Los cuentos de hadas son más que ciertos;no porque nos digan que los dragones existen,sino porque nos dicen que pueden ser vencidos.
G.K. Chesterton
sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2008
viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2008
Personajes de WOD y D&D
Como he tenido problemas para mantener la hoja de personajes, he decidido publicar aquí a los personajes de las crónicas. los estaran sometidos a juicio de los personajes (se publicaran los personajes que mas les interese saber). Si no hay un personaje del que se desee saber en particular, se elegira uno al asar. Tratare de sacar un personaje a la semana.
Asi que ya saben, escojan un personaje del cual les interese saber el background para tenerlo la proxima semana.
Asi que ya saben, escojan un personaje del cual les interese saber el background para tenerlo la proxima semana.
Dungeons and Dragons,
Conclusión de la Encuesta de Dragones
Bueno, nuestro gran ganador por tan solo un voto fue el Dragon Rojo, y con mucha razón, es clásico, a todo mundo le gusta el fuego y su diseño es el mejor. El segundo lugar fue un empate para el dragon azul y el negro, ambos tambien muy populares (lástima dragón azul).
El poll no incluyó a los dragones metálicos, pero publiquen aquí su voto por ellos y por qué.
El poll no incluyó a los dragones metálicos, pero publiquen aquí su voto por ellos y por qué.
Dungeons and Dragons,
jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2008
miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2008
Dinosaurios estupidos
Tu Dragón Favorito.

Hola es hora de una nueva encuesta y esta ocasión es sobre dragones, y la pregunta es fácil, ¿Cúal es tu dragón favorito?, ahora pondre la lista y escojan 2 cada uno:
Cromáticos: Servidores de la diosa multicolor, Tiamat.
Azul: El noble villano, maestro de las rocosas montañas, perfecto imitador y con aliento eléctrico.
Verde: Manipulador y mentiroso, el dragón de los bosques y valles, con aliento ácido, conocido como el hechicero de los dragones.
Rojo: El clásico dragón lanza fuego, el mas cruel y despiadado de los dragones cromáticos.
Blanco: Poco distinto de un animal salvaje, el dragón de la tundra con su aliento helado.
Negro: El escurridizo y putrefacto dragón de los pantanos con aliento viscoso y ácido.
Morado: Un nuevo dragón cromático.
Gris: Un nuevo dragón cromático.
Café: Un nuevo dragón cromático.
Metálicos: Servidores del dragón de Platino, Bahamut.
Oro: El más noble de los dragones, cuya sabiduria y bondad no tienen límites.
Plata: el más prudente y generoso de los dragones, amante de la libertad y la justicia.
Bronze: el gran guerrero, valiente y osado entre los dragones.
Cobre: El eterno bromista y escultor.
Estaño: El dragón de la charla interminable.
Adamantio: Un nuevo dragón de metal
Hierro: Un nuevo dragón de metal.
Aqui estan los dragones de la familia Abysm, Lung, Planar, Elemental y Cristal.
A votar.....
Dungeons and Dragons,
viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2008
Mage knight
Hola que tal!
Bueno esta entrada es para mostrar las características de el mundo de Mageknight, ya que como ya deben de saber, tenemos planeado hacer una mini historia de dungeons en el mundo de Mageknight, en la cual yo seré el DM, con ayuda de todos ustedes.
Bueno, quisiera primero poner las diferentes tipos de magia que existen en este mundo, ya que de eso se basan muchas culturas/guilds/razas
Bueno en primera instancia tenemos algo llamado Magestone, que son unas piedras con inmenso poder mágico, y pueden ser usadas para muchas cosas, y con todas las escuelas de magia.
Y en segunda tenemos las religiones, que también tienen poder divino, entre ellas están los Heirmann gods, los dragon gods, y los cultos de Tezla.
Bueno empecemos, en este mundo existen, enanos, elfos, humanos, vampiros, centauros, trolls, orcos, goblins, golems, gigantes, dragones, grifos.
Y podría empezar hablándoles de Tezla.
