lunes, 29 de diciembre de 2008
domingo, 28 de diciembre de 2008
BOTDN 25 12 08
Lelouch sent me too a letter, within it there are adresses of places that Sephiroth and I are to visit and investigate, they are all places that serve the vampires as feeding grounds, and that have been attacked in recent days, as Karen leaves I aske her to leave the car for me, I am not taking the bus nor the subway to go around the city, specially infolving so many places to visit. She says that she will deliver a car to me as soon as she gives Lelouch the briefcase containing all the precious info that Claudia gave us without really knowing why.
She does bring a car, a small European girly thing, I look at it and think it fitting for a woman like the one I resemble, a somewhat bitter reminder of my condition. Sephiroth and I leave to the first place in the list as Kadaj and Helena head somewhere else, a movie I think, its not hat I give much thought about vampires and their relations among them, besides, this faux person I am will most probably disapear when we get to find out how to use the book. I run itno a Radio Shack and buy it a GPS, since many adresses are not known to me, I have been in this city too little.
As we arrive to that first place, I slow down as an Azothic radiance reaches me, Sephiroth is well aware of it too, and for us to be able to feel it while driving, it means that whomever it comes from, is quite strong, I can only hope its one of Lelouch´s Proxies.
We arrive to our destination, some sort of bar, the door has a seal on it that reads “canceled”, we care little about it and try to open the door, but it is locked, a guard appears from somewhere and tells us to leave, his harshness annoys me and makes me look right into his eyes, I feel the Geass glow on my forehead as I make my Divine Fire alter his mood, he opens the door and gives me his money, and then happily goes home to rest. The place is messy and dirty, old furnityre and a refrigerator that still functions, within it there are many bags with blood, other than that the only thing we find is a small silver cross under a table.
We step out and head for the second place, it’s a store, being it late, we find it closed, and as we try to enter it an alarm is activated, we jump again into the car and head to the third location, leaving the alarm behind, the third place is an old derelict house, Sephiroth smashed the door and we enter. It is almost completely empty, the only thing left is a cabinet in the bathroom, behind the mirror that serves as its door, on the back of the glass shelves, or what remains of them, I see some strange scriptures, its latin, I do not understand it clearly, and it also seems to be written in blood,. I take pictures of it using my cell phone, and then I tell Sephiroth it´s time to head to the next place in the list.
The Source of the Azothic radiance is waiting for us, leaning on the car,: Genesis. He greets Sephiroth first, and asks him about the woman that looks like a Godess, knowing him so shortly already makes me know that he means Helena. He mumbles something about a Godess and the Book, and is surprised as he finds out that Sephiroth has not read it, he looks at me, and out of fear I turn away, such a fool I am, so human a reaction, so stupid, I give away the fact that I do know about the book, that I have read it and that I have been trying to find out how to use it, he reads through me as clearly as if I had told him. I try to paralyze him, buy me time to use one of my stronger transmutations and modify his memories, but he resists, he turns around, so that his eyes won´t meet mine, and starts walking away before asking Sephiroth to bring Helena to the Lighthouse.
The next item on the list lead us to some sort of privae library, a small building almost impaled between two larger constructions, again we break in without much care for stealth, the inside is also a mess, bookshelves laying on other bookshelves, broken boards, no books, just a pile of ashes amongst them there was also a piece of the leather covering of a book, the tittle, although charred, was still visible “Rites of the Dragon”, Vampire Lore, if I am nto mistaken,
We head to the next location, a Seminar, despite being it late, some lights are still on, we knock and have the door opened by some vicar, he rudely asks us to leave, I think about using my transmutations on him, but I realize this particular place is too crowded, investigating it would be rather difficult, so we leave it for later.
I read the listm and introduce the adress of the next place into the GPS, it’s a Sinagogue in Manhattan, we knock and a Rabi opens the door, I use my transmutations swiftly and manage to get permission to investigate and have the man give me the money they have gathered here, about six hundred bucks, quite a good amount, should last me a couple of weeks, more if I keep my job as Helena´s make up assistant and Lelouch paying for my frivolous spences. The investigations here lead us to the back of the building, where Sephiroth finds a trapdoor, within it a hallway leading to the remains of one once glorious Althar of engraved stone, now destroyed and with a spear protruding out of it, the shaft has engravings on it, I look at Sephiroth´s case, and ask him to put the weapon next to his sword.
viernes, 26 de diciembre de 2008
Un Ganador , un desempate

martes, 23 de diciembre de 2008
Nuevas polls en el rincon de kakashi

viernes, 19 de diciembre de 2008
Book of the Dead Names 17-12-08
We go to sleep, we both are tired. Strangely enough, and for what might be at much the fifth time in all this false life I have had, I dream, strange shadows surround me, enough as to avoid me from walking from where I am, one more shadow appears and takes the shape of a young girl, about twelve years old, so it seems, black hair and eyes glowing orange, she takes my hand and brings out a feather, and puts it in my hand, but she pierces my palm with it, and mumbles some words, which I cannot hear, since a cellphone ringing brings me out of my sleep.
It comes from upstairs, Helena´s room, night time is just at hand, Helena might as well still be asleep, or whatever Vampires call that state, I run upstairs to answer, but by the time I open her door her hand is already picking up the apparatus. She answers.
