already to anxious.and cannot read much more than it being over 349 m tall and having sides 85 derees steep.
The day goes by and we are all waiting for the others to arrive, the plane lands Sephiroth descends with Karen and Dante. I am not glad he came, Helena also brought Susaku, too many witnesses, I already have to stand the annoying presence of Jonnhy, after all, the cover for our activities is a private concert on top of the rock. Lelouch and Helena arrive shortly afterwards to where we are, coming from the cargo area of the airport.
We head to the hotel, a luxurious one payed by Lelouch, still it does little for me as I wait for the next night to get here. Hold the Necronomicon next to me all the time, craving for the ritual to start.
The night gets here, finally, we gather at the top of the hotel, waiting for Lelouch´s private Helicopter to get here. Everyone is here, Dante, Suzaku, Helena, Sephiroth, Jonnhy, and me. Susaku then notices that our luggage does not include any musical instruments, Helena looks at him and sternly says the truthy, her truth: “We are making a ritual to make a better world”. He seems to believe it, since he falls silent.
But the silence is broken shortly afterwards as from the stairwell to our side three figures emerge; Anderson, Margulis and one of the Nuns I saw at the bus station in New York. Margulis yells out something about stopping us from releasing Demons, and about being monsters, Just then the battle starts. The nun takes out a sword, her face changes completely, an air of madness around her, Sephiroth is attacked first, just as I turn to see, I see Dante transform, he becomes a huge beast with fangs and claws, something in such a shape awakens a primitive fear in the humans, Suzaku runs and takes cover, and the Priests are paralized for a moment, just then I hear two gunshots, I look down and see they have both hit me, right on the spine and the neck, I look then at the stairwell, out of it the other nun I saw walks with two guns smoking. I walk towards her, looking into her eyes. Still she resists.
Margulis by then has recovered his senses from the fright Dante inspired on them, and tells his allies to use a tactic of some sort. The priests all focus on the raging beast, a chance that I see Sephiroth use as his sword hits Anderson quite direly. I try whispering orders to the gunslinger nun, but the comotion makes my effort useless. I run then into the stairwell looking for some cover, as my Pyros is taking to long to make me heal, and the damage is already to extensive for my weak flame to be of much help. I close the door to grant me some more cover, and make my flame burn as intensely as I can, I feel it work as I infuse the gunslinger with fear, which makes her shoot at her very own allies, Not long after she runs past by me fleeing the scene and the only sound I hear is Dante´s growling calmign down. I then look at the lightbulb that hangs not too hight above me, I pull the lightbulb out and heal myself.
The helicopter has arrived, I can hear it outside, I walk out and jump into it, grasping again my precious Necronomicon against me, wondering what I will become once this is all over. Will I remember this pilgrimage, will I forget everything and just let Caroline C vanish into memories that will soon fade away?
Dante leaves us, his hands drenched in blood, he heads to get medical help, Lelouch and Nina stay behind to clean the mess we left and keep the priests and nun captive. The vehicle launches, and starts heading to our destination. As we aproach the rock the wind hits us, soviolently that I have to release a hand from athe book and grab myself to the seat as strongly as I can, the vehicle leaves us attop the monolith and departs. Once we stand on the rock I look around, at the center of where the ritual is to be held, I see the two girls holding hands, it is just a second, they vanish, I go to the spot and look at the ground, only finding rocks and minerals. Jonnhy asks what we are, once again, But this time I do tell him about me “A moving corpse holding a fake sould that wishes to become a real one”, he seems to believe me, and slowly walks to Helena and asks the sme question, I must say I was not prepared to hear that she is in fact Euphemia Windsor, the Bloody Princess, I smile in awe and then turn my eyes into the text that the Necronomicon holds for me, and I start reading as Sephiroth makes the markings on the floor we need.
I finish the text and look into the sky, the stars seem to start moving as little spirits move around forming various shapes that start behaving like organs that start to gather.
The Book of the Dead names shakes and opens, each page being torn and starting to float around the spirits, from the ground around it colorful spirits like snakes emerge as well, The spirit we are waiting for is about to come.
Just then Four figures appear from the mist around us, Charles, VV, Mariane and Rolo, thanking us for saving them the effort, That with our help they would make a new Camarilla, a new Vampiric Empire where vampires would rule over humans without having to hide, they offer us a place in their empire, they offer us power, my lineage forces me to consider it, but the brand from the contract with the quashmallim throbs violently.
They say they will rule, the three of them, but just then VV pulls a machine gun out of his garments claiming that it will only involve him ruling, just then Rolo grabs him and pulls him into the shadows.
Marianne and Charles look at the scene with surprise and consider the situation again, and still hold theiri offer. I am asked if I accept, and tell nothing but the truth: That I have made a pact that will not allow me to accept their offer, Marianne pulls out her sword and then drives it through my stomach, claiming that she ecpected better from the new Gray Witch, I look into her eyes trying to stop her, but her powers overcome mine too violently. I put my hand on the fresh wound and watch the red fluid flow out of it.
Then the spirit takes shape, a huge owl, Marianne and Charles walk to it and claim they were the ones to summon it, The spirit asks if they have got the thausand souls, and the vampires point to the many pages foating around, the names start to be pulled as sstickers out of the paper, soul after soul. Each and everyone, but one, the name of Euphemia Windsor. I look at my vampiric ally, standing there watching everything, I smile maliciously as I realize that this must have been Lelouch´s manipulation.
The spirit calls Marianne and Charles traitors and punishes them, Charles falls but Marianne still stands, she turns around and attacks and curses us, She attacks Sephiroth, calling him a monster, and is about to charge against all of us, but not much later Susaku brings her down, since she is alreadey weakened by the spirit, still an amazing feat considering he is messing with forces he barely understands.
The spirit above us fades, I look at it vanishing with my hopes. The page with Euphemia´s name falls before me, I pick it up. My will is shattered, my pilgrimage will continue, havoc and fear will follow me, the cursed existance of a Created. Out of the mist comes Leouch with Rolo, thanking us for helping him, he has now got evidence to punish VV, Mariane and Charles, I stand up, head to wards him and slap him right in the face, containing my frustration and most probably my torment. He was to become my tool but in the end it was I who was used. He still offers me some comfort, and tells me to look into a certain page of the book, there it is described that a man created a human out of clay, a mysterious path is set before me. He says he is sorry, I look at the horizon knowing that the sun is many hours away.

We return to New York, I do not know why, Australia might have worked as well, but it would mean being to close to the stone, I curse it a thausand times. Still not long after my arrival, the very Vampires offer me to pay for my trip to England, since it is there that I must look for more clues, according to my precious Necronomicon, about this clay formed man. Besides, Kristoff is still looking for this book, and I will only aid to its demise as long as I am this half living being. I prepare everything for my trip, I have got plenty of paper, pens and pencils, I will transcribe this book, and the long trip across the Atlantic will provide me with a good deal of time to do so. The plane starts to move, I look out the window, and see a crow on the wing of the plane, it becomes a blood as the air charges against it. I was hoping for some solace in Europe, I can only hope to hide from this wretched vampire.

domingo, 29 de marzo de 2009

Glenn contén a chico astilla, por favor

iba a opinar acerca del comentario de gigio en el post de los Heroes de dungeons cuando "alguien" le quito lo cool T_T

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2009

5 Heroes

Rydia, Hellboy, Edge, Yensid y Zack; 5 Heroes que no tienen nada en comun se enfretaran a terribles adversarios que los uniran y llevaran a descubrir un misteriosos secreto en Breland! (mmm en realidad no tengo nada que hacer, asi que escojan quien de estos esta mas fuera de lugar en el grupo jajaja).

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2009

Sobre el juego de Eberron

Hola a todos, bueno, les recomiendo que lean bien las reglas de stealth y perception que vienen en la players handbook2, por cierto, para los interesados en background aqui vienen por nación el bonus de +2 en una de las 3 skills:

Aundair (granjas)= Nature, Streetwise, Arcana.
Breland (ciudades)= Streetwise, History, Arcana.
Darguun (goblins)= Endurance, Dungeneering, Intimidate.
Demon Wastes (demonios)= Intimidate, Religion, Endurance.
Droam (humanoides)= Nature, Intimidate, Perception.
Eldeen Reaches (bosques)= Nature, Insight, Perception.
Karnath (militar)= Intimidate, Endurance, History.
Lhazaar P.(piratas)= Stealth, Thievery, Streetwise.
Mournlands (desolación)= History, Endurance, Perception.
Mror Holds (dwarves)= Dungeneering, Endurance, History.
Q´barra (selvas)= Nature, Perception, Endurance.
Shadow Marches (orcos)= Dungeneering, Endurance, Stealth.
Talenta plains (halflings)= Stealth, Nature, Thievery.
Thrane (religioso)= Insight, Religion, Heal.
Valenar (elfos)= Heal, History, Religion.
Zilargo (gnomos)= History, Arcana, Dungeneering.