En Rokos, que es una ciudad parecida a lo que en nuestro mundo llamamos Egipto, hace mucho tiempo se predijo por el oráculo de Rokos, el nacimiento de un super mago llamado Tezla, este humano tenia la habilidad de controlar la magia a niveles impresionantes,
Generalmente los humanos para controlar la magia, usaban estas piedras llamadas Magestone,(estas magestones son como uranio, ya que la sobreexposicion a su magia podria matarte), y los magos humanos, se las ponían a sus armas o se las ponían en la frente, (los magos mas poderosos solo podían incrustarse una, ya que eran lo máximo que resistían.).
Cuando nace Tezla, sube rápidamente de nivel, y se incrusta tres magestone, lo cual lo hace emperador de los humanos en ese momento, defendiendoles tanto de los orcos, como de los ataques de los altos elfos.
Asi se creo el Imperio Atlante.
En esta época de prosperidad suben rápidamente tres escuelas de magia, la tecnomancia, la necromancia, y la magia elemental.
Se hicieron grandes avances y los humanos lograron conquistar grandes extensiones de tierra con estos poderes nuevos y desarrollados, pero habia un problema, la exposición de las magestones era demasiada, y quienes trabajaban sacándolas de las minas morían de una forma expedita.
Entonces al darse cuenta Tezla que los enanos resistían la magia, se le hizo buena idea esclavizarlos, y meterlos de mineros.
Una ultima accion que hiso Tezla fue levantar las ciudades de atlantis, para que ningun ejercito pudiera atacarla por tierra, cuando el cuerpo de Tezla muere, su alma es absorbida por las tres escuelas de magia mas poderosas, haciendo que tanto los necros, como los elementales, como los tecnomancers, digan que tienen al Tezla original, y se crea una pugna por el poder, al final, los necros, escapan a una ciudad creada por ellos que la llamaran Necropolis, con el alma de Tezla en un Bone golem, los elementales se van al bosque con el espíritu de Tezla, y los tecnomancers se quedan con el alma de Tezla en un golem mecánico.
Los enanos junto con algunas tribus de humanos nómadas, crean un levantamiento y se funda los Black Powder Revolutionaries, con su general, La black Thorn, y la duquesa roja de Khamsim (que no era de la nobleza, pero era la general de una de las pocas ciudades libres al imperio atlante).
Y esa es la historia de la creacion de los rebeldes, los necros y los elementales, y los atlantes.
Resumiendo estaría así.
-Elemental League o elemental Freeholds (no costilla no frijols): union de magos, elfos, centauros, dragones, que dominan el bosque mas importante de la tierra de mageknight y su objetivo es sanar a la tierra.
The Freeholders stand as a bonded force of Elven, Centaur, Troll and Faerie eco-warriors armed with the powers of nature, the elements, and the fury of the storm unleashed. By the will of the Spirit of Tezla, they will triumph over all that stand before them.
-Dark crusaders, o necropolis: sociedad muy parecida a los forsaken de warcraft, dominados por vampiros, que buscan dominar la tierra con el poder de la “restless death”.
When you think of the Dark Crusade, think of sexy vampire cults and the temptations of immortality. The thick taste of blood, the cold flesh of the dead, and the cries of the weak being gutted before a roaring crowd best describe life within the fire-lit halls of the Necropolis. In time, if one performs well enough within the course of the inquisitional Dark Crusade, one might be lucky enough to be made into an immortal vampire, or become a Necromancer trained to animate to control the restless dead.
-Black powder revolutionaries: Union de enanos, hombres del norte y de la sabana que buscan mantener su libertad en contra del imperio atlante.
After centuries of persecution by a domineering magocracy, the Revolutionaries have found a way to even the score. With the new republics of Khamsin and the Northlands having carved out their own territories from the Atlantean Empire, now the real fight begins to maintain their hard-won freedom and to put an end to the tyranny of the Empire once and for all.
-Atlantean Empire: Imperio de humanos y elfos, basado en la tecnomancia, viven en ciudades flotantes y usan golems mecánicos y magestones para casi todo.
“When you think of Atlantis, think of the height of the Roman Empire, with its famed legions armed with lightning weapons and towering War Golems. While the mages of the Atlantis Guild once held control over the Empire with an iron fist, Emperor Nujarek’s public confirmation by Tezla’s Avatar makes him the most powerful man in the Empire. With his destiny laid before him, Nujarek seeks to reform Atlantis in Tezla’s name, and promises to lead humanity to conquest and victory.”
