sábado, 31 de enero de 2009


Nombre de la Campaña: Birthright
Nombre del Mundo: Aebrynis
Nombre del Continente: Cerilia
Antecedetes: ¿Siempre has creido que los elfos son en realidad una raza vanal y poco interesada por la humanidad?, ¿Te gustan la importancia de las dinastías familiares y la historia de la sangre que corre por tus venas?, Si es así Birthright es tu campaña. Cerilia era el hogar original de los elfos, dwarves y goblins, hasta que llegarón los humanos que huían del continente de Aduria y cruel Dios Azrai. Al principio hubo paz, pero después, empezarón los conflictos entre hombres y elfos, mientras tanto, el Dios Azrai preparaba su armada para invadir los otros continentes. Los hombres y los Dioses del bien lucharón contra Azrai en una épica batalla, al final, los dioses del bien decidierón sacrificarse y destruyerón así al temido Dios del mal, de sus cenizas surgierón terribles abominaciones. De los heroes que lucharón mano a mano junto a los Dioses, recibierón su poder divino y se volvierón a su vez en los nuevos Dioses. Aquellos guerreros que no estaban cerca de la batalla tambien recibierón parte del don divino, obteniendo habilidades extraordinarias.
Pero pronto estos guerreros se dierón cuenta que podian robar las habilidades de otro guerrero perforando su corazón. El linaje lo es todo en la campaña de Birthright, como decendiente de alguno de esos guerreros de esa antigua batalla.
Hay que destacar que los elfos de esta campaña son imnortales y completamente neutrales, generalmente enemigos de los hombres; y los halflings son entes que escaparón de el plano de las sombras y guardan algunas marcas de su plano natal.

jueves, 29 de enero de 2009


Al leer el comentario de gigio de la ultima cronica de glenn me vino esto a la mente, espero les parezca tan gracioso como a mi :D.


Nombre de la Campaña: Al-Quadim
Nombre del Mundo: Albeir-Toril
Nombre del Continente: Zakhara
Antecedentes: ¿Te gustarón las historias de "Las Mil y una Noches", mundos cubiertos por un inmenso desierto, oasis, lamparas mágicas, alfombras voladoras, sultanes y kalifas, asi como Djinns, esfinges y momias?, si es así las Al-Qadim es tu campaña.
Todo ocurre en el desertico continente de Zakhara, al sur de Faerun (si, el continente de Forgotten Realms, ambas campañas son en el mismo mundo). Aqui los goblins, ogros, elfos, humanos, orcos y dwarves viven en armonía, y todos son considerados parte importante en la sociedad, y los enemigos constantes son Efreets y Yuantis.
En Zakhara se honra la pureza, el honor, la piedad, la hospitalidad y la familia, sobre todas las cosas, y en cuanto a su religión, lo que adoran es al Destino y diversos dioses de la antigua arabia.

lunes, 26 de enero de 2009

BOTLN 250109

Once my ranting is over Lelouch hands me an envelope, I open it and find within it the picture of some guy, Eisenholm or something like that, I am to find him, but I do not know how, the trip to Massachussetts is close, and there I am going to look for the precious Necronomicon.
I keep reading the Book, name after name the stories it sometimes contains about those who once were known by this name and that, the curiosity that once drove me has turned into a morbid obsession.
As I browse among the long list of names, I hear a strange sound coming from the bathroom, I put the Book down and take Real´s gun out of the Drawer, it is heavy, and will probably push me back, but it is still a weapon, I open the door, it is dark inside, only the dim light from the open window illuminates the inside I turn the light on and step in and close the window, and pick up the toothbrush hook, which had fallen. I go back to the Book.
Again I hear the noise, and again I take the gun with me I open the door and see the window is again open, then I turn to the mirror, and the girl is there, her orange eyes looking at me, I ask her what she wants and only a noise like static come out of her mouth, I walk out, grab the Book and head for the exit, hoping that Cornelia is around since Helena has gone with Suzaku, but as I take the doorknob in my hand I feel my arm being held, a cold grasp, I look and see the pale arm of the girl holding me, I get tired of it and whisper to her to tell me what she wants, I feel my fire burning into her, but again I get noise as a reply, I tell her to write it down, but she does not, seems she is unable to write, tired as I am, I ask her to leave me alone, and she does.
I take my cellphone and call Helena, she answers and I ask her if she´s seen this girl, her answer is affirmative, and she insists she wants to solve all this as soon as possible. I only tell her we have to be patient and find the Necronomicon.