I turn around and head into the shower, isolating myself from the world outside, as I turnoff the water, I see a shadow of a person proyecting on the showercurtain, I peek and see no one, I step out and dry myself, just as I reach for the doorknob I discover it will not budge, I am trapped, I feel someone behind me, turn around and again I am alone in the room, or so it would seem, I make my azoth burn and whisper a coomand so that whomever is there manifests itself, and the strange girl from my dreap appears to me on the Mirror, I feel my azoth burning powerfully enough to make her obey me once more, I tell her to tell me what she wants, her mouth opens slightly and a horrid screeching sound emerges, feeling my mind, it stuns me and makes me kneel and cover my ears, but it continues, I beg for her to make it stop, yelling to try to make my voice overcome the sound. But she won´t stop, she continues for what seems an eternity for me.
The door is opened by Karen and Helena, I breathe deeply, as regularly as this body will allow me, and take some time to calm myself a little. Then I explain to Helena what I saw and what had happened, my voice still trembling. Karen asked about “the blood” I look around and both the mirror faucet and Toilet are stained with it, I check myself, and find that my hand is covered in it, real blood, not the bloodlike humor that runs through my veins keeping this body semi-alive, and that it comes from where the feather had been pierced into in my dream. I wash it off, and see that the blood did not come from any wound, my hand is perfectly right, as right as it can be, I pull my skin on the spot, it delayst to much to recover its original state, a depressing sight that I have never been able to deal with, and I wonder on the style of life the girl it once belonged to had.been like.
We head to an internet café, Helena needs to check her e-mail, Karen and I go to get something to eat, a Pizza Hut is right at hand, a good relief of what happened minutes before. We come back as Helena finishes checking all the stuff she needed, and storing some images in her cellphone.
Karen takes us again to Lelouch´s HQ, funy enough Helena has her eyes covered, to keep the location of the place a secret, so it seems, I trust her, but Lelouch is still reluctant to do so. Still he welcomes us showing some strange attitude as he also introduces whom he calls Prince Alexander, he seems important among Vampires, but to me he is not much more than an elegantly dressed man, still he also greets us politely and starts talking to Helena, while I greet Sephiroth with little concern. Alexander leaves shortly after our arrival, and Lelouch explains that he had come to try to wake up Marianne, the rescued Elder, from what vampires call Torpor, but still the attempt seemed fruitless.
Lelouch later tells us of some strnge old demolished church in the slums of Manhatan, he said that we should head there, since the land is now property of the Chinese Embasy, which makes Claudia Greenwood a suspect, and probably gives us some relation with the Lancea Sanctum. Lelouch asks Sephiroth to pay for his lodging by going there, knowing myself indebted to the guy, and knowing that its better to keep him by my side, I claim to Lelouch that Sephiroth had saved me, the important piece in this game against the Lancea, and thus it should be Lelouch paying Sephiroth. Lelouch agrees somewhat bitterly, and then asks again, this time as some sort of important favor that we head to the building and investigate, I ask for him to give me a weapon, after all he wouldn´t let his precious gray witch, as they call me, to run into unecessary danger.
When we get there, six or seven guys, all latinos with tatoos greet us with evident fake friendlyness, the leader claims that he had a car identical to us stolen a week before and that he wanted to check if ours was not it, I do question where Lelouch got it in the first place, but I do realize it is in our possesion and that these lowlifes would never own such a car legaly. Sephiroth keeps them at bay with a cold look, still I give the guy twenty bucks to keep the car safe while we are gone, he demands a kiss from me, and I just tell him that when we come back.
We enter the ruined building, only the front is still standing, wooden planks block our entrance, but Sephiroth manages to break them to make an entrance for us, within the dim light that gets in from the streets shows us the silloughettes of some large pieces of fallen walls and even wrecked cars, Still we find a door to a small room that has not been brought down, we open it with some effort, the chain holding it shut is strong, but inside it we find only some bags, inside them we only find sand, and some strange bricks, they look white under the dim light and weight much less than stone, I keep one to have Lelouch´s people analize it. Helena lits up the place by turning a swithch on the wall, the place looks quite clean and tidied up, only the wrecked old cars can be considered garbage, even the rubble from the demolition seems to have been cleaned. Sephiroth opens a hatch he found, it leads to an undeground hallway, we enter it and fin another door, its locked, we manage again to open it. Trying to be weary of the doogs we hear barking and growling from within, still they managed to jump both upon Sephiroth and one did bite deeply into his flesh, whatever humor fuels him shone as it splattered around, Helena scared one for a while and I just made my inner fire crumble the other´s mind, the one Helena scared tried to attack me, but it failed as I just stepped aside, Sephiroth attacked it, I then realized they were dobermans, I have learnt not to trust the breed, aggressive and very intelligent. But in the end the dog ended so injured as not to keep attacking. We enter the room, only the lights from the hallways lit the inside, dimming as they reach into the darkness, and letting us see corners of some tables with plastic bags on them, I break a bag and look inside, I see a leg, I look for a light switch and find it, and then look back, and I see many tables, and many bags, body bags, what I thought to be common trashbags were body bags. At the fardest end of the room I distinguish a computer, we head to it as Sephiroth states that the bodies seem to all belong to Chinese people.
Sephiroth manages to hack into the computer, and obtains two clues, one is the image of the St.Giovanni family crest and that most of the texts inside are in Chinese, we are about to take the computer out, when a scent of burning wood catches our attention. A flute sounds, I turn around and standing between the dogs Claudia makes the instrument sing. I look right into her eyes, and have her under my grasp, I am about to whisper orders to her when a voice tells me that I will fail in my attempt, then I feel as if my back was whipped many times, my hands and feet pierced by nails and my scalp hurt by many thorns, bllod comes from my forehead, barely allowing me to keep my grasp on Claudia. Digging briefly in my mind, I recognize de voice as Luca´s.