-Ahora les hablare de los orcos, bueno los orcos básicamente son cuatreros, que se la pasan asaltando violando, peleando, con los humanos, y tienen un khan, que seria el warchief de sus tribus, también existen medio gigantes entre sus filas, usan a los goblins como escuderos, y son grandes guerreros.
Generalmente pelean contra los..........corrección, pelean contra quien se les ponga enfrente.
Tienen magia totémica, que realmente es Magestone, sus shamanes mientras hacen sus hechizos, mastican piedras de magestone.
When you think of the Orcs, think of the green-skinned hordes boiling out of the grasslands to rape, plunder and pillage whatever gets in their way. Orcs possess a deep cunning and an innate understanding of combat, strategy and tactics. They are not an easy opponent to face, and often turn the tide of battle with their sheer ferocity and rage.
-Ahora les hablare de los Elven Lords.
Bueno básicamente viven en las montañas al este de la tierra, y su sociedad estaba basada en castas, los elfos de poco nivel son o soldados de pie, o son campesinos.
Estos elfos son los primeros en poblar la tierra, y protegen el paso de las montañas, ningún mortal o lowlander como los llaman ellos, pueden subir a sus ciudades, ni cruzar las montañas, al parecer ellos protegen algo que esta mas al este.
Ya que fueron los primeros, e inmortales, son guerreros de gran disciplina, pueden pasar 100 años en perfeccionar un corte de espada, o un hechizo, y se especializan en una sola cosa, a lo largo de su inmotalidad (ya sean arqueros, ya sean espadachines, ya sean magos).
Su sociedad esta dirigida por 7 familias, Longblade, Stormbringer, Sharpeye, Starsdawn, Mistwalker, Wyndfenner, Lightbringer, solo si eres miembro de estas familias, puedes llegar a tener un alto puesto en el ejercito y la política, son altamente religiosos, ya que sus poderes mágicos y armas mágicas no los sacan de magestone, si no de su misma fe, los templos de sus dioses sirven como barracas donde a lo largo de su eternidad practican sus guerreros.
Generalmente, los Altos Elfos envían a uno de sus cientos de ejércitos a la tierra a desafiar a algún warlord, y es comandado por un alto jefe, ellos pelean de primera linea y son los últimos en dejar el campo de batalla.
When you think of the Elven Lords, imagine a self-appointed peacekeeping force armed with enchanted weapons, the strongest magical capabilities and centuries of martial practice. Now, with the destruction of their armies at Khamsin and the hideous betrayal by the Atlanteans fueling their rage, the Elven Lords are holding nothing back in their attempt to reduce the chaotic races of the Land to ruin.
-Los Draconum
Bueno, esta es una raza complicada, nacen de huevo y son muy salvajes, solo piensan en comer, en dormir, y en pelear con sus hermanos, después de un tiempo son encadenados y puestos con un draconum mayor y llevados al campo de batalla, se les encadena para que aprendan el precio de la libertad, después de un tiempo de estar como bestias de batalla, aprenden a enfocar su furia, y son llevados a alguna mina de magestone en donde evolucionan (esto se llama chrysalis) y les salen alas, y después, de cientos de años de practicar su forma de pelear, son llevados de nuevo a la mina, y evolucionan en dragones muy poderosos de cola y y dos cabezas, que gobernarán su raza.
Los draconums son monjes guerreros que siempre están en búsqueda de superarse a ellos mismos, son muy parecidos a los dragones de la cuarta edición, y..........son extremadamente orgullosos, no tienen afiliación, mas que son su raza y si mismos, ya pueden pelear en contra de alguien o con alguien.
When you think of the Draconum, think of mystical Dragon People. Draconum are solitary, wandering warrior-monks seeking physical, magical and psychological evolution. Combat empowers the Draconum physically and spiritually for their next transformational Chrysalis, and they are driven by primal urges to battle in order to ready themselves for evolution.
Un dia aparecieron en la tierra, no se sabe de donde vienen o a donde van
Bueno, básicamente, son demonios, y ángeles, y djins, dan grandes poderes y su objetivo es mantener favores con los gobernantes de la tierra para después cobrárselos.
Son seres muy poderosos, que todos temen, pero no tienen como una historia extensa, tienen a sus servicio a humanos, que les dan armas mágicas muy poderosas que les llaman seekers, y se las ofrecen a todas las razas.