As we descend in Massachussetts Kadaj´s friends are already there waiting us, they have rented a car and seems they have brought some college bimbos to greet their “Brother”. As we are greeted, one of Kadaj´s friends, Loz, aproaches me, and offers me a gift, I take the small box and pull out a rather nice necklace, I look at him and say I am thankful as I hear Helena´s cellphone ringing, its an SMS that she reads, she looks at me and tells me to get us some way to go back to New York. I return my eyes to Loz. I begin then to tease him about his motorcycle, asking if it is faster than Kadaj´s, that I like such machines, and stuff like such, which I have learnt men are suceptible to. He does give me the key to the machine, but he insists on riding with me, I would love to use one of my transmutations on him but there are too many witnesses around. By the time I see my plan has failed I see Helena jumping into a Cab with Kadaj as his other friend jumps into a car with the bimbos they have brought. I jump on the motorcycle and drive after her.
Our destination is Miskatonic University, buildings that even I as a Promethean, know are old, the trees are leave less and crows fly over our heads once and again, the road leads us to an iron gate where a guard asks us our buisness, a second later and Kadaj has him opening the gate and guiding us to the library, we walk now among the stone buildings with most of their glass windows looking like dark pits or dimly lit by some bulbs that seem they know they are fighting a lost battle against the darkness, the crows do not stop their sqwaking as we walk, the gargoyles high above us remind me of the idea of dormant Pandorans. Loz keeps me close to him. I do wonder if he is scared or simply pretending to protect me. It has been long since I let a man so close, and it was usually a married man looking for a concubine, and I would only accept people that held power, but Loz is just a second rank, Kadaj seems to be their leather, and Yazoo seems to be much smarter, I actually ask him why they follow K, but when I remember his vampiric state, it all makes sense.
The guard leaves us at the entrance to the Library, an old woman receives us there, Helena says she is there to pick some books for her brother, who is sick, and ask the librarian to look for the list of books he had been reading and investigating. The woman prints a list of twenty books, all of them belonging to the Occultism section of the library, we look for it, it is several stories underground, I find it, only a dim light from a distant lightbulb reaches us. Helena tells us to look for the books in the list, but somehow I am distracted by Loz, it is strange to be with a human that bears little power, a strange curiosity drives me now, the Gold I follow tells me this could be a worthy lesson for my pilgrimage. Besides I have little idea of how to find anything in this place, however, when.Loz suggests we go to a dark corner I say no. Still while I make an effort to find the books in the list I put my hand in my pocket and feel the necklace Loz gave me earlier.
We gather after a while, Helena and Kadaj are talking to some redhaired man, he seems to trust the vampires and they seem to trust him, he explains he is an authority among the vampires in this university, and that some sort of council is to be made in order to decide if we can access the information we seek.
We all head out, being led by this powerful vampire, Mandragora, to a dormitory they have reserved for vampires, ghouls and blood-dolls. Once he explains us that there is a room for us women and one for the men, Helena mentions openly she needs the Necronomicon, Mandragora looks at her and agrees to give it to her, and asks her to go with him, I am about to join in when I once again feel the curiosity awakened by Loz, I trust Helena, and know the book will come to me eventually. Kadaj and Helena leave with Mandragora, Sephiroth enters the room destined for the men as I follow Loz into the other one.
Still he is too nervous, I know he has failed, in spite the fact that to us Createds the feeling of all this is quite vacuous and not particularly thralling, and that many among humans crave for it, I know he has failed, he starts sobbing, and I start watching TV. Kadaj and Helena return, just as they anounce their presence, Loz runs away, followed by his so called “brother”, and they are later followed by Helena.
She calls me some minutes later, saying that Loz is quite hurt,I care little about it, but in the end she convinces me to give him a second chance, she asks too for me to leave my cellphone as it is and not to end the call, It is confusing to me, she was once human, and the Golden path before me demands me to behave as human as possible.

kingdom of heaven

I dont care what you say, this movie fucking rocks

Susaku Kururugi

Nombre: Susaku Kururugi

Crónicas: Genoma

Edad: 18 años

Perfil Psicológico: Rasgos Narcisitas de Kohut, y Masoquistas de la personalidad.

Template: Ninguno

Relaciones: Genbo Kururugi (padre), Hayami Hiroito (madre)Euphemia/Helena (amiga),

Antecedentes: Susaku nació en EUA, hijo de padres Japoneses nacionalizados en América, que decienden de una larga línea de Shoguns, con bastantes influencias y recursos económicos. Es durante los primeros años de su infancia que su madre murió de una enfermedad autoinmune y quedo completamente bajo la tutela de su padre. Aproximadamente a los 7 años de edad, El padre de Susaku decidió inscribirlo a una academía militarizado, practicamente una tradición con todos los varones de la familia Kururugi, permaneciendo en esta escuela hasta los 17 años de edad, y es necesario mencionar que destacó en practicamente todas las areas físicas, atletismo, punteria, lucha cuerpo a cuerpo y con la espada (Kendo), consiguiendo siempre los primeros lugares por lo que no tiene nada que envidiarle a los medallistas olímpicos. Es poco después de su graduación que su padre fallece de manera misteriosa. Sin mas remedio que continuar adelante, y sin otros familiares cercanos, Susaku quizó entrar en la milicia norteamericana, pero ha habido problemas burocráticos debido a su nacionalidad, por lo que decidió continuar sus estudios en la Universidad de NY, donde consiguió una beca, sin saber lo mucho que cambiara su vida por esta decisión.
Historia: Debido a sus antecedentes y su propia personalidad, Susaku rara vez logra relacionarse con otras personas (debido a que tiene la creencia que debe de sufrir un castigo, ergo, no merece tener relaciones con otros), pero esto cambió cuando conoció a su vecina, Helena, una hermosa joven inglesa que recién llegó a vivir a norteamerica. Es la calidez de Helena lo que le a hecho pensar por primera vez a Susaku, que merece algo más que el sufrimiento, por lo que ha intentado por diversos medios de acercarse a esta misteriosa doncella. Susaku no lo sabe, pero en realidad Helena es la ex princesa en 3a linea al trono de la Gran Bretaña, Euphemia li Britannia, quien murió en un arranque psicótico donde asesino a decenas de personas mientras realizaba una gira de paz en un país sudafricano; pero lo más importante es que Helena es en realidad un Kindred, una vampiro, y de ahí sus extraños habitos de salir de noche y las misteriosas personas que la rodean.
Aunque la relación con Helena ha sido dificil, Susaku lo ve como parte de su conducta masoquista, y persevera aun cuando la hermana de Helena, Cornellia (quien tambien es vampira), ha desarrollado un gran odio hacia él, y ademas de que en ocasiones , pareciera que Helena lo quiere lejos (esto en realidad lo hace Helena para protegerlo). Susaku sabe que Helena tiene problemas y desea ayudarla, pero no sabe como hacerlo, por lo que espera a que sea Helena la que se abra al respecto.
Una serie de misterios han estado rodeando a Helena (la muerte de una vecina, misteriosos sonidos de su departamento, extrañas apariciones, etc), y Susaku sabe que ella esta sufriendo, pero cuando trata de acercarse, Cornellia lo detiene. Si tan solo supiera la verdad sobre ella................................(continuara).