Bueno y para recordarles a todos como quedamos:
Edge= Elfo Ranger ó ninja (striker)/ Costilla
Zack= Human Barbarian ó soldier (striker) / Manolo
Hellboy= Tiefling Warden (defender)/ Majodo
Yensid= Human Sorcerer (striker)/ Jorge
Rydia= Human Wizard (controller)/ Glenn

viernes, 20 de marzo de 2009

Hola Como estan!, les dejo estas fotos, son de un lugar llamado "porta nigra" que es una puerta romana, que pusieron los romanos en contra de los Francos, y que con el tiempo se ha puesto "negra" (creepy, considerando el "chateau de noir"), es el simbolo de la ciudad de Treveris(que es donde vivo), que se dice es la ciudad mas antigua de Alemania, fundada por los romanos.

y tambien hoy encontre esto en un puesto de periodico, al parecer aqui tambien les gusta mucho eso del warcraft(se parece a lurelei)


Porta Nigra

BotDN 150309

Thirty five years ago the Inquisition had arrived to New York, the Vampire Prince at the time, Janis, tried to stop them, but another Vampire named Lazarus, leading a sect that worshiped Belial was also a strong threat at the time, so the prince had a hard time fighting two battles. It was during this time that Marianne turned Lelouch into a vampire, at that time she was often seen with Charles.
During these days a woman appeared before Lelouch and Marianne, clad in gray, with a great aura of loneliness and sadness around her, in her hands she carried the Necronomicon. She earned the trust of Marianne, Lelouch, Charles and VV, even though she never told them her real name, if she ever had any. With the cursed book in hand, she conviced the vampires to study the Necronomicon, for this task they went to Arkham.
As they researched and studied, Lelouch befriended the strange woman, and to him she confessed that she as only sent before someone more powerful and important, and that she had been raised for one particular mision. Whatever she ment is still unclear.
The Vampires suspected there was some clue to the origins of the Kindred within the Necronomicon, this was the lead for the other three Vampires, still Lelouch insisted on spending time with this friend he had made, and who seemed to doom any human that aproached her, since people that simply talked to her once were found dead not much later, an old man was struck by lightning just moments after asking her for the time.
As they researched they found about the Book of the Dead Names, one of the Treasures that now Helena and I look after, VV sent his helpers after it, the Chinese guy that Sephiroth and I visited at the Hospital, and two others, but these betrayed their master and ran away, keeping the book hidden.
The trust among the vampires was broken, VV mistrusted Lelouch and the Gray Witch the most, the group then disbanded, Marianne was put in Torpor and taken by the Invictus, as for the Gray Witch, she soon asked Lelouch to help her forget.
It seems that this Gray Witch was familiar with the Prometheans, the Proxies, as the throng call themselves, it was her who made Lelouch make a pact with the Quashmall, and thus Lelouch asked one of these Prometheans to look after the Gray Witch after her memories were erased and she tried to be a common human. She seemed to hate her existance as much as I do hate this fake life.
For a time it worked, until one day Lelouch simply stopped receiving news of her or the Proxy that was to guard her, that was just thirty years ago. Was this Proxy responsible for her death? Ws this Proxy who created me?
Lelouch now looks at me, I have heard his story, and am now sitting still defiantly before him. His mouth opens and a question emerges: “Can you imagine my surprise when I saw you, bearing her very same face, her very same voice? But still, you are not her” He leaves, the sun is only minutes away. I stand up and head to one of the bedrooms, it is a rather large appartment. I close the door behind me and prepare myself for some rest.
Karen barges in, I look at her, standing there, trying to look firm and strong as a soldier. Still her eyes tell a different story, confirmed by her words “Is your curiosity satisfied now? He has opened to you, he never does, I have never seen him so open. Can you imagine the pain he went through?” I again look at her, and delve into my mind for a second, until I finally come with an honest answer: “We Createds have little understanding of human emotions”. She does not even think her reply “I know” frustration fills her, I know that much, she leaves and I finally sleep for a while

The evening arrives and my door is knocked, Lelouch comes in and asks me to come with him, I think about it, I am still wondering if I should continue trusting this Vampire, better keep him where I can see his moves. I agree and head out with him.
He takes me to the hospital, a private room is opened for Lelouch, inside lays Susaku, recovering from some sort of Anemia, my experience tells me the sort of ilness and its cause. He does greet us, but I let them be as they chat, I entertain myself watching the news.
Helena arrives after a while, next to her is Jhonny, the very same Jhonny B. Good, that has been the cause of so much comotion this very day, loosing his posessions, being arrested. It is no wonder Helena was the one to help him. It turns out that he is due to a private concert. Gustaff got him this gig so he could make some money and start anew, since he too lost his band after leaving so hastily from Arkham the day before. I smile discretely as I hear them talk. Helena invites Susaku, she looks at me and tells me that I sure was quick to report back to Lelouch. I tell her that he did have many answers to give, and that he would gladly tell her the story he told me, My eyes maliciously turn to Lelouch, my mouth smiling as maliciously. He agrees, but it would have to wait until after the concert, since he is not fond of Jhonny´s music, neither am I, I rarely listen to anything. But I am trying to behave as human as possible. Lelouch leaves us, but after just a handful of steps he returns and warns me about the Malus Maleficarum and an assasin they have sent against me, his name is Rolo, that is the only thing he can give me for sure, but when I ask for the looks of him,, Lelouch tells me I will not be able to see him.
The concert takes place in a luxurious house belonging to some drug lord, a handful of girls were invited and I see them inhaling and smoking illegal substances, they do not disgust me, but somehow I know they should. I care little for it.
After the concert, Lelouch does tell the story to Helena, that, I think, takes a burden of my back, at least for the time being, I am given the book, since this time Helena has no way of helping me since she knows very little latin, so it is up to me to read it.
Time goes by, and I read constantly, barely stopping to sleep or eat. As I delve deeper into the book I grow weary of anyone else aproaching me, I trust Lelouch less than before, not to mention Karen, as for Helena, to me she will only become a tool, that is, If I can control her.
Four weeks have now passed, the book has been read and now I know that needs to be done, the Book has almost all the souls we need, I know Helena has been trying to fill it, she even managed to get Nina hired to help her. Even Dante has been helping her.
Knowing what I know, I finally get a chance to rest, I lean back on the couch and look at Lelouch and Karen trying to fix the air conditioning, the fools, I know perfectly well it is my wasteland. A sweet touch of revenge for Lelouch secretiveness.