Espían a todas las razas con una vampiresa llamada Kastali que esta super sabrosa, mediante un scryer.
Beings of ancient power and mysterious origins, the Solonavi offer their superb military capabilities to anyone who is willing to meet their price. Payment for battlefield labors is not in gold or riches, but in fealty, favors and promises
Bueno, estos son los personajes que sobresalen de cualquier raza, pueden tener cualquier motivo, ya sean paladines de su pueblo o sean villanos, o personas que estaban en el momento equivocado en el lugar equivocado, basicamente quiero que todos sean heroes, en mi historia, si se quedan con alguna facción, pues estaria padre.
Hay mas subfacciones, y otras facciones, pero no creo que quieran ser saguayines del mal vdd, o mounstros sin mente.
Pero si les interesa alguna faccion estare totalmente feliz de explicarla mas a fondo y con detalle, asi como sus subfacciones.
Bueno esta entrada es para mostrar las características de el mundo de Mageknight, ya que como ya deben de saber, tenemos planeado hacer una mini historia de dungeons en el mundo de Mageknight, en la cual yo seré el DM, con ayuda de todos ustedes.
Bueno, quisiera primero poner las diferentes tipos de magia que existen en este mundo, ya que de eso se basan muchas culturas/guilds/razas
Bueno en primera instancia tenemos algo llamado Magestone, que son unas piedras con inmenso poder mágico, y pueden ser usadas para muchas cosas, y con todas las escuelas de magia.
Y en segunda tenemos las religiones, que también tienen poder divino, entre ellas están los Heirmann gods, los dragon gods, y los cultos de Tezla.
Bueno empecemos, en este mundo existen, enanos, elfos, humanos, vampiros, centauros, trolls, orcos, goblins, golems, gigantes, dragones, grifos.
Y podría empezar hablándoles de Tezla.
En Rokos, que es una ciudad parecida a lo que en nuestro mundo llamamos Egipto, hace mucho tiempo se predijo por el oráculo de Rokos, el nacimiento de un super mago llamado Tezla, este humano tenia la habilidad de controlar la magia a niveles impresionantes,
Generalmente los humanos para controlar la magia, usaban estas piedras llamadas Magestone,(estas magestones son como uranio, ya que la sobreexposicion a su magia podria matarte), y los magos humanos, se las ponían a sus armas o se las ponían en la frente, (los magos mas poderosos solo podían incrustarse una, ya que eran lo máximo que resistían.).
Cuando nace Tezla, sube rápidamente de nivel, y se incrusta tres magestone, lo cual lo hace emperador de los humanos en ese momento, defendiendoles tanto de los orcos, como de los ataques de los altos elfos.
Asi se creo el Imperio Atlante.
En esta época de prosperidad suben rápidamente tres escuelas de magia, la tecnomancia, la necromancia, y la magia elemental.
Se hicieron grandes avances y los humanos lograron conquistar grandes extensiones de tierra con estos poderes nuevos y desarrollados, pero habia un problema, la exposición de las magestones era demasiada, y quienes trabajaban sacándolas de las minas morían de una forma expedita.
Entonces al darse cuenta Tezla que los enanos resistían la magia, se le hizo buena idea esclavizarlos, y meterlos de mineros.
Una ultima accion que hiso Tezla fue levantar las ciudades de atlantis, para que ningun ejercito pudiera atacarla por tierra, cuando el cuerpo de Tezla muere, su alma es absorbida por las tres escuelas de magia mas poderosas, haciendo que tanto los necros, como los elementales, como los tecnomancers, digan que tienen al Tezla original, y se crea una pugna por el poder, al final, los necros, escapan a una ciudad creada por ellos que la llamaran Necropolis, con el alma de Tezla en un Bone golem, los elementales se van al bosque con el espíritu de Tezla, y los tecnomancers se quedan con el alma de Tezla en un golem mecánico.
Los enanos junto con algunas tribus de humanos nómadas, crean un levantamiento y se funda los Black Powder Revolutionaries, con su general, La black Thorn, y la duquesa roja de Khamsim (que no era de la nobleza, pero era la general de una de las pocas ciudades libres al imperio atlante).
Y esa es la historia de la creacion de los rebeldes, los necros y los elementales, y los atlantes.