miércoles, 21 de enero de 2009


Sin comentarios.........

Universos de Dungeons & Dragons

Como ya saben, Dungeons & Dragons tiene muchos universos en los cuales jugar, y me es de particular interes mencionarles cuales son para que asi escojan para la siguiente ves que sea Dungeon Master. Aqui solo los listare, pero posteriormente dare un detalle de cada uno de ellos y tratare de poner el mapa.

1. Al-Quadim
2. Birthright
3. Blackmoor
4. Council of Wyrms
5. Dark Sun
6. Dragonlance
7. Eberron
8. Forgotten Realms
9. Ghostwalk
10. Greyhawk
11. Jakandor
12. Kara-Tur
13. Kingdoms of Kalamar
14. Lankmar
15. Maztica
16. Mystara
17. Pelinore
18. Planescape
19. Points of Light
20. Ravenloft
21. Rokugan
22. Savage Coast
23. Spelljammer
24. Wilderlands of High Fantasy

Y no olvidemos el de mi propia creación, Dalaran, basado en 5 culturas (Egipcia, Nordica, Griega, Celta y China), la serie de "Avatar: The last airbender" y el Anime "The 12 Kingdoms". Las descripciones seran breves y tratare de incluir siempre: Nombre del planeta, Continente principal y Antecedentes de esos mundos.

Resultados de la Encuesta Clases Favoritas

Bueno, finalmente pasó la semana y con ella termina la encuesta.

En tercer lugar, cada uno de estas con un voto, empatarón las clases de wizard, warlock, barbarian y swordmage. A mi en lo particular me gusta mucho el tema Arcane, asi que estoy muy satisfecho de que 3 clases arcane ocuparan al menos uno de los 3 lugares.

En segundo lugar, con un voto cada una, el Ranger y el Paladin, dos clases que en lo personal se me hacen de lo más originales, y francamente, se me hace que el paladin tiene la mejor marca de los defenders, buen rango, buen daño, no tiene que tirar y siempre hace daño.

En primerísimo lugar tenemos al Fighter, el poderoso guerrero, con infinidad de nuevas técnicas que lo hacen mucho más original que el de la 3a edición. ¿Me pregunto que habrá sido lo que le dió la victoria?, ¿su marca?, ¿su armadura?, ¿su versatilidad?, y uds, ¿que opinan?.

Proximamente: Universos de Dungeons

martes, 20 de enero de 2009

Linage details.

If there is something missing or in need of clarificatin, just put it in the comments.

Lineage: Geass

Elements Air

Humor: Blood

Derived from the Muses, Geass wielders, as most of the very few descendants of this lineage call themselves, find themselves suffering from a craving of acceptance, of love, and the power to seduce, whereas Galateids are created from beautiful bodies, Geass wielders compell to bodies of people who wielded power, be it druglords, or simply charismatic people, to kings, these bodies need not to have been disfigured by their causes of death, but the death must have been violent.
The creation ritual is mostly the same, vinegar and herbs of a recipe most strange, substituting some by hemlock and pulverizing black pearls, to infuse the Azoth into the body, a kiss is needed, but not through the lips, but over a scar, that out of the common vanity of a Galateid, is usually made in strange shapes, most put this scar on the back of the head, where hair might cover it, some others put it on the back or on a shoulder, as if it were a tatoo, some do tatoo the strange symbol right over the scar.
The craving for power is natural for humans, probably a Geass Wielder was what inspired JRR Tolkien to say so about men, and it was probably the prescense of a Geass Wielder that started both World Wars, and drives the actions of many dictators, some drug lords have one Geass Wielder as a Concubine, with this it is stated, Geass Wielders´ Disquiet brings war and violence, marriages that lived happy until he got a lover, who is a promethean, and then he started hitting his wife to show his power.
But these prometheans as much as the other lineages, look only for some acceptance, and look more than anything to comprehend this craving for power, trying to understand so as to understand those they want to be, human.

Creation: Having the mixture made, and the body soaked in it for long enough, the next step is preparing the kiss, unlike their Muse counterparts, before this vital contact, Azoth is prepared within the mouth and between the lips of the creator by saying a special contract to be whispered to the body´s ear, being this lineage one that has to end its pilgrimage by creating one monster.