Nina calls me and asks me to meet Helena at the usual Pizza Hut, when I get there I find her again with Jhonny, as I aproach, he simply turns to me and says “Can you swear there is nothing supernatural about you?”. I look at him and feel my fire burning violently within me, I look at him and smile as seductively as I can and drag him into the woman´s bathroom, he yields without much effort and lets me lock him within a toilet booth, he sits with his eyes now closed, as if expecting some immorality to take place and enjoying the moment. It is quite easy, I grab his shoulders and put my mouth next to his ear and whisper him an order, my fire burns, his will shaters, and he starts clucking like a hen. I push myself off of him and I say, “I swear nothing”. I head out and sit with Helena and finally enjoy some of the Pizza they had ordered. Just as I finish I look at Nina and ask her to bring us some dessert. She is startled and looks at Helena, who nods. Nina leaves, not without showing a glimpse of jelaousy at me for being left with Helena. But it buys me the time I need and tell her that I have already undesrstood what we are to do with the Books and remind her that we need to get to Australia. But it is just then that we notice a figure sitting where Nina was sitting, the weary figure of Rita SaintGiovanni. I brace myself, fearing a battle or an ambush. She notices our surprise, and states she comes in peace, but it is particularly hard for us to trust her, more so since she barged in at Helena´s house some time ago, but she insists, and asks us to give her the Books when we are finished with them. She says she has got information that might be of our interest, but the possibility of it being fake keeps me silent.
In an attempt to earn our trust, she gives us part of what she knows, little of what she says is unknown to me, stil she mentions Kristoff coming from Arkham looking for the book, and being kept off our backs by Prince Alexander, as well as Charles keeping some other nuisances at bay and keeping us safe, more likely he is only protecting his young Childe. I look at Helena for an instant and think of her as some sort of shield.
We do not yield, she stands up and leaves, I follow her, but when I get to the door, her luxurious limousine is already accelerating. I memorize the licence plate and then ask Nina to write it down.
The Saint Giovannis, Rita said, have been looking for the Book for a long time now, and have a strange view on the matter of souls, and the book certainly would give them some answers if analized properly. Still, I will not depart from it unless it becomes necessary or redundant.
So many interests around these books, secrets and powers beyond any limitation, so it seems. As for now I know I am a faction by myself, Helena too is one, either she knows it or not, Genesis, the Lancea Sanctum is itself a number of smaller factiosn, not to mention the Invictus and the Inquisition. Power, the very drive of my inner fire, beyond beauty, beyond strength, I am driven to seek power over humans. Will I truly ask the spirit to make me human, or will this drive change my wish right in the moment?
I sit down again and call Lelouch, I complain about him letting his precious tool being defenseless, Sephiroth has dissapeared for more than a month now, when I mention Kadaj’s name, Lelouch tells me that his sire has sent him to Germany, a movement by the Invictus in an attempt to leave us weakened. Other than Alexander´s and Charles´s help, there is little to do, there is no one that may serve as our bodyguard.. Fear fills me, I remember the threat of the assasin they´ve sent after us, my only conslusion is that it might be safe for me to leave the city, I jump out of my chair and head into the bathroom again, Rolo will be looking for a blonde woman, so I must use some of my skills to hide from him, I use my fire to change this body, making my hair look black, my skin become bronze and my distinctive golden eyes then become black. I look at myself in the mirror and barely recognize myself, instead of the white girl, I see a latina.
I step out without even looking at Helena and get into a taxi and head to the nearest bus station. I buy a ticket to Philadelphia but the next bus will leave in four hours, the fear that fills me makes just a minute feel long as my pilgrimage has been. I sit down, hoping to quell my Azoth somehow and avoid being the target of any of those many around me, they all scare me, I see enemies all around me. But I am not mistaken to take this position, not far away from me I see some familiar faces, Margulis, Alexander, Luca and VV, and two nuns. They are standing among the crowd, I step out of my seat and head to a hot-dog stand which is surrounded by a small crowd of costumers, I blend into them and buy a hot dog and walk away and seek for a hiding place wehre I can see these people, I see them, they are arguing , VV and Luca both look quite concerned, it is when Margulis shouts something about a promise that I know the vampires are being reprehended. The priest and the nuns leave, I see the vampires quite concerned. I go into a bathroom and give my disguise an update, as I focus my power, I receive a call, it is Lelouch, he gladly tells me that he´s got hold of Rolo, meaning that a great weight has been taken off my shoulders. He asks for my help, I hesitate, but decide to go anyways. I take a cab which I can barely afford since most of the money I had was spent on the bus ticket. I get off the car and as I hear it head away I knock the door.
The cold touch of a blade in the neck receives me, I can feel it, right where one of the straps that keeps my head in place is, “What do you want here?” a voice says, it is Karen. I am about to make my fire burn and scare her away, but I control myself and reply “It is I, you idiot” and she recognizes my voice. She apologizes, but I pay no attention to her words and order her to take me to Lelouch.
He welcomes me puzzled by my looks, sort of wondering if it is really me who he is seeing. I look at the figure infront of him, almost a boy, looking too young to really be any danger, more so since he is tied to a chair and unconcious. I step behind him and lean on the wall and ask Lelouch what is it that he wants me to do.
He explains his plan, I am to imbue Rolo with my fire and order him to drink Lelouch´s blood for some days. I agree. Lelouch hten makes a rather large cut on his forearm and lets the blood fall into Rolo´s mouth, he wakes up, and when he sees Lelouch closes his eyes, claiming that he will not succumb to his will. Lelouch laughs as maniacally as he usually does and declares that he does not need to make eye contact with Rolo. It is then that I step in and make my fire burn, it does quite strongly, first I order him to open his eyes, he does, next I tell him to drink of Lelouch´s generous offer of blood for the next days. His will is reduced to ashes by now. Lelouch tells me I should change his memories, but then asks if it should be him who changes our victim´s mind. I tell him to go ahead.
Just then the effects of my disguise vanish, my hair looses its darkness as does my skin and my eyes. I look at both Lelouch and his new slave, and then ask for the money of my busticket. and leave, on the way I take Karen´s keys and her car. I go find Helena, and again ask her about our destiny, making sure she starts thinking of a way to cross the ocean into a whole different continent.
I return then to Lelouch.I look at him, and stand right there before him, I tilt my heat to my left, put my hands behind me and I smile as I say I have to get to Australia.
Lelouch looks at me and asks if I have already solved whatever the Necronomicon has within it. I nod and ask how is it that he knew, and tells me that it was at such a part of the investigation that they were betrayed. I ask him then what will he ask of the Spirit, his preply is that he will ask nothing, he only wants to see VV humiliated, since it ws him who put Marianne into Torpor. Still something in his tone tells me he is not to be trusted completely. To me he´s become a tool too.
By a strange chance he looks at me, and asks if I would like to have the Gray Witch´s memories back, I question him, the brain inside my skull is not really mine, and whatever seals lay within might have been disolved by my azoth, still he does try, it takes quite a while, when he is finished, daylight is just minutes away. I go again into the bedroom I have been using and get some sleep.
Then I notice the difference, since within my dreams, that until now had been of the two girls dancing, I now see the graw witch, holding the Necronomicon in her hands, and behind her a gigantic owl.

miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2009

Campaña en Eberron

Nuestra historia toma lugar en el continente de Khorvaire, en el mundo de Eberron. Pero antes de adentrarme en la historia, hay algunos importantes puntos que todos los jugadores de Eberron deben de saber:

  1. Eberron tiene el nivel de tecnología de principios del siglo XX, solo que todo funciona con magia, y es muy frecuente encontrarse con constructs, mas que en cualquier otra campaña.
  2. Las vestimentas de Eberron son una mezcla entre el siglo XX y el Renacimiento.
  3. La magía de las máquinas e items mágicos de Eberron funciona gracias a unas misteriosas piedras conocidas como Dragonshards y al ingenio de la clase Artificier (una clase exclusiva de la campaña, es un arcane leader).
  4. En Eberron las alineaciones no estan fijas, es tan posible encontrarse con un buen beholder como con un terrible y cruel dragón de plata. Siendo quizá la única excepción los demonios.
  5. Una terrible guerra que duro un siglo, llamada "The Last War" asoló todo el contienente, pero hace 2 años se firmó un tratado de paz por 12 naciones.
  6. Antes de la guerra, el continente entero era el gran imperio de Galifar, formado por 5 naciones, de las cuales, solo 4 quedan hoy en día (al final de la guerra, Cyre, sufrió una terrible desgracia y no quedo nada de ese país).
  7. Tan misteriosas como las dragonshards, son las DragonMarks, marcas hereditarias que aparecen en 13 familias de nobles las cuales han ayudado a dirigir las 12 naciones, los que portan estas marcas son bendecidos con una extraña habilidad sobrenatural (depende de la marca), y forma parte de la más alta nobleza en todo el continente.
  8. Los dragones son muuuuuuuuuuuyyyyyyy venerados ya que se cree son decendientes de los 3 dragones creadores, Eberron, Khyber y Syberis. No suelen vivir en el continente de Khorvaire, y son grandes contempladores de los cielos y profetas. Los dragones hablan y temen de una terrible profesia relacionada con las Dragonmarks, pero nunca la han revelado a las razas menores.
  9. Eberron tiene 12 lunas, pero hay que aclarar que no son tan grandes como la nuestra, cada una esta asociada con un plano de existencia.
  10. Los otros contienente son Aerenal (antiguo contienente selvático de los elfos); Argonnessen (el contienente misteriosos de los dragones, que nadie jamas ha visto y vivido para contarlo), Frostfell (el contienente helado del que se cree nacieron los dwarves), Sarlona (el viejo continente del que se originarón los humanos y que carece de dragonshards de Eberron y Syberis), y finalmente Xen´drik (el misterioso continente lleno de tesoros y templos perdidos pero infestado de gigantes, sahuagines y otras aberraciones, un lugar muy peligroso).
Khorvaire tiene 12 paises registrados (Los 5 en negritas son las originales 5 naciones) y 4 no reconocidos (Droaam, Demon Wastes, Shadow Marshes, Mournlands). Son los siguientes:
  1. Aundair: Pais principalmente de granjas, pero con pequeñas ciudades de gran aprendizaje, principalmente en las artes arcanas, parecido a Suiza. +2 en Endurance o Nature/ Arcana o History (dependiendo si es granjero o arcanista)
  2. Breland: El pais con la ciudad más grande de todas y famoso por su maravillas en tecnología, pero al mismo tiempo un pais bastante tolerante e interesante, parecido a Inglaterra (aunque Sharn parece más bien Manhattan). +2 Diplomacy o Insight / Insight o Streetwise (dependiende si vienes o no de Sharn, la supermetrópolis ciudad de las torres).
  3. Darguun: País de goblinoides (Bugbears, Hobgoblins y Goblins), donde habitan las 3 razas decendientes de los Dhaakani un pais deseoso de recuperar su antigua gloria, su sociedad es parecida a la de Afganistan actual, aunque el imperio Dhakaani parecia Chino o Japones. +2 en Athletics o Endurance.
  4. Demon Wastes: Pais de los demonios y los Rakhasa, así como de cultos demoníacos, es un inmenso desierto rocoso lleno de laberintos, volcanes ardientes y grandes tormentas de polvo, es el equivalente a Mordor del "Señor de los Anillos". +2 en Endurance o Religion.
  5. Droaam: Pais de los Gnolls, Trolls, Orcs, Medusas, Minotauros y Lycantropos, regido por las 3 Hags hijas de Sora Kell, es un país pareceido a ruinas antiguas de Grecia y la India. +2 en Dungeoneering o Nature.
  6. The Eldeen Reaches: El pais con el bosque mas antiguo, con grandes druidas y wardens que protegen su entorno, pero también con grandes secretos y monstruos antiguos de más allá de las estrellas de Syberis. +2 en Athletics o Nature.
  7. Karrnath: el pais con la mejor milicia del continente,con grandes montañas y bosques helados, pero también con la enorme presencia de Undeads, es parecido a Transilvania y Rusia, en un eterno invierno. +2 en Athletics o Intimidate.
  8. Lhazaar Principles: Una cadena de islas gobernada por mercenarios y piratas. Habitado principalmente por Half-Elves, es un reino que recuerda a la antigua España y Portugal. +2 en Athletics o Thievery.
  9. The Mournland: Los misteriosos restos del pais Cyre, la capital púrpura, pais de las bellas artes, era el equivalente a Francia e Italia de nuestro mundo. Destruido a finales de la guerra, rodeado de misteriosos brillos, lamentos y niebla que cubre de muerte en todo rincón. +2 en Endurance o Streetwise.
  10. The Mror Holds: Reino Dwarf, sumido entre montañas y la nieve. Es muy parecido a los paises Nórdicos antiguos, pero sin el gran contacto con el mar. +2 en Dungeoneering o Endurance.
  11. Q´barra: Reino selvatico de Lizardfolks, troglodytes, dragonborns y draconians. Es practicamente un Amazonas. +2 en Nature o Endurance.
  12. The Shadow Marches: Reino de los Orcos y otras aberraciones, pero uno de los sitios con mayor cantidad de Dragonshards de Eberron en todo el mundo. Se parece a los pantanos de Florida. +2 en Heal o Nature.
  13. The Talenta Plains: Reino halfling y tierra de dinosaurios. Practicamente es una inmensa sabana africana. +2 en Athletics o Endurance.
  14. Thrane: Capital de la gran religión Silver Flame, un pais extremadamente religioso y funciona como el Vaticano. +2 en Intimidate o Religion.
  15. Valenar: Capital de los elfos, famosa por sus desiertos y caballos criados por los elfos, es parecido a Arabia, pero con una religión tipo Shinto. +2 en Acrobatics o Athletics.
  16. Zilargo: Capital de los gnomos, centro de las universidades y tecnología del mundo. Sus ciudades son como un Japón moderno, lleno de tecnología hasta en las cosas más simples. +2 en Bluff o Insight.
Y en otros continentes:

  1. Aerenal: La isla continente en la que los Elfos tuvierón su primer hogar libre en el mundo después de librarse de los Gigantes, pero que durante siglos ha sido atacado por dragones. Se parece a Tazmania, pero sus ciudades son gloriosas como Rivendale. +2 en Arcane o Religion (Debes ser Elfo).
  2. Argonnessen: La misteriosa isla donde viven los Dragones, y que nadie nunca ha pisado, se dice que cuenta con todos los climas existentes, pero esta rodeada por una impenetrable barrera de rocas. +2 Athletics o Arcana (Debes ser Dragonborn).
  3. Frostfell: El polo norte, eternamente cubierto de hielo y nieve, un continente olvidado pareceido a nuestro polo sur. Se dice que los Dwarves se originarón aquí. +2 en Endurance o Nature.
  4. Khyber: El subsuelo, las entrañas del dragón de abajo. Lleno de monstruos, demonios y aberraciones, así como las cotizadas Dragonshards de Khyber. +2 en Dungeoneering o Endurance.
  5. Sarlona: Realmente este continente se divide en Riedra (El imperio de los Inspirados), o Adar (el pais rodeado de tormentas). Riedra esta rodeado de monolitos y pilares de cristal que le dan un aspecto de ciudad de Ciencia ficción tipo utopia, mientras que Adar parece Nepal y el Tibet. Ambos paises dominan las clases psionicas, pero practicamente no existen las arcane. +2 en Diplomacy o Endurance.
  6. Xen´Drik: El inmenso continente tropical, del cual fue cuna de la civilización de los gigantes. Famoso por sus grandes tesoros, junglas impenetrables, y terribles drow. Es un continente donde misteriosamente, las distancias cambian. +2 en Nature.

Religion: Eberron es como nuestro mundo, donde la religión es una cuestión de fé. Los dioses nunca se comunican con sus seguidores (salvo algunas muy raras excepciones). Las principales religiones son politeistas:

  • Silver Flame: Es una iglesia donde destaca el servicio a la bondad y pureza; dedicada a proteger a la gente de los peligros sobrenaturales, es una iglesia Espiritual: no tiene un Dios como tal, sino una energía vital que da vida al planeta llamada Sacred Silver Flame.
  • Sovereign Host: Es una iglesia politeista donde se encuestra la mayoria de los Dioses adorados en todo Eberron: Arawai (agricultura), Aureon (conocimiento), Balinor (bestias), Boldrei (comunidad), Dol Arrah (Honor), Dol Dorn (Fuerza), Kol Korran (trueque), Ollara (fortuna), Onatar (forja). Esta iglesia adopta toda religión que encuentra, por ejemplo, si crees en Bahamut, te diran que ellos tambien, pero le llaman Dol Arrah, si crees en Corellon, te diran que ellos tambien, pero le llaman Aureon, etc.
  • Dark Six: El opuesto al Sovereign Host, una iglesia oscura y peligrosa con los siguientes Dioses: Devourer (Mar y Bestias), Fury (Destrucción e Ira), Keeper (Oscuridad y necromancia), Mockery (Traición y venganza), Shadow (Magía negra), y Traveler (Viajes y Mentiras). Esta iglesia adopta toda religión que encuentra, por ejemplo, si crees en Asmosdeus, te diran que ellos tambien pero le llaman Fury, Si crees en Lolth, te diran que ellos tambien, pero le llaman Mockery, etc.
  • The Blood of Vol: Otra oscura iglesia que da valor a la sangre, y considera que la divinidad esta dentro de todos los seres vivos, es famosa sin embargo, por su tolerancia a los undeads. Es parecida al Vudú.
  • Cult of the Dragon Below: Oscura secta que a pesar de su nombre, no adora a Khyber, sino a los monstruos en su interior, principalmente a los Daelkyrs, pero tambien a los demonios y rakhasa. Es parecido a los cultos infernales descritos por Lovecraft para su Chuthullu.
  • Path of Light: Una iglesia que sirve a la gran iluminación, muy similar a la budista en nuestro mundo, no tiene en realidad ningún dios en su partenon.
  • The Undying Court: La principal religión de los elfos, quiene adoran a sus Undeads buenos, quienes orientan a toda la estirpe de los elfos hacia el camino de la protección y la paz.
  • The Spirits of the Past: La religión principal de los elfos de Valenar, quienes adoran a sus ancestros paracida a la Shinto de Japón.
  • The Lord of Blades: Una religión nueva nacida entre los Warforged donde ven al Lord of Blades como un mesias y salvador, que llevara a la destrucción de los seres vivos y el levantamiento de las máquinas.