I give Claudia three orders: to tell us what is going on in this room, to go home, and to deliver all the documents relating to this place to the pizza hut we usually go to.
Claudia starts talking as I use my Pyros to heal my wounds, its good that we prometheans are not distracted by pain, I say as I kneel and listen. In the end Claudia says that the St.Giovanni´s asked for the corspes, that more were to come, that the purpose of them was unknown to her but that she would be paid with some pure blood Chinese blood dolls. I tried to impose the same tactic on Luca, but her will is too strong, she resists my transmutations, and as Claudia heads out, she goes after her, I try stopping her by shooting at her, but she takes little damage from my bullet and escapes after throwing me a threatening look.
Sephiroth comunicates with Lelouch, tellign him about what we found, warning him about the delivery to expect at the Pizza Hut and the new body shipment the St.Giovannis are expecting The Carthian says he will warn the police about the strange body storage and with that the St. Giovannis would be in trouble, most probably the Lancea won´t have influences in the police, but the Invictus would, making Helena a valuable asset there.
We exit the old church, the gang we left to watch our car are still there. And in spite of me being covered in my own blood, the leader still asks for his kiss, I drag him to a dark spot where his subbordinates cannot see, and there I paralize him and tell him to clean the street and then hand himself over to the police, when I release him, he orders his gang to start cleaning, we go back to Lelouch´s place, not before taking Helena to get a meal from Nina, and then taking her home.
jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2008
Mi nuevo grupo de música
Book of the Dead Names 14-12-08
A young woman arrives and whispers something into Lelouch´s ear, he looks at me and tells me that Sephiroth has been caught by those who have the Elder he mentioned just seconds ago, He stands up and says he will come with me to retreive him.
He sets three different parties, one is conformed by Lelouch and I, to my surprise the young woman that brought the message also joins us, he says her name is Karen, she looks mostly caucasian, though she has notorious traces of Asian heritage.
Just before leaving, I see him making. Helena swear an oath, similar to the one I did in the prescence of the Quashmallim. I take not much care about it and head for the car.
We arrive at Shin-Ra, I barely recognize the place from which not long ago I simply ran away from , Lelouch an Karen step out of the car, and she inmediately aimed her gun at some bushes not far away from us, Kadaj emerges and starts arguing about his so worshipped and beloved invictus and some more useless stuff., I use the time to reach into the car´s glove compartment and take a gun.
I hear a gunshut and inmediately turn to see what is it, Karen´s shot Lelouch, who laughs as he recovers from the wounds, and explains that she is instructed to do that in case Lelouch is dominated or hypnotized.
Convincing Kadaj to join us, as we are all after Sephiroth we enter the building, Lelouch leading the way, and standing proudly infront of the guards, who do not attack him, demands the door be opened for us, I just hear some mumbling about us being his captives, we enter and a guard leads us to the cell block, and explaining that Proyect S is causing chaos somewhere else in an attempt to escape, and that he is already surrounded. He turns and leaves,, not without me asking him for his gun, he obbeys, but it’s a large rifle, I could barely control it, but Karen accepts it gladly.
Not long after the guard exits, Kallen received a message, seems that onother party has found Marianne, whom just might be the Elder Lelouch mentioned.
We go to get Sephiroth, Lelouch again walks to the guards that kept banging the door to some storage room and demanded Sephiroth to surrender. As Lelouch aproaches them, they all salute him as if he were some high ranking officer, and leave as soon as he orders them to. We knock the door more gently and Sephiroth comes out still holding two scientists in his hands.
An alarm sets off, Lelouch says it’s the third party, creating adiversion for us to exit, as we advance through a hallway, bars fall infront us blocking the way, I manage to push Kadaj to the other side and look for some switch, but he only fings that all the ways ahead are blocked similarly, Sepghiroth and Kadaj use their swords and break the bars, thus getting Kadaj back into the group, We turn around and head through an unexpected course, heading first into a strange laboratory that said something about some Genoma Proyect, within we find some tubes in which some strange glowing liquid flowed, I see some documents over a desk, I empty a paper bin and use it to containg as many documents as I can, in the meanwhile Sephiroth had opened a hatch leading to some sort of underground deposit for the strange liquid, he takes some smaller cylinders containing it, and then pushes some buttons on a console next to what seemso be a reactor, it shuts down, leaving us in utter darknes, only lit by the dim glowing tubes around us, Some light iluminated our way as Karen took out a lantern, she points to a door, which opens and reveals several people aiming at us. Lelouch vanishes in mid air, a while passes and his voice is heard and the soldiers lead us to the exit, we head home as a aseries of explotions behind us light the sky as the complex is reduced to rubble.
Once in Lelouch´s HQ, I ask for shelter for both Sephiroth and me.
Resultados de encuestas, llenos de irregularidades
Costilla: gente que voto: 6, #de votos: 9, Ganador: Haggar con 4 votos, Seguido por Naruto con 3 e increiblemente seguido por sephiroth con 2, digo que es increible pues no solo sephi es un personaje muy joven sino que en la opcion de cecil inclui a cualquier otro paladin que haya hecho costilla y esa opcion quedó con 0 votos.