Refinements: Power can mean being next to some beautiful woman, this is why many Geass Wielders practice gold, power means winning, being stronger, which also makes Ferrum a natural for these Prometheans and sets them appart from the Galateids.

Disfigurement these lineage looks much like Galateids, save for the fact that their scar shines, much like a Tammuz´s marking, and their eyes grow black or blood red completely.

Background Why is such a tiny difference so important as to have a scare carved and black pearls used? The story tells, as Rambles have gathered that a muse was told by a Quashmalim about a certain body, he found her, a body still warm, with a very visible scar, this body would be a milestone for the muse, and so he created his monstruous progeny, using the same scar that he loathed to transmit the Azoth, and the Black pearls to make a reference of the violence the woman suffered and the hemlock signifying what violence causes. Some say it was a woman caught being the lover of a man, others said she left her boyfriend and he would not stand seeing her in someone else´s hands,, no more details were given, and there is little truth to be gathered about the body used, but that is how the lineage changed.

Bestowment: Mesmerizing presence: More than relying on mere aesthetics, and good looks, Geass Wielders may also use intimidation, they prefer calling their Bestowment presence instead of appearance, though the effect is almost identical.

Stage1 Air becomes still, devices such as fans will break down or have their effects diminished.
Stage 2: Devices will heat instead of cooling, this heat is irritating, people become aggressive.
Stage 3; Confusion reigns, those seeing through the affected air will see enemies instead of friends and will read and hear twisted messages that develop schizophrenic behaviours.

BOTLN 011509

They pick me up and drag me into an ambulance, feeling my always irregular pulse and my always irregular breathing, and not knowing I am not human, they try to defibrilate me, but the device is too weak to heal me enoughly to survive, the last thing I see is my own blody humor fly into the sky as I cough violently.

I see the Quashmall, it calls to me, making me remember the pact I made with Lelouch. I wake up, its dark, and a gust of cold air is blowing from somewhere, I have been put, once again, in the morgue. I pull myself out of the plastic bag and then push myself out of the drawer. I need to get out of here, but I am bare naked, I am about to step down of the drawer and look for some clothes when I hear voices outside the room, talking about practicing an autopsy on me and on Saed, I lay down again and pull myself int and play dead.
I am put on the surgery table as they mention that Real wants to be present for this, she is obsessed.
She enters the room not long after, and asks the men to leave, saying that she wants some time alone with me, since I was her friend, quite cynical. When they leave she tells me to raise, that she knows I am now fine. I do raise and put the sheet that covered me on, She asks me why we were at the school last night, I tell her it is hard to believe, but she only replies that she has quite an open mind, in the end she convinces me and explain as best as I can.
She tells me that I am free to go, I ask her for her coat, but she denies me such a simple favor, I then stare into her eyes and whisper her to give me her clothes, to release Sephiroth, to erase our files and to go to California by foot and without money. She obbeys, her warm coat is a nice change from the cold steel surface of the table.Still, her clothes are somewhat large for me, but they will do, she leaves wearing the same sheet I had dropped just as the two men return, they are confused about why I am now standing, I infuse my fire into one of them and the terror makes him fight his companion.
I walk out and take Real´s car. I think about what to do now, and I think about going batck to the Book, I drive to the Spina Mannor and ask to be let in, after some time they let me in, and am greeted by Helena, who most probably has just awakened.
I ask her to communicate me with Gustaf, he might be able to deal with the car. He tells me to meet him in the Red Moscow, his favorite restaurant, as I walk out to meet him I meet Sephiroth, who thinks it was Helena who had taken him out of Jail, I explain to him that it was me. And that I am about to see Gustaf to help me get rid of the car.
I take the car out of the driveway and start heading to the meeting, but the Book keeps calling me, I see a good space next to a fire hydrant and park next to it, and take the license plates off from the car, I get to the Hudson river and throw the plates into it, and then get back to the Spina residence. Helena is out, Susaku brings her back while I am telling Sephiroth what I did to the car. When asked if she would like to go out again tomorrow, she replies that she is plannigna trip to Massachusetts, Cornelia comes out from somewhere and reprehends her for such plans. She says that Helena must learn self defense and that she is to start learning fencing, and hands her a sword, I think about it and think about the difficulties of carrying a sword around, I look at Sephiroth and sort of enjoy the irony.
I read the book, time passes me by again as I am enthralled by its contents ant mysteries, Sephiroth comes in and asks what I see within it, I simply reply “information of the important kind, many names like Ghast and Wu” trying to cause a reaction on him as these too are familiar to us, strangely enough I see the Bloody Princess Euphemia vi Britania. Just then we both become aware of two things: A strange buzzing sound and an Azoth aproaching us. Not long after the huge window shatters as Genesis and one of his Pandorans break in, Sephiroth gets in the way as I try to look into Genesis´ eyes, they draw their swords.
Genesis’ strange talk emerges, claiming he comes to take the book away from the Princess before she stains her hands, I hold the book as best as I can and ask him how is it that Genoma knew about the contents of the book, how is it that he too is looking for the Necronomicon. Seems Ghast talked to much to the vile creature. Knowing the contents of the book I for a while consider it safe for me to destroy some of it, to render it useless to anyone else but me, but my will fails me, I cannot destroy this book, it has become precious to me. They fight, not without me trying to paralyze Genesis, but he resists. Genesis does bring Sephiroth to his knees, I can imagine why as I remember how much damage we took just last night.
I run, I get out of the room and head for the staris, trying to get to Helena and Cornelia, or whomever can stop this creature. Still I am too slow for him, he catches me, and grabs the Book, and is about to take it away from me when I manage to whisper a couple of orders to him; to leave us alone and to go as far away as possible.
Sephiroth is taken to the doctors within the house, they say he will heal in some time, I ask Helena if they have any sort of generator, After some useless arguing with one of the doctors, we take Sephiroth out to where the generator is, I make him touch the wires as the device works and see him heal.
When we go back in Cornelia tells Helena that her departure will be in two days, since many details must be taken into consideration for their people, a simple mistake in schedule and it would be over for them.
These two days are used by Lelouch to e-mail me, he wants to meet me. I set the rendezvous point at the Green Dragon in Central Park. He is pompous as usual, claiming that his plan is working quite perfectly, so I complain about Genesis and Genoma attacking us. He claims those two have always been outside the plan. And tell him his precious tool was almost lost to the Pandoran.