Las Organizaciones principales del mundo de Eberron son las siguientes (por si les interesa pertenecer a alguna):

  • Aurum: Un sindicato maligno, encargado de las riquezas y la tecnología, fundado por los dwarves, que funciona como Shinra en FFVII.
  • Chamber: Un grupo de dragones que han decidido intervenir en la profecia, alejandose de su continente natal y viniendo al Khorvaire para observar y/o cambiar la profecia.
  • Dreaming Dark: Un grupo de psionics asesinos de paga.
  • Gatekeepers: Un grupo de druidas orcos dedicados a proteger la naturaleza de las fuerzas sobrenaturales del mundo, principalmente los Daelkyrs a quienes encerrarón hace milenios, ya quedan muy pocos.
  • Library of Korrangberg: un grupo de gnomos en busca de conocimientos continuamente, para llenar su famosa libreria.
  • Lords of Dust: Un grupo de Rakhasas (solo son 9) y demonios, dedicados a traer la amargura al mundo desde Khyber y buscar la forma de liberar a sus aliados.
  • Morgrave University: A diferencia de Korrangberg, este grupo esta más interesado en la arquelogía y los tesoros antiguos.
  • Order of Emerald Claw: Un renombrado grupo de nobles caballeros que lentamente cayó en la corrupción y actualmente es un grupo de terribles guerreros que sirven a Vol.
  • La familia Real: Son los últimos descendientes del rey Galiford ir Wynard, fundador de las 5 Naciones.
  • Twelve: Un grupo formado por 12 de las 13 familias con Dragonmark, cuya base es una fortaleza flotante en Karrnath, consistente en el estudio y la aplicación de la magia.
  • Wardens of the Wood: Un grupo de Wardens, Seekers, Rangers, Barbaros y Shamanes dedicados a proteger la naturaleza.
  • Wayfinder Foundation: Una fundación creada por un halfling aventurero, para financiar a otros aventureros con el fin de encontrar tesoros y explorar lugares fantásticos.

Finalmente Eberron menciona mucho a las mentadas familias Dragonmark. Son 13 familias que comparten una misteriosa marca que les otorga poderes mágicos especiales.

  • Cannith: Marca de la creación, formada por humanos herreros.
  • Deneith: Marca del sentinela, formada por humanos guerreros.
  • Ghallanda: Marca de la hospitalidad, formada por halflings bardos.
  • Jorasco: Marca de la curación, formada por halflings curanderos.
  • Kundarak: Marca del resguardo, formada por dwarves banqueros.
  • Lyrandar: Marca de la tormenta, formada por half-elves marineros.
  • Medanni: Marca de la detección, formada por half-elves espias, guardaespaldas e inquisidores.
  • Orien: Marca del pasaje, formada por humanos mensajeros, expertos en trasnportar.
  • Phiarlan: Marca de las sombras, formada por elfos adivinos e ilusionistas.
  • Sivis: Marca de la escritura, formada por gnomos escribas y hechiceros.
  • Tharashk: Marca del rastreo, formada por half-orcs rastreadores y mercenarios.
  • Thuranni: Casa rival de Phiarlan, poseedores de la marca de las sombras, formada por elfos asesinos.
  • Vadaling: Marca del domar, formada por humanos entrenadores de fieras.
  • Vol: Marca de la muerte, formada por elfos, todos y cada uno de ellos fueron asesinados por los dragones hace 2000 años.

Bueno, creo que eso es todo lo que puedo marcar ahora de Eberron, si tienen alguna duda, dejenla en la sección de comentarios y la contestare tan pronto como pueda. Todas las clases estan permitidas, al igual que todas las razas. Traten por favor de poner en los comentarios tambien algun adelante del personaje que planean hacer (nombre, raza, clase y algo de bakground).

Gran Ganadora

Bueno en vista del éxito obtenido, creo que puedo declarar los siguientes ganadores en la encuesta:

1er Lugar: Eberron

2o Lugar: Empate entre Dalaran y Dragonlance.

3er Lugar: Empata entre Forgotten realms, Jakandor, Wilderlands of H. Fantasy, Ravenloft y Planescape.

Pues entonces a petición de la mayoria, se jugará en Eberron. En los siguientes días publicara en el blog los antecedentes del juego, asi como mapas, vayan preparando su personaje.

martes, 10 de marzo de 2009

Points of Light

Finalmente Points of Light, es el nombre que viene en la DM guide para referirse a la sección de "Crea tu propia campaña", y es asi como se le conoce en los foros al mundo que hayas creado. En mi caso cree el siguiente basandome en 3 cosas principalmente, la serie de Avatar the last airbender, las novelas de Juuni Kokuki (12 kindoms), y el juego Tales of Legendia.
Nombre de la Campaña: Dalaran
Nombre del Mundo: Dalaran
Nombre del Continente: Dalaran tiene 1 solo continente dividido en 5 paises. El imperio del aire Kyu-Kan, el reino de la tierra Corelands, El regimen vacio de Anganar, La república del agua Aktebas y el desierto hirviente de Sanassa.
El mundo de Dalaran originalmente era un mundo creado por 5 familias de Dioses. Los Dioses vivian en este mundo en una inmensa ciudad internable que flotaba en las aguas de este planeta, era tan grande que pronto plantas y animales poblarón su superficie y con el paso de los milenios se olvidó que era una ciudad y se consideró más bien un continente. Con el paso de las 5 familias de Dioses empezarón a luchar entre ellas, y con ellas, sus sirvientes mortales (De Kyu-Kan nacieron los Dragones, De Corelands los elfos, de Aktebas los hombre, De Anganar los dwarf, y de Sanassa los Goblinoides y Gigantes). Pronto la hermosa "ciudad continente" quedo en ruinas y las razas mortales sufrierón . En arrepentimiento los Dioses le otorgarón un rey a cada poblado un gran poder con el cuál guiaran sabiamente al pueblo, solo este líder podría ver a los Dioses y pedirles su consejo directamente. Ademas le entregarón a este rey un dragón de montura que mostrara su fortaleza y respeto, y una dama que tendria en su caracter la voluntad del pueblo. Al morir el Rey, la dama, que representa al pueblo, elegira al sujeto que el pueblo necesita. Siempre que el Rey dude de lo que piensa el pueblo, solo tiene que observar el caracter de su dama. Finalmente le entregarón al Rey un hermoso palacio que llega hasta las nubes, para que pueda observar todo su reinado. Ya todos jugarón en este mundo, no es necesario más detalles.

Ahora les pido a todos que escojan la campaña en la que quieren jugar, escojan bien, ya que no puedo hacer una historia sin ese dato.

Wilderlands of High Fantasy

Nombre de la campaña: Wilderlands of High Fantasy
Nombre del Mundo: Sin Nombre (se deja que se le nombre por el DM)
Nombre del Continente: Sin Nombre (se deja que se le nombre por el DM)
WoHF, es una campaña donde la mayoria de los pueblos son poco civilizados, o yacen en la barbaria, y los campos son bastos y peligrosos, frecuentemente sitios de grandes batallas, es un mundo regido por el caos y las guerras de cientos de ejercitos que van y vienen, siendo estos constantemente aplastados por otros ejercitos, o cultos peligrosos de Dioses paganas. En general WoHF es un mundo similar a de las novelas de Conan, y las series de Hercules y Xena, donde lo único que predomina es la barbarie y una civilización pobre y en constante reconstrucción. Obviamente las clases predominantes son las de Primal y Martial, pero ocasionalmente resaltan las Divinas y Arcanas (generalmente antagonistas). La campaña viene con más de 18 mapas de localizaciones listas para agregarse encuentros sin fin. Se puede resumir que Wilderlands es tu campaña si te gustarón las series de Conan, El señor de las bestias, Shena, Xena y Hércules.


Nombre de la Campaña: Spelljammer
Nombre del Mundo: Muchos........
Nombre del Continente: Ninguno........pero la nave gigante Spelljammer es el tema principal.
Siguiendo las teorías de Ptolomeo sobre las esferas planetarias, Spelljammer ofrece una versión Fantástica del espacio, donde cada sistema es envuelto en las miles de burbujas de cristal y dondo los viajes espaciales toman un contexto estilo Julio Verne. Todos los universos de D&D (excepto Ravenloft) estan conectados ya que Spelljammer consiste en viajar por toda la galaxia, de planeta en planeta. A pesar de esto, la tecnología no es superior a la de Eberron, donde más bien es la mágia la dominante. Ademas existe la gigantesca nave-ciudad: Spelljammer, que viaja atravez del cosmos, de esfera en esfera. En general Spelljammer es tu campaña si te gusta el espacio, Julio-Verne, el concepto griego de las esferas planetarias, y viajar a otros mundos pero no entiendes el concepto de "Planos de existencia" y no eres fanático de la tecnología superavanzada, sino de la magia (asi que no esperen espadas laser).