Resumiendo estaría así.
-Elemental League o elemental Freeholds (no costilla no frijols): union de magos, elfos, centauros, dragones, que dominan el bosque mas importante de la tierra de mageknight y su objetivo es sanar a la tierra.
The Freeholders stand as a bonded force of Elven, Centaur, Troll and Faerie eco-warriors armed with the powers of nature, the elements, and the fury of the storm unleashed. By the will of the Spirit of Tezla, they will triumph over all that stand before them.
-Dark crusaders, o necropolis: sociedad muy parecida a los forsaken de warcraft, dominados por vampiros, que buscan dominar la tierra con el poder de la “restless death”.
When you think of the Dark Crusade, think of sexy vampire cults and the temptations of immortality. The thick taste of blood, the cold flesh of the dead, and the cries of the weak being gutted before a roaring crowd best describe life within the fire-lit halls of the Necropolis. In time, if one performs well enough within the course of the inquisitional Dark Crusade, one might be lucky enough to be made into an immortal vampire, or become a Necromancer trained to animate to control the restless dead.
-Black powder revolutionaries: Union de enanos, hombres del norte y de la sabana que buscan mantener su libertad en contra del imperio atlante.
After centuries of persecution by a domineering magocracy, the Revolutionaries have found a way to even the score. With the new republics of Khamsin and the Northlands having carved out their own territories from the Atlantean Empire, now the real fight begins to maintain their hard-won freedom and to put an end to the tyranny of the Empire once and for all.
-Atlantean Empire: Imperio de humanos y elfos, basado en la tecnomancia, viven en ciudades flotantes y usan golems mecánicos y magestones para casi todo.
“When you think of Atlantis, think of the height of the Roman Empire, with its famed legions armed with lightning weapons and towering War Golems. While the mages of the Atlantis Guild once held control over the Empire with an iron fist, Emperor Nujarek’s public confirmation by Tezla’s Avatar makes him the most powerful man in the Empire. With his destiny laid before him, Nujarek seeks to reform Atlantis in Tezla’s name, and promises to lead humanity to conquest and victory.”
-Ahora les hablare de los orcos, bueno los orcos básicamente son cuatreros, que se la pasan asaltando violando, peleando, con los humanos, y tienen un khan, que seria el warchief de sus tribus, también existen medio gigantes entre sus filas, usan a los goblins como escuderos, y son grandes guerreros.
Generalmente pelean contra los..........corrección, pelean contra quien se les ponga enfrente.
Tienen magia totémica, que realmente es Magestone, sus shamanes mientras hacen sus hechizos, mastican piedras de magestone.
When you think of the Orcs, think of the green-skinned hordes boiling out of the grasslands to rape, plunder and pillage whatever gets in their way. Orcs possess a deep cunning and an innate understanding of combat, strategy and tactics. They are not an easy opponent to face, and often turn the tide of battle with their sheer ferocity and rage.
-Ahora les hablare de los Elven Lords.
Bueno básicamente viven en las montañas al este de la tierra, y su sociedad estaba basada en castas, los elfos de poco nivel son o soldados de pie, o son campesinos.
Estos elfos son los primeros en poblar la tierra, y protegen el paso de las montañas, ningún mortal o lowlander como los llaman ellos, pueden subir a sus ciudades, ni cruzar las montañas, al parecer ellos protegen algo que esta mas al este.
Ya que fueron los primeros, e inmortales, son guerreros de gran disciplina, pueden pasar 100 años en perfeccionar un corte de espada, o un hechizo, y se especializan en una sola cosa, a lo largo de su inmotalidad (ya sean arqueros, ya sean espadachines, ya sean magos).
Su sociedad esta dirigida por 7 familias, Longblade, Stormbringer, Sharpeye, Starsdawn, Mistwalker, Wyndfenner, Lightbringer, solo si eres miembro de estas familias, puedes llegar a tener un alto puesto en el ejercito y la política, son altamente religiosos, ya que sus poderes mágicos y armas mágicas no los sacan de magestone, si no de su misma fe, los templos de sus dioses sirven como barracas donde a lo largo de su eternidad practican sus guerreros.