Gigio: Gente que voto:5, #de votos: 9, Ganadora: Lady Avel por unanimidad, el unico personaje de todas las polls que tuvo 5 de 5 votos, seguida por el incompetente favorito de todos el tataranieto del señor burns en persona Edward Nigreth. ni lolindir ni kadaj pudieron conseguir siquiera un voto haciendo esta poll la 2a mas definitiva solo detras de la del palo.
Glenn: Gente que voto: 5, #de votos:9, Ganadora: Quon mejor conocida como chupitos con 4 votos, le siguen la silent but deadly Miho con 3, y Ferrard McBane con 2. C.C. mejor conocida como la callejera no consiguió un solo voto... extraño pues ludwilla gano a la npc mas popular: ¿Como puede una aquerosa prostituta tener tantos votos cuando otra asquerosa prostituta tiene tan pocos?.
Majodo: Gente que voto: 6, #de Votos:11, Ganador: Maj-Orco, el bardo bastardo conocido por su rapidez para escupirle a la gente y sus cambios de vestuario con 5 votos, seguido por el personaje cabezón que introdujo el termino "cazagoles" a la mesa de Rol: Maj-Odo version starwars con 3 votos, despues encontramos a mejodo con 2 y por ultimo maj-odo de dungeons con 1 voto. no es de extrañarse que los mas locos hayan quedado en ultimos lugares.
Manolo: Gente que voto:6, # de Votos: 11, Ganadora: Sakura-chan con 4 votos, seguida por zack y Kakashi con 3 votos cada uno y la pequeña Helena con 1 voto. Debo admitir que estos resultados me soprendieron, yo esperaba que ganara kakashi sin mucha complicación sin embargo mis votos fueron kakashi y Zack lo que significa que de las otras 4 personas que jugaron junto con sakura todos votaron por ella mientras que solo 2 por kakashi tambien no esperaba que zack tuviera voto aparte del mio y de magodo y no pense que helena tuviera siquiera un voto. A mi me falto incluir a mi A team: Aarien Aerith y Angela quienes creo tambien son populares...
Palo: Gente que voto:7, #de votos: 7, La poll mas concluyente de todas donde la opcion Ninguna de las anteriores venció a la judia, al chiquilin, al principito y ala vampinegra saya. Puesto que solo somos 6 debo asumir que Dios mismo bajo de su nube y voto por ninguna de las anteriores...ja
Bueno pues estos son los resultados si alguien tiene una opinion favor de expresarla. Por cierto les gustaria enfrentar a los ganadores en competencia de popularidad? comenten al respecto
miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2008
Gran Final

martes, 16 de diciembre de 2008
I was born just as the Great war ended, being the cause of my Mother´s death because of birthgiving complications, and having my father killed months before on the trenches of France, little Jocelyn grew up among foster parents and maturing my mind rapidly as the world tried to recover from the wounds it suffered.
My only constant support was the religion that an Irish family gave to me, I spent the afternoons helping them in exchange for a simple cup of soup, some water and some company, they invited her often to mass and to a small meal on Sundays, I was very grateful of this, but times change for people, nothing lasts forever. The man of the family wanted to go with his family and try luck in America, as many had done, to me he left a small reliquary of silver, a treasure he kept from his father, and that meant to me that I could have something to use in case of any emergency even though the family that considered me one of them would not be at hand anymore. They could barely pay for their tickets, and I was already an adult. But I had started already to build a life of my own, a small room to rent and a small job in a local bakery to cover my expenses. “She is strong” my foster father said as he looked to the horizon as it engulfed the silhouette of the Isle, or so I liked to think back then.
Months later the situation in Europe started to become tense, Hitler was strong and England started to look to its southeastern shores in search fo possible invaders. The nasal voice of England´s main supporter of segregation and war was often quenched by the static of radios changing stations
Not being much of a politician, and thinking it quite secondary and already to distant from my beliefs, I often sought advice at churches or chapels, and often found the silence in them recomforting.
The military started moving, getting stronger, there was a fortress not too far away from the bakery, we often supplied them with fresh bread, and I often took the baskets.there. The Chapel within the fortress served as home for a priest that I considered atrractive, I could see him when I went before sunrise to deliver the breakfast bread, or on some which the priest asked for some bisquits for his helpers. I often felt guilt after setting ,y enormous blue eyes upon him as that who admires silver as It shines, I know what it feels to shine and have eyes set upon me, it is a feeling sweeter than wine. I often found myself going to confession during the week many times in the same chapel within the fortress. Often the same priest that caused all this trouble heard me confess, my voice always cracking with fear and nervousness though I never used his name nor said anything direclty. Still never did I see him during the day, only during the evenings, a fact that never crossed my mind until it was already to late.
My usual incursions into the fortress carrying the bread baskets and my fair face caught the attention of many within those walls, not a small number offered to help me carry things or teach me some defensive moves they had bluffed with in order to catch my attention, I did play the role of the shy girl, but those excercises would often allow me to see the face of the Priest, who would often aproach me and greet me kindly.
The times grew tenser, people knew that the armies would move and that the small fortress would be serving its purpose as a checkpoint for the movilized troops that might move south any minute. As I delivered a late order of bread, I was called by the Priest.
-Child-he said, his accent sounded strange to me, still it thralled me- In order to bring peace forward, I am having a special mass at midnight
-Midnight?- I asked, remembering that only during Christmas season did such events take place, and those were still monthsa away
-Its mrerely symbolic and it is to receive the first troops that will head to fight this war. You are an orphan of the Great war, are you not?