Savage Coast

Nombre de la Campaña: Savage Coast
Nombre del Mundo: The Known World (o Mystara)
Nombre del Continente: Savage Coast
Savage Coast es una camapaña vieja ubicada en el mundo de la campaña de Mystara y Blackmoor. Es una serie de costas que han sido maldecidas con la "Red Curse" que malforma y finalmente mata, a cualquiera que no tenga con él un fragmento de metal de cynnabrin. La campaña fue abandonada poco tiempo después y jugada unicamente por los fanáticos de Mystara, asi como algunos fanes de Jakandor (quienes consideran que tambien esta en el "Known Wolrd de Mystara). En general esta campaña es para tí si fuiste fanático de las series como "Los piratas de las aguas negras" asi como cualquier historia colmada de aventuras marítimas y tesoros perdidos.

Rokugan (the legend of the 5 rings)

Nombre de la campaña: Rokugan (The legend of the 5 Rings)
Nombre del Mundo: Ningen-Do (el emperador lo llama también Rokugan)
Nombre del Continente: Rokugan (continente e imperio)
A diferencia de Kara tur, una campaña asiatica que manifiesta las diferentes culturas del Asia medieval, Rokugan esta enfocada en el imperio Japones feudal.
Rokugan es un imperio donde dominan 8 clanes mayores y varios menores, asi como los conflictos que hay en ellos (muy similar a los conflictos internos de las novelas de 12 kingdoms ó Juuni kokuki, o los 13 escuadrones de Bleach), donde cada clan es especialista en un tipo especial de maniobra ( el clan Fénix es el experto en magia arcana y divina, mientras que el clan del León en armas marciales, y el clan Dragón en combate cuerpo a cuerpo). Obviamente las principales clases aqui son las de ki (ninja, shugenja, sohei, samurai y monk), lo cual es bastante complicado considerando que no se han expuesto en la 4a edición todavia. Las razas tambien son clásicas asiáticas incluyendo al Nezumi (hombre-rata), Kenku (hombre-cuervo), onis, etc. En general Rokugan es tu campaña si eres fanático de series como Samurai X, 12 Kingdoms y Bleach, asi como de una campaña con gran sabor a feudo japones.

lunes, 9 de marzo de 2009

BotDN 080309

Snow starts falling again, some clucking sound fills the air, it sounds fake, and I do know the source, but I should be fine, I have told him to leave me alone, as I have done to many that tried to hurt me over the years. Helena runs and stops Mandragora and Jhonny and asks the first one to take us to Eisenhoff, they argue briefly before he agrees to take us to our destination.
He leads us out of the castle that serves as the main building for the University and takes us to a new office building, within we walk to a secretary Mandragora says our purpose to her and leaves. Shortly after Helena adds that we come by order of Lelouch, I cannot blame her for trying to find out what he is trying to do, nor am I ashamed of what I did behind her back, I cannot even say that those of us gathered there are my friends, if that is something a Promethean can even have, most probably with the Necronomicon and the ritual, Caroline C, the Promethean will cease to exist, the memories of these thirty years will just vanish, as will my suffering as this wretched mockery of life I am. The Secretary just pushes a button on a telephone before her and tells that we are here to see her boss, just after that, we are let in. The office is quite large, it could easily hold a house within it. An old man is inside, an oxygen tank at his side, he welcomes us friendly and offers Helena and I a seat, which we take. He looks at me and asks if we have met before, I deny it, wich is true, but add that I have simply been much within the campus lately. He nods and asks the purpose of our visit, Helena takes the word and again says that we come sent by Lelouch, the name does ring a bell, the man´s face shines for a minute as he seems to remember Lelouch dearly, he asks for the health of the old man, I reply that he is quite well for someone his age, which is a great truth considering it is vampires we are talking about. He smiles gladly as he starts telling us that Lelouch was an excelling student in this university thirty years ago, a student sponsored by “Charles, if I remember correctly”, Charles, again one of these many characters comes into play, He mentions Lelouch being extremely smart and how he was often seen with a dark haired woman, and that sometimes a blonde woman was with him at times, if it were not for the fact that I am not actually human, I would have blushed or something at this point. I ask what he researched about, and get a vague answer he takes out a bunch of old photographs, as he browses among them, his face saddens as he states that they are ruined, Kadaj reaches for them, I get a glimpse of deformed blurry faces. Helena again cuts to the chase and declares we are here for the Necronomicon. The man is stunned by the name of the book, his age falls over him, forcing him to reach for a pill and to open the valve of his oxygen tank. Kadaj stops at a particular picture, just then the man reaches to take it, again five figures in it, all blurry but one: me, or the original owner of this body. “Is she your mother?” he asks, I nod and with a smile say yes, he buys it. “There was some sort of sad aura around her” he says “ She always dressed in gray. She was the one who donated the Necronomicon to our library” just as he said that I feel Kadaj´s, Sephiroth´s and Helena´s eyes on me for an instant.He then tells us to stay away from it, that none among those who have read it have kept their sanity, Helena then shows it to him, the book covered in black leather, he looks at it and says that it is a fake, made by some Kristoff and him for the many teenagers that were interested in it. And insists on us keeping away from the book.
It takes some more convincing, but we, more likely, Helena manages to make him tell us the location of the true book, he tells us it has always been in the library, in the cooking section among the Arab cooking books. I would use my powers too, but the disfigurement is quite a drawback, if only Jhonny were not around, If only I could make something about it. I look at the books in the nearest shelf, “Dorian Gray´s portrait” I know that story.
We head out of the building, Helena looks at Jhonny and asks him to sign some autographs for the people of Miscatonic, she convinces him, she announces it and soon, people flood the gardens trying to get to Jhonny. We use this to get to the library, it is almost deserted, save for the librarian, Kadaj walks to her and convinces her that she likes Jhonny´s music, so the old lady heads out. We go to the cooking section of the library, again the light there is quite dim, near the shelves sitting at a reading table, are two kids, Kadaj aproaches one of them, a girl holding a book, and tells her too, that she likes Jhonny, she heads out after leaving the book on the table, we look at it, its pages are blank. Kadaj asks what was she reading, but she only replies that she was noticing how it only had white pages. As this happened the other kid disappeared into the dark alleys formed by the bookshelves, we see him not and start looking for the book, Helena finds only the spot where it should be, but there is no book, only an empty space, just then the second kid appears, it is difficult to know if it is a young man or a young woman, but in its hands he has the precious book we are looking for, it hands the book to Helena. She asks it who it is, but he only replies he is someone trying to thelp, I try stoping him with my stare, but he resists, not even Helena´s vampiric powers, nor Kadaj´s, or Sephiroth´s strength suffice, whatever the androginous person was, it escaped into the darkness and out of our sight. We all look at the book, it is much older than the fake one we had, its paper is much more frail, which worries me as I remember the effects of my wasteland over books.
We start heading out, when Sephiroth throws a fist with his disfigurement showing, he is using a transmutation and targeting something, he hits it, its Genoma, hiding between the books, using again his camouflage to fool us, he stands and releases his small replica, an homunculus, it jumps at Sephiroth, but he manages to avoid getting caught, in the meanwhile Kadaj has picked Helena up and is running away with the book as well, I try to infuse fear into Genoma, but he resists, he stretches his arm, similar to a mantis´s, and stabs me, then he runs and surpasse´s Kadaj´s speed. Now the vampires have the Pandoran in their way. I stand up and run towards him as Sephiroth is starting to pummel the Homunculus. Kadaj has already hurt Genoma by the time I get to a good distance, I look into the Pandoran´s bug eyes, and paralyze him just as Sephiroth finishes destroying the smaller foe, Kadaj and Sephiroth hurt him, they drive their blades into the soft spots betweein Genoma´s armor, releasing him from my grasp, but each time I manage to keep him stil once again, reading the field for the swords to do their work. The battle lasts only seconds, but it sure felt long, but in the end Genoma falls, twitches much like a dying bug and stays still, turning into a strange sandy stone statue, I kick the head, and it rolls off as if nothing had been holding it. The first sublimati I have ever seen defeated, the first sublimati I have ever seen, and it is now no more, it’s a pity that in this place where it fell, no life will ever grow again.
Again we head out Jhonny is finishing one more of his songs as the crowd goes mad, Helena reaches to grab him and pulls him out, the crowd follows as we jump into his van and drive away. I look at Helena, she is holding the Necronomicon, and next to her lays the bag where the Book is kept, I look forward and see Jhonny concentrated on the road, I know we will not look back, I then make my fire burn and tell him to take us to New York, and to ask no questions. He obbeys.