sábado, 17 de enero de 2009

Claudia Greenwood

Nombre: Claudia Greenwood viuda de Bangzao
Crónicas: Genoma.
Edad: 48 años (aparenta 29).
Oficio: Ninguno
Perfíl Psicológico: Rasgos Antisociales y Narcisistas en su personalidad.
Template: Vampire; Clan Daeva, Bloodline Xiao (Californian), Covenant Invictus.
Relaciones: Gung Bangzao (2do esposo, fallecido), Ran Shuquin (Sire), Oscar y Diana Greenwood (padres), Cornellia li Britannia (enemiga), Caustox ni Britannia (1er esposo, fallecido), Zhao Bangzao (suegro, embajador de China en NY).

Antecedentes: Nacida en Inglaterra, hija del embajador Oscar Greenwood y su esposa Diana. Desde muy pequeña vivió colmada de lujos, siendo educada en las mejores escuelas y con los mejores maestros, hasta que a la edad de 15 años, cuando su padre fue asignado como acesor político en Hong Kong. Claudia mostró un gran interes en la cultura China y sus leyendas. Pronto formo una colección única de reliquias, que solo una familia tan adinerada como la suya podria sustentar (soldados de terracota, una mascara que pareció pertenecer al primer emperador, cientos de jarrones de jade y porcelana de las primeras dinastias, etc). Pero a pesar de los lujos y rica educación, Claudia desde entonces ha demostrado ser una persona arrogante, fría, derrochadora, extremadamente prepotente e incluso cruel.

Fue este interes en las leyendas e historia de China combinados con su personalidad que atrajo la atención del vampiro Ran. En un principió, Ran trató de acercarse a Claudia como todo Daeva, por medio del control emocional, pero la personalidad de Claudia resultó ser un hueso duro de roer. Desistiendo en el acto de la seducción, Ran obtó por utilizar el interes personal de Claudia por las reliquias Chinas que finalmente logro que ella se acercara a los misterios de los Kuen jin, como llaman a los vampiros en China). Cuando Claudia hubo averiguado la verdad acerca de los muertos vivientes, pronto fue ella la que le pidió a Ran que la convirtiera en uno de ellos.

Claudia utilizando la habilidad de Kinjan para manipular las emociones se volvió todavía más cruel, llenandose de Bloodolls a los cuales humillaba y maltrataba, incluyendo a sus propios padres. Cuando estos murieron, Claudia se dió cuenta que su fortuna peligraba por lo que viajó a Inglaterra en busqueda de un esposo adinerado, encontrando a Caustox ni Britannia, un conde propietario de varias hectarias de vid en Gales, asi como algunas propiedades en EUA.

Tras lograr su matrimonio, a penas un año después, su esposo se suicidó, y Claudia heredó todo, sin embargo, Claudia no contó con que, Caustox, era un primo lejano de Cornellia li Britannia, un kindred del Invictus como ella, la cual estaba muy molesta con los eventos ocurridos y durante los siguientes 5 años mediante diversas estrategias políticas, Cornellia logró quitarle a Claudia todas sus propiedades en Gales.
Claudia, furiosa, juró vengarse y salió a EUA, donde conoció al hijo del embajador de China en NY, Gung Bangzao. Utilizando nuevamente sus habilidedes de kindred, sedujo al joven de tan solo 20 años y logró manipularlo a él y a su padre para obtener todo lo que deseaba. Al igual que con su primer esposo, cuando el joven ya no le servió mas, lo manipuló de tal forma que este terminó dandose un tiro en la sien, en medio de una fiesta, solo 6 meses después de la boda.

Historia: Claudia averiguo gracias a los contactos de su esposo y suegro de una misteriosa reliquia China llamada "el libro de los nombre muertos" o 本書的名字死亡, y empezó a investigar al respecto, como con cualquier leyenda China con la que se topaba, pero fue cuando se le acercó la Lancea Sanctum.
El Obispo V.V. y la familia Sangiovanni, sabiendo los contactos y los antecedentes de Claudia, le propusieron pagarle una gran cantidad de dinero si los ayudaba a conseguir el libro y los componentes necesarios para el ritual que ahi viene escrito (que incluia los cuerpos de unos migrantes ilegales Chinos que se suponía debian de ser regresados a su país). Claudia logró localizar a uno de los posibles dueños del libro, el señor Yun Wu. Sin embargo, V.V. pensó que Claudia llevaria el trabajo a un nivel personal si se enteraba que Cornellia se encontraba en NY, por lo que le encargó a otro el buscarlo (el por que decidió encomendarle el buscar el libro a los niños de Nigrit y Cornellia, solo él lo sabe).