-Well, yes- my voice was shy, I remember that quite clearly, and my mind was clouded by some mysterious melody in his voice, a melody most useful to me now.
-Come and sneak in, the guards will be aware of your coming, and will ask no questions, thread carefully through the shadows and knock three times at the chapel´s back door.
-Why me?- I asked something within me fighting to fin reason and sense, a battle that “something” would lose much to easily.
-Just help me, child! Please!- Much after that is confussing even now.
The next thing I remember is how I snuck out of my small room, carrying the reliquary in a small pouch hidden in my clothes. And jumping from a shadow to another keeping myself hidden, trying to let the distant sound of military trucks that aproached be the only sounds that could be heard.
I had the door opened for me, I entered the fortress and headed for the small chapell, all lights were out, still I walked to the back door jumping from shadow to shadow, and knocked the backdoor, it opened and the priest was there, he told me to follow him, as he lit a lantern that produced a very dim light, enough for me to see that the furniture of what should be an office had been pushed towards the walls, the carpet rolled, and with that, a trapdoor was revealed, he told me to go down through it, I do not question him, I do it, as I went down the stairs I could hear the trucks arriving.
Once I was at the bottom I found myself in a room lit by more lanterns, a small stone altar with a strange cross with a skull in the midle, a symbol I would soon start to carry and cherish, but at that moment it scared me-
I heard voices coming from the groundlevel, soon steps came down from the same stairs I had stepped down. Men in cloaks walked in, dressed as people of the clergy and the military, they soon surrounded me. The Priest came last, walked towards me and looked at he who was dressed most richly, a young looking man, not much older than me, so I thought, he is still around, I bet, as old as Westminster Abbey, maybe more, but his reaction at that moment was simply nodding. Then the priest reached behind the altar and brought out a book, a cup, matches to lit a couple of candles, and a small box. He started to read some strange text from the book as if it had been the common Good Book, but it was a language I was not familiar then, and still now, so many years later, cannot understand. Then, after some lectures, through which I had been standing, never sitting, he opened the box, a dagger with a rose entwined around it came out, soon I would learn that it was not a propper dagger, but the tip of a spear made of silver, older than any of those there, with it the priest made a small cut on the tip of my finger and the blood fell into the cup, I still remember I did not complain, I was there, being a puppet, some drops of crimson and a chant, then my arm was extended by him, my wrists were cut, I fell violently as my head became light. I felt my life fade, then an arm was put above my mouth, a cut with the dagger on it and some drops fell into my lips.
-It is with this that you will come to embrace sin, so you can understand its nature.- The people around me said, a prayer I now understand.
You see, we were cursed, long ago, before anyone remembers, particularly us Daeva thrive on sin, and we use it for our benefit, tempting humans, luring them to us, and punishing them right on the spot by turning them into a meal.
That was how I became a part of this Inquisition, as the Priest told me the group we belong to is called, and I wast to be an agent for them, still am. They needed someone young representing the countries that worried about Hitler, and what appeared to be some hand pulling the strings, the Invictus and the Sanctified did not like how Germany was behaving, it could be a threat. And they could not risk higher ranking people to investigate it.
At first I was scared, I was fed forcibly, held captive within a small cell next to the very underground place where I had been Embraced, I banged the door that held me there trying to either bring it down or call for someone´s help. But I had barely begun my unlife, and there was something that kept me even weaker, the lack of Vitae, they fed me just enough to keep me standing, to avoid me going into Torpor, and it was given to me in order to create a Vinculum, it is broken now. The only other thing I was given were some scarce news, about the baker worrying about me, fearing the worst, and that some decoy was set so he would believe it was my body.
As the vinculum was made, I grew tamer, feeding and obeying, they proved to me that those who came to serve as a meal were those that confessed both at the chapel and at the town´s church, many of them were extracted from the local prisions for some offenses, I was told to punish them by taking part of their life from them, and I did. Often violently, using the skills the soldiers had taught me, not knowing that most of thems were already Ghouls to the Priest, If you wonder his name, it won´t be something you will hear from me, he´s got dangerous enemies, and it is my fault to some extent.
You see, once I ws prepared, they ordered me to go to Germany, concretely to Munich, we were to stop some vampire called Diva and who seemed to have taken advantage from the hostilities to raise her power, I received the help from some other Vampires there, but we failed to accomplish the mission, details are unimportant, and a rather long torpor erased what actually happened from my memory.
I woke up decades after, receiving the strong vitae I needed, such dormancy was decreed both as a punishment and to save my life, keeping me hidden from the Nazis, and leaving me to my wretched dreams. To my surprise I also happened to be right here in London, taking the role of an errand girl to the local Lancea, they also keep an eye on me so I do not grow to strong, I barely know any Disciplines and have little to do with aquiring them, its not a bad life, I know, but my will diminishes, at least I have food brought to me, and the ghouls that have been set at the same level as me. I rather say I was put at their level, my punishment shall continue, so it seems. However, these sheep at my side may very well be this wolf´s lunch.
lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2008
Encuesta del mejor NPC, Resultados de las Semifinales.
Actualizacion, rincon de kakashi
miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2008
Un regalo para Majorco.

Nombre: Sahuagin
Especie: Sahuagin
Tipo: Aquatic humanoid (natural)
Edad: 34 años (nació en 1974)
El sahuagin fue creado por Steve Marsh en 1974 para la 1a edición de Dungeons and Dragons y nació basado en un personaje "hombre-sirena" que salió en un episodio de la caricatura "Liga de la justicia".