I call Lelouch as soon as we are in Jersey, “The Grey Witch” I say,quite annoyed by the fact that it does hold a meaning beyond my understanding. Lelouch says that it is something we must discuss in person, and advices me to take care, since the Lancea Sanctum has sent their Inquisitor after both Helena and me.
We are dropped off at the Pizza Hut, it is too late at night for it to be open, but I give it little care, I leave Helena with the books and jump into a cab. I ask the driver to take me to the Carthian´s HQ, I get off, and as the cab drives away, I notice that this place is now empty. I call Lelouch again, he answers and I ask him why the place is desolated. He explains that the Lance Sanctum has attacked there already, and that the Headquarters were moved. I ask him to send for me. He tells me to hide, I do, and stay still until I hear the already familiar noise of Lelouch´s car outside.
I jump in and order Karen to be quick and take me to Lelouch, she obbeys and steps on the pedal. I ask her for how long has she been serving Lelouch, and the answer I get is six years, too little a time for her to know anything I want to know, ,I do askher if he´s always been so hermetic, and she does say that he´s never been too talkative.
Ge get to a luxurious appartment building, she guides me to Lelouch´s new hideout, he opens the door I step inside before he can even say I am welcome and sit in the middle of the sofa before he can offer me a seat. “The gray witch” I say again
He orders Karen to leave, she does, then tells me why do I now know of it, and tell him about my encounter with whom I now know to be Kristoff, he tries to reprehen me because I did not go directly to Eienhoff, but I do tell him that it was impossible, I stretch the picture Kadaj showed me just the night before and show it to Lelouch, I point at the blurry figures and say “One of those people is you, am I right?” He then says it is time for me to know, and she points at the woman in the picture “She came to us thirty five years ago…”

I WANT IT RIGHT NOW, DAMN..............

Lo quiero ya, aunque no puedo, ja, aprovechen los que pueden

sábado, 7 de marzo de 2009


Nombre de la Campaña: Ravenloft.
Nombre del Mundo: The Dread Realms
Nombre del Continente: No hay continentes, solo dominios, los principales se llaman Core.
Ravenloft sea quiza la campaña mas oscura y bizarra de todo D&D. Es un mundo cubierto por una misteriosa niebla dominada por los "Grandes señores oscuros", en general, no tiene paises, sino dominios, que pertenecen a los mas crueles señores imaginables. El tema es similar a los de juegos como Castlevania, y WOD, lleno de aberraciones y undeads, y esa misteriosa niebla, que marca el final de un dominio y el inicio de otro. La niebla ha traido a los villanos mas aterradores de otras campañas, como Lord Soth, y ningún universo (excepto Spelljammer) estan fuera de su alcance. Ravenloft es el nombre de un castillo donde se llevó a cabo la primera historia de esta campaña. Ravenloft es para tí, si te gustan las campañas goticas, oscuras y sin esperanza como WOD pero en epocas medievales, buscar y cazar lycantropos y undeads, asi como inmensos castillos llenos de aberraciones.


Nombre de la campaña: Planescape
Nombre del Mundo: Cualquiera.
Nombre del Contiente: Culaquiera
Si te gusta el concepto de viajar atravez de mundos y dimensiones, Planescape es tu campaña. Planescape, es tan adaptable que se puede sumar a cualquier campaña ya establecida y no requiere de muchos ajustes. En las outerlands sen encuentra la ciudad de Sigil, que bien podría considerarse como el punto de encuentro de la campaña, donde los heroes, van de plano en plano buscando aventuras. Planescape, se ha incluidos en todos los manuales de planos que se han creado para D&D, sin embargo, no a todos les agrada el tema de la eterna vagancia entre los planos, ademas de que es dificil como campaña ya que exige por lo menos ser nivel 12 o más. En general Planescape es tu campaña si te gusta viajar a otras dimensiones y universos, asi como campañas de alto nivel.


Nombre de la Campaña: Pelinore
Nombre del Mundo: Desconocido
Nombre del Continente: Desconocido (el pais se llama Cerwyn)
Pelinore fue una campaña poco popular, cuyo tema central radica en la leyenda del rey Arturo. La campaña se centra en City League (Coff-coff, camelot, coff-coff), donde el rey ha gobernado con justicia el reino de Cerwyn, el cual siempre se ve amenazado por ejercitos de ogros, dragones y caballeros oscuros. La religión es céltica, y esta enfocada en la caballería, por lo que no existen las clases psiquicas ni de ki, y las primal son generalmente enemigas. Esta campaña es para tí si te gusta la leyenda del Rey Arturo y los Caballeros de la mesa redonda.


Nombre de la Campaña: Maztica.
Nombre del Mundo: Albeir-Toril.
Nombre del Continente: Maztica.
Maztica fue creada con el tema de la conquista de los paises mesoamericanos, donde los personajes pueden fungir como aventurares provenientes de Faerun para explorar las tierras nuevas, o como habitantes de los reinos indígenas basados en las culturas Aztecas, Incas, Mayas y Tolteca. Dentro de las razas exóticas estan los halflings salvajes (una extraña versión de los pigmeos de áfrica), los espíritus de jaguares, coatls, y por supuesto, hombres-escorpión. Esta campaña esta enfocada para las clases Primal (barbaro, druida, shaman, y warden) si formas parte de los indígenas los cuales obviamente utilizan animales de la zona como totems. En general Maztica es tu campaña si te gusta el oro, la obsidiana y las esmeraldas, el tema de la conquista y la cultura exótica mesoamericana.
Como apartado final, la nueva edición de Forgotten Realms dice que Maztica fue destruida cuando todo el continente de Albeir le cayó encima, asi que no se sabe del destino de esta tierra.


Nombre de la Campaña: Lankhmar
Nombre del Mundo: Desconocido
Nombre del Continente: Lankhmar
Lankhmar inicio originalmente como la historia de dos antiheroes, Fafhrd y Grey Mouser, en la corrupta ciudad capital de Lankhmar. Esta ciudad en decadencia , es gobernada por tiranos y el gremio de los ladrones y es conocida por sus inmensas cloacas. Incluso las calles son llamadas Murder Alley, Death Alley, Cheap Street. Lankhmar es tu campaña si te gusta las clases striker como Warlocks, y Rogues principalmente, en donde se enfoca mucho más en la aventura, habilidades y proesas, mas que en pelear con monstruos continuamente, por lo que es una campaña con mucho rol pero con su buena dosis de acción ocasional, donde los heroes, no son precisamente........buenos.

Kingdoms of Kalamar

Nombre de la campaña: Kingdoms of Kalamar.
Nombre del Mundo: Tellene.
Nombre del Continente: Tellene.
Kingdoms of Kalamar es una campaña reciente, con increible popularidad (incluso ya existe su versión para la 4a edición en pdf), que se debe a la gran cantidad de fanes en internet, aunque solo se publicarón dos libros. En Tellene, la gente tiene la idea de que el Contiente es todo el planeta, incluso la mayoria de la gente piensa que es un mundo plano y no se conocen los otros continentes. Hay 3 lunas (diadolai, pelselond y veshemo) y es por la rotación de la menor, Veshemo, que se rigen los calendarios en 13 meses de 28 días. Kalamar tiene 43 dioses, pero estan tan bien divididos por cada raza que no es dificil recordarlos. La campaña ademas es muy rica en historia (tiene muy bien descritos sus rituales, fechas célebres, calendarios, etc). En la campaña de Kalamar, cada reino tiene en realidad esta formado por distintas culturas y habitat, e incluso existen distinos subtipos de humanos quienes integran la mayor parte de los habitantes del mundo. Kalamar es un juego que trata de integrar poca fantasia, y aunque existen los dragones, gigantes y elemetals, no es tan frecuente encontrar estas criaturas mágicas, ademas trata de enfocarse más en el rol social que en el de peleas a diferencia de las otras campañas de Dungeons and Dragons. En general Kalamar es para tí si te gusta mas el rolear que pelear, si te gusta mas el concepto de caballeria pero sin tantos entes mágicos y te interesa la era medieval y no te interesa estar subiendo de nivel por sesión y la última arma mágica de tu nivel.

Kara-Tur (Oriental Adventures)

Nombre de la Campaña:
Oriental Adventures
Nombre del Mundo: Albeir-Toril
Nombre del Continente: Kara-Tur
Kara-Tur es el nombre del Continente donde se desarrollo el juego de Oriental Adventures, y esta basado en 9 culturas asíaticas, la Japonesa (periodo edo), la Coreana, la China (dinastía han), Taiwan, Tibet, Nepal, Indonesia, Mongolia e Indochina, lo que la hace una campaña bastante completa historicamente hablando. A pesar de la cercanía es poco el contacto entre Faurun y Kara-tur. Las clases de Karatur más frecuentes son las de Fighter, Rogue, Ranger, Warlord, Shaman, y por supuesto las clases de Ki (Samurai (Def), Ninja (strk), Shugenja (lead), Wujen (Contrl), y Monk(strk))y su versión de Paladín, Sohei, que utiliza más bien la naginata en lugar de la espada y no usa armaduras pesada. En general Kara tur es tu campaña si disfrutas las culturas orientales, y su tema del Honor.