Fue durante una reunión de gala donde conoció a Kadaj, Euphemia (con su alias Helena), C.C. y Sephiroth, y se enteró de que Cornellia se encontraba en NY y de que Helena era su niña, por lo que ha decididó vengarse de ella, utilizando a Helena para esto.

Cuando creia que tenía todo en su poder, al acorralar a los protagonistas en una de sus bodegas, no habia contado conque Helena había dominado la diciplina de Majesty y con que C.C. la dominaria para sacarle la información de su contrato con la Lancea Sanctum, pero aun tiene algunos ases bajo la manga, para llevar a cabo su venganza.............Continuara.

miércoles, 14 de enero de 2009

Las Mejores Clases de Dungeons

Como ya saben, en Marzo sale la Players Handbook 2 de D&D 4thED. Que incluira todas las clases de Primal (la naturaleza) y 2 nuevas clases de Divine y Arcane. En total las clases serian las siguientes:

Martial (Marciales, osea normales)
Fighter: El defender de los marciales, su marca es muy buena.
Ranger: El striker de los marciales, que su opción de arqueria puede funcionar como semi-controller; mmmm ¿deberia haber sido primal?
Rogue: El otro striker de los marciales, muy útil en toda partida.
Warlord: El leader de los marciales, listo para ayudar y dar ataques extras, yo lo hubiera nombrado Knight.

Arcane (los hechiceros)
Wizard: El controller de los arcanos. El mago clásico con su infinita cantidad de hechizos en su libro que siempre debe llevar y preparar.
Warlock: El striker de los arcanos, cuyos conjuros hacen un daño extraordinario mientras que le dan bonus.
Bard: Leader de los arcanos con su poderosa música y habilidades castrosas.
Artificer: Otro leader de los arcanos con sus múltiples inventos e items mágicos.
Swordmage: El defender, el gran mago-guerrero que puede funcionar como semi-controller.
Sorcerer: Otro controller de los arcanos, con mágia espontanea e impredecible.

Divine (los elegidos por los dioses)
Cleric: El leader de los divinos, valiente sacerdote de pesada armadura que se arroja en combate para ayudar y mantener sanos a sus aliados y alejar cualquier muerto viviente.
Paladin: El defender de los divinos, gran caballero de Dios que llevara acabo su voluntad.
Invoker: El controller de los divinos, yo le hubiera puesto simplemente Priest, un sacerdote que llevara los milagros de Dios para traer orden al mundo.
Avenger: El striker de los divinos, gran inquisidor que llevara el castigo a los impiós, mejor le hubieran dejado el nombre de Favored Soul, pero creo que era muy largo.

Primal (los aliados de la naturaleza)
Barbarian: El muy resistente striker de los naturistas, cuya ira incontenible destruye todo a su paso.
Warden: El defender de los naturistas, que puede hacer transformaciones parciales y atacar con la velocidad de un leopardo, la fuerza de un oso y ........bueno ya saben que más.
Shaman: El sabio leader de los naturistas, que utiliza el poder de los totems que tiene para sanar a los espíritus (y mortales).
Druid: El controller de los naturistas, que utliza su habilidad para cambiar de forma y controlar los elementos para mantener a raya a los enemigos en el nombre del planeta.

Es hora de una encuesta, de las clases que ya conocen escojan a las que consideren las 2 mejores hasta ahora (en los comentarios pueden poner el por que).
Solo me desespera que tarden tanto en sacar las clases, y todavia ni luces de los ki (ninja, samurai, monk, sohei, shugenja, wujen), psionics (psion, pschic warrior, soulknife, wilder, lurker, adept) y shadow (hexblade, ilusionist, necromancer).
Por cierto.....los Aasimars ahora son llamados Deva y salen junto con los Half-orcs y los gnomes en la PHB 2.

domingo, 11 de enero de 2009

Más personajes de WOD

Hola a todos, escribo nuevamente este mensaje para que sugieran de que otro personaje de la crónica de WOD actual necesitan su biografía, hay una gran cantidad de personajes:
Invictus: Charles, Cornellia, Claudia.
Lancea Sanctum: V.V, Donatto Sangiovvani, Luca.
Ordo Dracul: Proximamente Kristoff y Mandragora.
Mallus Maleficarum: Margulis, Anderson, Yumiko.
Shinra: Dr. Hojo, Genoma.
Prometheans: Ergo Proxy, Saed Proxy, Genesis.
etc.....uds deciden.