El nombre original del Sahuagin fue "Hombre demonio de las profundidades", y en el primer monster manual se llamo "Seadevil", y desde entonces ha aparecido en todas las versiones del monster manual.
Apariencia: Los Sahuagin son de color verde o acua, generalmente de tonos mas oscuros en su espalda y mas claros en el pecho y abdomen, los especímenes jóvenes suelen ser manchados o rayados en la espalda. Miden en promedio 1.83m pesan aproximadamente 91kg. Tienen los dedos en forma de aleta, y a partir de la segunda edición del juego, cola. En muy raras ocasiones algunos especímenes nacen con 6 extremidades (1 de cada 216) y estos suelen ser de color negro o gris.
Sociedad: La sociedad de los Sahuagines es similar a la Azteca, glorificando al sol y la necesidad de que este sea alimentado con sacrificios humanos. Aprecian en particular el oro, con el cual forjan hermosos utensilios.
Enemigos: Sus principales enemigos son los Kuo-Toa y los Elfos Acuáticos, a los que atacan al menor contacto.
Aliados: Ninguno, aunque en ocasiones llegan a aliarse con los Kuo-Toa si comparten un enemigo en común, y es frecuente viendolos acompañados de Tiburones.
Religión: Los sahuagines por default adoran a Sekolah, aunque esto varía de campaña en campaña.
Resultados de la Semifinales del NPC favorito.
1. Ludwilla con 4 votos!!!
2. Ino con 2 votos
3. Cornelia con 2 votos
Ahora para la final, el NPC más popular hagamos la última competencia en la gran final!!!!!!!
¿Quien sera el ganador?
Voten ahora, en esta ocasión solo tienen un voto, asi que escójan bien.
martes, 9 de diciembre de 2008
Mini Bio de Dungeon Mage Knight
Si les interesa otro personaje díganme y se los expondré también.
a)Geddion Longblade: General de las fuerzas expedicionarias de los Knights Inmortal, Elfo de familia noble que se especializa en peleas melee, Miembro de la Familia Longblade, reinante de la ciudad de Freyhaven, y con el grado de Gran General de División, Esta bajo las ordenes Directas de Master Cyrus. (se encontraron bajo un árbol con Geddion).
b)Guy de Lusignan: Teniente Mayor de las fuerzas expedicionarias de los Knights Inmortal, Discipulo del templo mayor de Freyhaven, y prometido de una de las hijas de Master Cyrus, esta en el ejercito por su cargo y cercanía con la Familia Reinante (elfo de barba, que mag orco le escupió).
c)Balian de Ibelin: Hijo de Godfrey de Ibelin, héroe de los Knights Inmortal en las guerras contra el avance necromancer, ha sabido escalar entre los puestos de los Knights Inmortal, hasta convertirse en Sargento Mayor de estas, debido a su abierta postura, no es querido entre las grandes esferas del ejercito, pero es apreciado por el General Geddion Longblade, lo cual le ha significado, su confianza, a pesar de sus escasos 300 años, este soldado ha sido un excelente estratega y es querido por sus soldados.(es el soldado que les envió el halcón).
d)Tom the gun:General de la empalizada rebelde protegiendo el paso de Nephan Mon, a pesar de no saber exactamente donde esta, protege el valle donde se rumora esta este paso, excelente estratega, esta al mando de la Duquesa Roja de Khamsim, y tiene bajo su mando a Drek
c)Drek:Mecanico de los revolucionarios, es un excelente tinker, que tiene a su mando mas de 100 golems de vapor, tiene conocimientos de arcana
d)General Vale: General de los ejércitos libres, fue un héroe de los Knights Inmortal por mas de 500 años, y maestro de muchos generales importantes, hasta que se dio cuenta que no podían estar en la postura de pelear solos y formo una banda con lo que los Knights Inmortal llaman, "lowlanders", elfo de facciones muy finas, de pelo blanco y ojos violeta, es el mando directo de Angela, aunque nadie sabe por que, ya que Angela es solo un scout.
e)Maestro de los calabozos:enanito que se apareció frente a los aventureros, fanático de las historias de valentía, y gran sabio buscador de la valentía interior de los héroes.
f)Annette Quimby: Niña humana de escasos 17 años, Novia de Stefan, de ojos negros, piel blanca, y cabello negro, de belleza inocente busca su amor por Víctor
g)Stefan de Venecia: Soldado razo en los ejercitos revolucionarios, Novio de Annette, despues de ganar fama en el ejercito, busca irse a casar con Annette, tiene una amigo llamado Victor.(le dio unas cartas a Angela)
h)Glenn Thims: Dueño de una tienda de armas en pueblo Diamante, única persona que no callo en el hechizo del espejo, bastante gruñón pero con un corazón de oro, lo que le interesa a el es vender las mejores armas de la región, para los que llama "aventureros". Sus frases favoritas son "i will wipe your arse kid", "If a frog had an arse, it would hit it when it jumps, just like my boot on yours......kid"
i)Lorelei: Elfa de sangre, que casualmente también es una bruja de sangre, tiene una tienda en la ciudad de Tile, que es donde estaba el ejercito libre, aventurera, la bruja hace expediciones en busca de recursos para sus hechizos.
lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2008

domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2008
Resultados de la Encuesta de mejor NPCs, WOD.