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2009

Resultados de Universos (Preliminar)

Bueno se cerró la encuesta y no votarón 2 personas (Costilla y Magodo), en general parece ser que por lo menos a 3 de nosotros Ghostwalk y Council of Wyrm son las peores campañas hasta el momento, y la mejores Dragonlance y Eberron. Esto claro es preeliminar, aun faltan varias importantes como para asegurar la victoria de estas dos campañas, (pero si consideramos que en el mundo Forgotten realms es la más popular seguida de Eberron, parece que tenemos conceptos diferentes y no me extrañaria terminar jugando en una de esas). Lo interesantes es que al menos uno de nosotros pensamos que las 3 que casualmente son las que ganarón como más populares (Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance y Eberron), son las más chafas, ¡que contradictorio!.

lunes, 2 de marzo de 2009

BotDN 010309

People surround us as snow starts falling, I hear them whisper about bears and wolves increasing the number of attacks lately. We get inside both Helena and I crave to be near the books, but not long after we return to them, both Vampires go hunting.
I keep on reading the Necronomicon, it makes little sense, the rituals seem to interrupt abruptly and the topic changes drastically, still I feel I advance in its understanding.
A rather Girly yell reaches us, Sephiroth jumps out of the room fearing it might be Genoma or some other foe. He returns a while later, telling me that Jhonny be Good, the rockstar is here. Whatever brings him here is of little interest to me, I return my eyes to the strange text before me. Sephiroth decides it is prudent to go look for Helena, as he opens the door, the lights go out, I feel rather frustrated since I cannot continue reading. But the lights come back just a couple of minutes later.
Sephiroth returns and tells me that I should come with him and look for the Vampires, I know he does not want to leave me alone, but I would really prefer to stay and read, still I step out of the room holding the Necronomicon. We find the Vampires climbing up the stairs, they are excited about the rockstar being around, just as we find them Sephiroth tells us that we might not be safe around here and describes a strange girl, blue eyes, curly blond hair, and she appeared on the TV before Sephiroth right during the strange blackout. Helena and I tell him about the strange girl we have seen, and that until now she´s done nothing but scare us, that we should be safe, besides, sunrise is too close for the Vampires to risk fleeing.Besides, she is quite interested in meeting Jhonny be Good or whatever his name is. She discusses briefly with Sephiroth and manages to convince him to go upstairs and meet him. I simply turn around and head to my precious Necronomicon and try to delve into its meaning.
They come back Helena looks strange, her usually bright eyes are red, as if stoned or something, still it is unkown to me what can cause that on Vampires, Sephiroth asks if I have finished reading, he is being too pushy, so I try to make him shut up, I look into his eyes and hold him, and as I am about to whisper to him to leave me alone, Helena jumps between us and breaks my grasp as she yells that I am trying to betray them. Just as I am about to ask what she means, Kadaj stretches his hand to me handing me an old photograph, I look at it, it is quite old, Four people are in it, three people standing that cannot be seen clearly.probably due to the aged paper, but the fourth is quite clear, a young woman sitting in the middle of the other three, with the hands of two on her shoulders, but the woman looks like me. It startles me, I turn the picture around and find a date and place it was taken in Miscatonic, but scarcely months before I was created. The woman in the picture is the original owner of this body, I cannot resist but touching the suture that keeps my head in place.and wonder what was she doing here, for the first time I take interest on knowing who this body was before becoming this monster.
My brief trance is broken after Helena runs out yelling something about us not heeding her, Sephiroth follows her and stops her, I do not pay mu8ch attention to their talk, my eyes are still fixed on the smiling young girl sitting among blurry people.

Loz arrives not long before sunrise, we excuse ourselves and go, not much happens, I am already weary and fall asleep, still while I sleep nightmares invade my mind, the dark haired girl again, now standing next to a blond girl with blue eyes, just as Sephiroth described, both dancing next to me, and we are surrounded by thausands of people, most of them Chinese. They each stretch a hand and make me join them as the dance in circles.
I wake up violently, Loz is awakened by me, asking what happened, I tell him I am all right, but I am covered in markings of many hands, Loz cannot see them ,but it is most notorious for me, with this half dead body whose skin has no elasticity.
We go downstairs, the police have come, and are carrying two body bags, I am about to ask a policeman what happened when Jhonny appears and asks the very same question, seems the owners of the place, the two old people passed away, and that on both they found a strange hole near their shoulders.
The moment looses any respect when Loz jumps out and asks Jhonny to give him an autograph, most annoying of all is that he wants Jhonny to sign my butt, I strictly say no, I am not Jhonny´s fan.
I still manage to make Loz carry me upstairs, I want to return to the Necronomicon.
Not long have I resumed my reading when Loz starts to rub against me. Again I have to be firm and tel him I do not want anything of that right now. I keep on reading but as I do it hits me: I have to look for Eihenhoff, or whatever his name is, Lelouch gave me his picture. I jump out of my seat and go next room and throw the Necronomicon on Helena´s lap and run outside, Sephiroth tries to stop me, but I firmly tell him to let me go, this startles him and he looses his grip. I step out of the hotel and jump into the first cab that passes by. I tell the driver to get me to Miscatonic, as the cab accelerates, I receive a call, I take out my cellphone, it is Sephiroth, I tell him I am heading to Miscatonic to fix some personal matters, and hang up on him, and turn off the gadget.
As I put the phone away, a crow jumps out of the passenger´s seat onto the headrest, and the driver turns to me, greeting me maliciously and calling me Grey Witch, I have no idea of what he is talking about, he just keeps rambling as he drives, just then I feel an urge to go to where Helena is, but it is impossible for me. When the car stops I am dragged into the library and many stories below the surface into a strange little room where I am tied. He keeps on callingme Grey Witch, telling me how Lelouch came to this university thirty years ago and how he and his team touched his precious books, still this man does not look old enough to have been here thrity years ago, I am a bit confused and tell him that I do not know what he is talking about. But he believes me not. He reaches for my arm, and stretches it out, it is then that I see his fangs, he bites into my wrist, and drinks greedily after saying how well he remembered the sensation, after just some seconds he throws my arm and steps back as he spits my humor, claiming it to be one of my spells. Just then he makes the very mistake I had been waiting for, he looks directly at my eyes, I then show him my true magic, and have him release me and explain me what Lelouch had been doing here thirty years ago. He tells me that Lelouch came with a group, they read many books, but did not take the Necronomicon, and that I was among them. I asked for the names of the group, as an answer I get VV, Charles, Marianne, all people I have met or at least seen. I ask for the books they read, but he does not know. I turn and head to the door, but again he tries to capture me, I get tired of him and whisper some instructions, my fire burns and alters his mind, so he leaves me alone, and is left clucking like a chicken instead of talking. I hear him cluck as I walk out the door, I find Mandragora standing there before me, he asks me what I am doing here, and I simply tell him that his friend has invited me a cup of coffee, he believes me, to my surprise and satisfaction.
I walk away, I reach the exterior and walk in the snow, I try to reach Helena, something within me makes me want to go to her, I head through the woods to the road. After some minutes I finally feel her nearby, I step into the road and a bloodstained van aproaches me, within it are Helena, Kadaj and Sephiroth as well as the Rockstar.
I get in and feel the urge to get to Helena dissapear, but I do feel we are in danger, A bear jumps out of the woods and starts to threaten us, Kadaj breaks the bloodstained windshield, Helena complains about it not being his van, but it is not a good idea to focus on such, still Kadaj manages to make the bear leave using his Vampiric powers.
With the urge gone, I jump out of the Van, and try heading to Miscatonic, Kadaj runs, superhumanly fast, and stops me, Sephiroth holds me, the Vampire then asks me what I am doing and why, I feel how my fire fights to resist him, but fails, and I tell him that I am looking for Eihenhoff and that it is because Lelouch told me to. My little secret exposed in front of Helena, I fear being reprehended, but it turns out Kadaj too was told by Lelouch to look for this man, this makes her consider and suggests we find out what Eihenhoff has to say in all this.
But Jhonny has witnessed all this, and is quite confused, I try to erase the memory of all this, but something in him makes it hard for me to do it, he resists, but Kadaj manages to save the day and convinces him that about this he saw, he would only talk to us.
We get to Miscatonic, Mandragora is there, dobermans standing next to him, he greets us. We ask him about Eihenhoff, and he explains that he has been in the University´s administration for more than fourty years, we ask if he knows of the Masquerade, Mandragora denies it, we then ask him to take us to him, but just then he notices Jhonny, and asks him to come with him, just as he does that, he somehow seems quite trustworthy.