Generalmente, los Altos Elfos envían a uno de sus cientos de ejércitos a la tierra a desafiar a algún warlord, y es comandado por un alto jefe, ellos pelean de primera linea y son los últimos en dejar el campo de batalla.
When you think of the Elven Lords, imagine a self-appointed peacekeeping force armed with enchanted weapons, the strongest magical capabilities and centuries of martial practice. Now, with the destruction of their armies at Khamsin and the hideous betrayal by the Atlanteans fueling their rage, the Elven Lords are holding nothing back in their attempt to reduce the chaotic races of the Land to ruin.
-Los Draconum
Bueno, esta es una raza complicada, nacen de huevo y son muy salvajes, solo piensan en comer, en dormir, y en pelear con sus hermanos, después de un tiempo son encadenados y puestos con un draconum mayor y llevados al campo de batalla, se les encadena para que aprendan el precio de la libertad, después de un tiempo de estar como bestias de batalla, aprenden a enfocar su furia, y son llevados a alguna mina de magestone en donde evolucionan (esto se llama chrysalis) y les salen alas, y después, de cientos de años de practicar su forma de pelear, son llevados de nuevo a la mina, y evolucionan en dragones muy poderosos de cola y y dos cabezas, que gobernarán su raza.
Los draconums son monjes guerreros que siempre están en búsqueda de superarse a ellos mismos, son muy parecidos a los dragones de la cuarta edición, y..........son extremadamente orgullosos, no tienen afiliación, mas que son su raza y si mismos, ya pueden pelear en contra de alguien o con alguien.
When you think of the Draconum, think of mystical Dragon People. Draconum are solitary, wandering warrior-monks seeking physical, magical and psychological evolution. Combat empowers the Draconum physically and spiritually for their next transformational Chrysalis, and they are driven by primal urges to battle in order to ready themselves for evolution.
Un dia aparecieron en la tierra, no se sabe de donde vienen o a donde van
Bueno, básicamente, son demonios, y ángeles, y djins, dan grandes poderes y su objetivo es mantener favores con los gobernantes de la tierra para después cobrárselos.
Son seres muy poderosos, que todos temen, pero no tienen como una historia extensa, tienen a sus servicio a humanos, que les dan armas mágicas muy poderosas que les llaman seekers, y se las ofrecen a todas las razas.
Espían a todas las razas con una vampiresa llamada Kastali que esta super sabrosa, mediante un scryer.
Beings of ancient power and mysterious origins, the Solonavi offer their superb military capabilities to anyone who is willing to meet their price. Payment for battlefield labors is not in gold or riches, but in fealty, favors and promises
Bueno, estos son los personajes que sobresalen de cualquier raza, pueden tener cualquier motivo, ya sean paladines de su pueblo o sean villanos, o personas que estaban en el momento equivocado en el lugar equivocado, basicamente quiero que todos sean heroes, en mi historia, si se quedan con alguna facción, pues estaria padre.
Hay mas subfacciones, y otras facciones, pero no creo que quieran ser saguayines del mal vdd, o mounstros sin mente.
Pero si les interesa alguna faccion estare totalmente feliz de explicarla mas a fondo y con detalle, asi como sus subfacciones.
miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2008
Dungeons and Dragons card Improvement
Encontré en la red, estas cartas, que alguien hiso, para "mejorar la mecánica de juego"
Funciona de esta manera : El palo anota la iniciativa y nos da lugares, ejemplo:
35 Iniciativa "Manolo" (Le tocaría la carta de primero)
34 Iniciativa "bad guy"
33 Iniciativa "bad guy2"
20 Iniciativa "costilla" (le tocaría la carta de cuarto)
18 Iniciativa "Glen" (le tocaría la carta de quinto)
16 Iniciativa "Conan" (le tocaría la carta de sexto)
16 Iniciativa "bad guy3"
14 Iniciativa "Magodo" (le tocaría la carta de Octavo)
3 Iniciativa "Gigio" (le tocaría la carta de Noveno)
O en su defecto cuando sean mas de nueve los personajes (Pc y Npc)
35 Iniciativa "Manolo" (le tocaría la primera carta)
34 Iniciativa "bad guy"
33 Iniciativa "bad guy2"
20 Iniciativa "costilla" (le tocaría la segunda carta)
19 Iniciativa "badguy3"
18 Iniciativa "Glen" (le tocaría la tercera carta)
16 Iniciativa "Conan"
16 Iniciativa "bad guy4"
14 Iniciativa "Magodo" (le tocaría la cuarta carta)
10 Iniciativa "bad guy5"
3 Iniciativa "Gigio" (le tocaría la quinta carta)
Cartas de condición
Bueno esta es mas sencillo explicarlas, simplemente cuando el palo nos ponga bajo una condición nos puede entregar esta carta, para que el jugador pueda planear su estrategia, y no solo se ponga a quejarse (NOS ENFOCARÍA MAS EN EL JUEGO)
Creo es una buena idea para muchas cosas
Saber en que iniciativa estas, ayudar al palo a no confundirse cuando son demaciados enemigos, y todos hablamos.