Ahora solo quedaran aquellos que junten por lo menos 2 votos, empezemos a votar, los competidores son:
1. Kiradata.
2. Bob.
3. Sora.
4. Jean.
5. Hinata.
6. Tiffany (Ino).
7. Tsunade.
8. Susaku.
9. Dominica.
10. Cornelia.
11. Kasandra.
12. Ludwilla.
Por favor, traten de basar su decisión en como es el personaje en el en el ánime.
viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2008
Mono siguiente historia
Bueno aquí pondré la lista de enemigos
Primero, necesitare 6 Rat like people, o "wererat", (si no tienes palo, cualquier mono feo servirá)
También voy a necesitar 8 esqueletos y 4 zombies 2 hellwasps y 4 wolves.
Los kobolds yo creo ya no necesitarlos, los oozes y los goblins, pues están en todas partes, ja.
jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2008
Los favoritos NPCs de WOD.
1. Kiradata: Quien debuto en Aura, con su pecular forma de vestir, la negrita que fue el huesped del Aura en las 3 partes de dicha crónica y que volvió a aparecer al final de la 2a parte de Oneiros.
2. Bob: Iniciando en Aura primera parte, el posible nuevo huesped del vampiro Isa, con la peculiar habilidad de encontrar cualquier cosa si se le describe, asi como Oneiromancia.
3. Sora: El primer Changeling en aparecer en las crónicas, debutando en Oneiros, y la victima de Sasha.
4. Horoken: El Changeling amigo de Sora que debuto en la segunda parte de Oneiros, caracterizado por su gran impulsividad y actitudes inapropiadas.
5. Jean: La bella doncella albina del Chateu, quien resulto ser uno de los 10 niños prodigios y rival de Hao.
6. Hinata: La tímida compañera de clases de Sakura y Naruto, quien estuvo presente desde Oneiros.
7. Tiffany (Ino): La rival de Sakura, quien padeció de la misteriosa enfermedad Oneiros, ha continuado molestando a Sakura desde Aura (las tres partes) y Oneiros (primera parte).
8. B.T.: La líder de los Magíos y una de las alumnas de Tsunade, de caracter fuerte pero que guarda un gran secreto.
9. Tsunade: La maestra de Sakura que destaca por sus rotes para controlar el envejecimiento y la fuerza sobrehumana.
10. Jiraiya: El hombre-lobo, líder de la manada de Naruto. Sabio pero pervertido, pasa ya la mayor parte del tiempo en la Shadow.
11. Prof. Hyuga: Padre de Hinata, que apareció en la 1a y 2a parte de Oneiros, experto en antigüedades.
12. Lelouch: El vampiro que maneja una doble vida.
13. Ergo Proxy: El misterioso Promethean que desde Oneiros ha causado interes.
14. Susaku: El vecino de Euphemia, con antecedentes de entrenamiento militar, cuya lealtad es asombrosa.
15. Nina: Antigua bloodoll de Claudia, actualmente perdidamente enamorada de su salvadora, Euphemia.
16. Loz y Yazoo: Los compañeros de Kadaj, realmente no han aparecido en la historia lo suficiente, lo sé :(.
17. Dominica: Vampiresa, Primogen, Harpía, uno de los vampiros más viejos y poderosos de la Ciudad de NY. Ha aparecido en todas las crónicas.
18. Cornellia: Hermana de Euphemia, y su sire entre los vampiros, destacada por su gran personalidad y maestría en el combate.
19. Charles: Sire de Cornellia entre los vampiros, uno de los líderes de los Daeva en NY y de la bloodline Spina.
20. Orochimaru: Uno de los 5 Sanins (el grupo previo a los Majios), es un poderoso Ventrue del infame Circle of the Crone.
21. Deidara: Uno de los 5 Sanins, el promethean entre los Sanins, es muy misterioso y solo ha aparecido en Oneiros en 3 ocasiones.
22. Los Sangiovanni: Funcionan como uno, Rita, Donato y Dino son solo algunos de sus miembros, siempre pendientes de los oscuros secretos de esta familia de vampiros.
Suerte a todos los candidatos. Recuerden ahora les propongo 3 Votos (son un buen de personajes), escojan bien.
miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2008
Rita Sangiovanni
Crónicas: Genoma (1a parte).
Edad: 55 años, aparenta 21 (Genoma 1a parte)
Oficio: Pianista ocasionalmente.
Perfíl Psicológico: Rasgos Dependientes y Limitrofes en su personalidad.
Template: Vampire; Clan Mekhett, Bloodline Sangiovanni, Covenant: Lancea Sanctum.
Relaciones: Donato Sangiovanni (Hermano), Dino Sangiovanni (Primo), Paul Sangiovanni (Sire), Anna Sangiovanni (Madre), Carlo Sangiovanni (Padre).