miércoles, 7 de enero de 2009

BotLN 4-01-09

Animals have been appearing dead around the lighthouse, only the skin is left, the inside seems to have been disolved, the police are perplex, but I do know what it is that causes this, the documents I recovered from Shin Ra and that Lelouch had me translated talk about a creature that would surpass Projects S and G, If whatever little information I can add up is right, this thing is a Pandoran.
That is all that has called my attention lately, these last days have been dull, no contact from Lelouch, not even from Saed, I would have thought that he would contact me since his beloved leader is probably handling those Vampire politics.
The movement is finally contacting me, a series of messages describing Saeds last known whereabouts at an Ordo Dracul feeding place, a school where he works as a janitor, as usual they ask me to investigate it, and of course I bring Sephiroth with me.
The school is large, a large crest serves as its symbol, part of it has a strange dragon discretely put into the composition. We break in as we seem to have grown used to, and start looking. The first obvious place to start is the nearest broom closet, it is a good chocie since infront of it we find a poodle of blood, real blood, not any mixture of bloodlike stuff with a humour, so I automatically discard it being Saed´s. Inside we find three bodies, all with their chests torn open, from their necks hang three identical medallions with the little dragon that is hidden in the crest. I take one and keep it.
We continue looking, going up a floor at a time and finding more bodies, some are surrounded by ashes and bones, bones too brittle, since they simply pulverize at touch. I take a trash bag and put a couple of handfuls of this ash into it. As we explore another of this bloddy scenes we hear screaming, more like yelling as if someone were in pain, it comes from the lower part, we head down hastily and find that the entrance to the underground watter containters is open, inside it blood is scattered as more body parts lay everywhere, on the wall there is a torso, I take out a flashlight and recognize Saed, his arms and legs missing, as well as his eyes, I tell him we were sent to help as we pull him off the wall, some sort of sticky substance seems to hold him in place.
Saed explains that some creature ambushed him and devoured him, I only have a suspision, that it headed to a secret library the Ordo Dracul has here, we head there too, the library is open, and the entrance to the secret library is too, one of the dragon medalions is in what should have been a keyhole.
A strange voice reaches us, a cracking voice, seems it has to make a special effort to articulate, it is thanking someone for its help, and offering to leave It alive, as we aproach, I leave Saed on the floor and prepare my gun, Sephiroth walks in with his sword in hand, I peek inside, a woman is stuck to the wall, infront of her a transparent creature stands, it is hard to distinguish it, but looks like a gigantic bug it is leaning on a desk and picking up a book. Sephiroth tries to slice it, but his sword does little to it, the creature turns around and moving some sort of tail stabs Sephiroth, not a second later he is vomiting, his humor mixed with blood shines as it hits the ground, I shoot at the creature, but my bullet seems to bounce of him as he becomes visible, he walks towards me, claiming that he is satisfied for now, Genoma, as he walks by my side, he stings me too, right in my neck, I put my hand on the wound and feel how my humor sprouts out as I too vomit.
I hear a gun firing, the woman has released herself and has shot the creature, but again the bullet bounces off his skin.
I run and look into his eyes, he is inmediately paralyzed. We stare at each other for a long while, I try to command him, but I feel my fire being rejected inmediately, I start to heal myself using my pyros, Sephiroth and the woman get to where I am, they hesitate befor emaking an moves, my patience grows thin, and I use my inner fire to cause this hideous creature to fear, he does, but manages to hold onto the book. It runs away and leaves.
We head back to the library and start to look around for whatever the Pandoran was looking for, almost an hour goes by before we find out that it was a copy of the first chapter of the Necronomicon, this creature, what does he know about all this, and how is it that he knows?
Sirens reach our ears, they seem to be closing in from many directions, we notice the blue and red lights of turrets peek in through the windows. I ask Saed for help, he says that there is a backdoor through the cafeteria,. We head there, and when we open the door we find Real Meyer and two cops aiming their weapons at us, I clearly see their faces of horror as they look at Saed. I try to infuse fear into one of the cops as I did with the punks that tried to kill me weeks ago, but I am weakened. Real starts to mumble again about our monstruosity, I do nto hear, a great pain flows trough me, it makes me kneel and release Saed, my humor feels my mouth and blocks my speech as I try to tell him I am sorry. My pyros is almost gone, I do not think I can hold much longer. They pick me up, and put us all into custody.

lunes, 5 de enero de 2009

BotDN 27 12 08

We go back to the Carthian Movement´s headquarters, Lelouch seems to be out of town, so we are received by the second in charge, an old looking man called Jasper, looking to be within his fifties and having been quite spent before his embrace. “So you are two of Lelouch´s puppets” his words are filled with disrespect, as if we were inferior to these Vampires, I ignore it, Sephiroth seems to have done the same, still, he seems to know I am important for his leader, so I use this to talk freely and I hastily tell him of our findings, he says something about an enemy of the Vampires attacking the places we have been to. I do mention our finding of Genesis, but he has not heard of him, I try explaining that he wants a certain information that Lelouch is looking for as well as I show him the small silver cross, the book cover, and the spear we found. Jasper looks at this last item and concludes that the attacker is from the Mallus Maleficarum, when I ask about them he explains that they are the same Inquisition that centuries back hunted for whatever they considered unholly and sinful, that it has been around all this time, but using stealth and discresion, hiding in the shadows.
The phone rings, Jasper picks it up and tells Sephiroth and I that another of their feeding grounds has been attacked, and tells us to go investigate.
The place is some sort of night club, the door is surrounded by people claiming that they want to get in, Sephiroth pushes through the crowd to get to the door, I go around and look for a backdoor, but I only find that to get to it I have to get through a fence, I have no tools and it is locked. I go back, the crowd is gone, and Sephiroth is about to open the door his way.
Inside we find three figures, two were among those we fought in the lighthouse some time ago, the third one is a Nun, they tell us that we monsters are not among those they are after, so they will not attack us unless we do, Sephiroth tries to intimidate one of them using his sword, but the man simply pushes the blade aside and heads for the door, the other two people follow him, as they walk past us, I see that for some time now, a fourth figure, another nun, has been aiming directly at Sephiroth´s head. I infuse my fire into one of the priests and tell him to tell me what they are doing, his answer is “We came to eliminate the damned”

I call Helena, since something within mi urges me to read the Book and find its secrets. I ask her for permission to crash at her place and work as she sleeps, or whatever Vampires do during day. I read for quite a while, unknown to me, someone has sneaked in as I am deeply concentrated on the text before me, he grabs me and tries to put me to sleep using ether, unfortunately for him, the fire within me makes me particularly resistant to this. I manage tu infuse fear into him, and he just leaves panicking and screaming. I run to close the door, and push the couch I am sitting on as a barricade.
I continue reading and studying, until my efforts are most fruitful, the Book says that the location of the place to make the ritual is in Australia, that famous monolith, called the Navel of the World, a place where dreams, spirits and the dead gather. I tell Helena about it when she wakes up. I too tell her that the book does not have the ritual, but it is within another book: the Necronomicon.
Helena tells me then that some guy she knew was trying to find it, but that he disappeared some time ago. We are to find it, that is our resolve

Not long after the door rings, and when we open a bunch of people with strange apliances and devices enters, Helena explains to me that they are looking for some ghosts and I do know something of that is happening as I look at my palm and remember how it bled, although it was never my blood.
Cornelia arrives not much later, seems she has forgotten about me, since she barely remembers what she saw me do not long ago, she greets us with her usual pride. After arguing with Helena as I see the strange parascientists measure things here and there and stating that there are many spritutual forces involved, I simply find myself inside Cornelia´s car, with Sephiroth sitting oposite of me, and heading for the usual Pizza Hut, we park infront of it, just infront of another Limousine, Cornelia´s Ghoul, Guilford, identifies it as Kazzandra´s, and explains to Helena that she is a member of a rival bloodline to Cornelia´s, I do not understand very clearly, but Vampires were once human, so I try to learn a bit from this feud of theirs.

We enter the restaurant and the air grows tense as Kassandra, accompanied by Kadaj, meets Cornelia. Turns out that this Kassandra is the Sire of Kadaj´s Sire, still he confesses that his Sire wants the Book, I feel my inner fire burn as violently as a human´s heart would beat after important news, he says that he asked Kassandra for help since he has been feeling the urge to get the Book.
Helena and Kadaj start talking about how many among the vampires want the Book, she says that she wants to use it for good, that she wants to go to Australia and save a soul, he asks what soul would it be, I do not hear her reply since in my mind I deeply hope that the soul saved is mine.

The limousine is heading out of the city, towards a very wealthy neighborhood, I am somewhat surprised when I see that we go through a gate that leads to a driveway that still takes several minutes to leave behind, on either side there are vast gardens, all carefully tended as well as fountains with statues f young women pouring water and such, strangely enough I do identify myself with those statues. We finally get to a large house, quite luxurious, within Cornelia says to Sephiroth and me to walk to a certain door, we walk among more fountains until we get to the indicated door, as it opens I am able to distinguish two people, a man exhuding autority as much as Kadaj exhudes pride, stands up, Charles, Cornelia´s sire, I am tolde, he greets us and then introduces us to that talking with him, it is VV, the kid that once came to take the book away and that Helena scared away, to my surprise he seems to be the leader of the Lancea Sanctum within this city,
I then hear a familiar maniatical laughter, a chair turns and reveals Lelouch, he greets us merrily, but Helena violently steps in and yells that he belongs to the Carthian Movement, that he is a betrayer to the Invictus, she is then affected by the contract she made days ago, she seems to feel sick, if vampires ever do feel such things.
Lelouch rebukes the contract, thus ending Helena´s illness. He says that it is not the Invictus he is betraying, but the Carthian Movement, something in his words compels me to believe in him.
I ask him about his Proxies, he is about to answer when Helena again interrupts, forcing us to look at her, too strong a power,that we are all afraid of it, so it seems, She asks Charles to make Lelouch confess, and he accepts the request, Lelouch says then that he has been scaling the ranks of the Carthian Movement as Prince Alexander had asked him to.
After such declaration, Charles orders Lelouch to be investigated, removes his title and asks him to leave, Lelouch looks at me and smiles discretely. He walks out of the room and as he walks past me, he whispers that we are to talk.
I follow him to a terrace, and tells me that his plan is going quite well, that the Invictus and the Lancea Sanctum would fall from grace among the Kindred, that I should go back and convince Helena to keep trusting me. I ask him about Genesis, and he says that some new recruits are taking care of him, I will keep playing his game, so I slap him hard on the face, turn to my side so that I am giving my back to the window, knowing that the blow I gave him was noisy enough for those inside to listen, I can hardly contain my laughter as I see Karen´s face, and smile a bit myself, I turn around and enter again, acting angry. I tell Helena that Lelouch had asked me to stay by his side, and that I rejected his offer, she seems to believe me. It is now time to make these Spina people give me the Necronomicon.