Antecedentes: Segunda hija de Anna y Carlo Sangiovanni. La familia Sangiovanni es conocida por su gran influencia en Nueva York, Venecia, Roma y Milan; asi como llena de rumores. Entre los rumores que existen destaca el que son necrofilicos, incestuosos y mafiosos. Todos ellos muy acercados a la realidad, pero hay uno en particular que define a la familia........Todos son ghouls o vampiros. Rita no es la excepción, nacida en Venecia, pasó los primeros 20 años de su vida como ghoul, donde a los Sangiovanni se le indica la importancia de pertenecer a una familia y se les instruye particularmente en los negocios familiares. Quienes destacan en esto, son recompensados con la sangre de los "ancianos" para mantenerse jóvenes y fuertes, quienes no, se les deja envejecer. Efectivamente la familia es incestuosa, y la génetica empieza a evidenciarse. Rita nació con una importante discrasia sanguinea, por lo que siempre fue pálida y débil, sobreviviendo quizá solo gracias a la sangre de su Domitor (Paul Sangiovanni). Con ayuda de su hermano y su primo, se le concendió el don inmortal de pertenecer a los "ancianos" cuando tenía 22 años. A los 3 años de convertirse en inmortal, se le permitió acceder a los secretos de la familia y pertencer de forma completa a la verdadera "Familia Sangiovanni", donde dedico sus siguientes años a entrenarse en Auspex, Obfuscate, Celerity y la diciplina única de la familia, Cattiveria. Fue hasta hace 10 años que su primo Dino Sangiovanni la invitó a ella y a su hermano a vivir en Nueva York.
Historia: Rita aparece por primera vez en la crónica Genoma, cuando los protagonistas acuden con los Sangiovanni sin darse cuenta de la naturaleza de estos (gracias a su diciplina de obfuscate), Rita es a la primera que conocen, mientras tocaba el piano, como es su costumbre. Cuando se enterarón de la posibilidad de encontrar después de 50 años de desaparecido, el "Libro de los nombre muertos", el cual, la familia ha buscado desde que se mudarón NY, ya que supuestamente encierra los secretos para "preservar la memoria de aquellos que se han ido". En un inicio Rita creyó que compartir la información con el kindred Euphemia no era una mala idea, pero Donato no desea que alguien no miembro de la familia conozca sus motivos. De muy mala gana siguió a su hermano Donato, hasta tender una trampa a Euphemia, Sephiroth, Dante y Kadaj utilizando su poder de Cattiveria y sus cadaveres con los que más ha experimentado, pero ella y Donato no contaban con que Euphemia ya habia dominado la diciplina de Majesty y utilizando el máximo poder....Soveragnity, se rendierón ante ella. Pronto, el Arzo obispo de la Lancea Sanctum, V.V., y la inquisidora Luca de la bloodline Getsumani decidieron acudir al haven de Euphemia para recuperar el libro por la fuerza, pero nuevamente fuerón detenidos por Euphemia, en esta ocasión, completamente abatidos por la inmensa presencia de la Vampiresa.
Rita esta pensando en hacer las cosas mejor a su manera, si tan solo se pudiera acercar a los protagonistas sin su hermano mayor.....................Continuara.
martes, 2 de diciembre de 2008
Resultados de la Encuesta de Villanos

Villano Favorito de WOD
1. Hao: El poderoso mago scelesti, maestro de los espíritus, ha aparecido en las crónicas: Aura (segunda y tercera parte) y Oneiros (primera y segunda parte).
2. Maya (la Diva): Haciendo su debut en la crónica Oneiros (primera y segunda parte) y Genoma (primera parte). Terrible vampiresa Mellisidae, con influencias en varios gobiernos.
3. Hama: La anciana hechicera capaz de manipular el agua y la sangre, quien tuvo su debut y despedida en Oneiros (segunda parte).
4. Haberya: El peligroso Centimani, cuya facinación por las estatuas y las iglesias, nos hicieron verlo repetitivamente en las crónicas Aura (primera, segunda y tercera parte) y Oneiros (primera parte).
5. Amshel: El vampiro sirviente de la Diva (o la mano que mueve los hilos detras de esta), que ha aparecido en Oneiros (segunda parte), y Genoma (primera parte).
6. Sasha: El hada del hielo y las tormentas que busca nuevas victimas para que tomen el lugar de su "Ganimides", que la conocimos en Oneiros (primer y segunda parte).
7. V.V.: El vampiro que conocimos en (Genoma) arzobispo de la Lancea Sanctum en NY que trata de imponer el fanatismo en sus seguidores.
8. Genesis: Uno de los 3 creados de Shin-Ra, que hizo su debut en Genoma (primera parte).
9. Claudia: quien apareció en Genoma (primera parte), la cruel vampiresa, viuda del hijo del Embajador de China, experta manipuladora.
10. Margulis: Miembro de la sagrada Inquisición, Mallum Malleficarum (el martillo de las brujas), quien hizo su debut en Genoma (primera parte).
11. Alexander: Otro miembro del mismo rango que Margulis, apareció por primera vez en la crónica "9 Puertas" y actualmente en Genoma (primera parte).
12. Luca: La vampiresa de la Lancea Sanctum, miembro del clan Nosferatu, y una de sus principales inquisidores, que debutó en Genoma (primera parte).
Si tienen otros candidatos voten por estos y pongan su opción en los comentarios.
Real Mayer

Edad: 22 (Oneiros) -25 (Genoma).
Iggy sobrevivió, pero permanece en coma por un severo Traumatismo Craneo encefálico".
Real no tardó en concluir que el autor había sido Vincent Law, y salío a buscarlo. Sabía que el no era humano, asi que contactó a Ferrard, de quien obtuvo algunos datos que la llevarón hasta Vincent. Fue en este tiempo cuando lo trataba de cazar que se le acercó un grupo del gobierno, quienes habían estado valorando su desempeño, y como manejó el caso de los homicidios en Rat City, y de como había entrado en contacto con criptoides (entidades no identificadas). Este grupo era conocido como Task Force Valkyrie, sub grupo Project Twilight.