Cuando este bajo una condición, saber que es lo que puedes o no puedes hacer, sin recurrir a los libros.
Funciona de esta manera : El palo anota la iniciativa y nos da lugares, ejemplo:
35 Iniciativa "Manolo" (Le tocaría la carta de primero)
34 Iniciativa "bad guy"
33 Iniciativa "bad guy2"
20 Iniciativa "costilla" (le tocaría la carta de cuarto)
18 Iniciativa "Glen" (le tocaría la carta de quinto)
16 Iniciativa "Conan" (le tocaría la carta de sexto)
16 Iniciativa "bad guy3"
14 Iniciativa "Magodo" (le tocaría la carta de Octavo)
3 Iniciativa "Gigio" (le tocaría la carta de Noveno)
O en su defecto cuando sean mas de nueve los personajes (Pc y Npc)
35 Iniciativa "Manolo" (le tocaría la primera carta)
34 Iniciativa "bad guy"
33 Iniciativa "bad guy2"
20 Iniciativa "costilla" (le tocaría la segunda carta)
19 Iniciativa "badguy3"
18 Iniciativa "Glen" (le tocaría la tercera carta)
16 Iniciativa "Conan"
16 Iniciativa "bad guy4"
14 Iniciativa "Magodo" (le tocaría la cuarta carta)
10 Iniciativa "bad guy5"
3 Iniciativa "Gigio" (le tocaría la quinta carta)
Cartas de condición
Bueno esta es mas sencillo explicarlas, simplemente cuando el palo nos ponga bajo una condición nos puede entregar esta carta, para que el jugador pueda planear su estrategia, y no solo se ponga a quejarse (NOS ENFOCARÍA MAS EN EL JUEGO)
Creo es una buena idea para muchas cosas
Saber en que iniciativa estas, ayudar al palo a no confundirse cuando son demaciados enemigos, y todos hablamos.
Cuando este bajo una condición, saber que es lo que puedes o no puedes hacer, sin recurrir a los libros.
lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2008
Seeing that I am being threatened by my little coke fraud, I decide it is time to leav ethe shabby appartment I live in, besides, all my posesions have been destroyed by those Valkyrie people and punks that came in looking for valuables. I am gladly surprised as Helena kingly asks me to move in with her while I find some new place, and half confused when she tells me that she too is a vampire, it all makes much more sense now, though maybe I was just hoping that once I become human I could have the charm she has, its something that I crave for, its been too long a journey filled with hatred and scorn.
During the time I stay, we investigate a bit within the book, as I simply am trying to find out what is it that the proxies want from it, pinpoint it and probably guard myself from being tricked by them, however I do not find much, Dante might have helped but I rather have the least people around the book, Kadaj also is excluded from this particular investigation, though some names come up, Cervantes, a priest involved with the keys, Ghast and the name of the Chinese guy we visited at the hospital, very recent deaths. Something drives me to keep the book at hand and keep investigating it.
My wasteland is starting to manifest, to build up, the cold air outside cannot cool the building, the air is starting to feel heavy, difficult to breathe, soon I will be scorned by those in this building, adding to that electric storms have been hitting the zone, the electric power is starting to fail, surges every now and then, I ask Susaku for a surge protector on Helenas behalf, He brings it one evening while Sephiroth and Helena keep analizing the book, and I am already too tired to keep on trying to find something besides those names. As I plug the TV and the cable receiver to the surge protector the relative quiet of the place is broken by the screams of an obviously terrified person, Susaku runs inmediately, followed by Seph and Helena, I hear many more steps from the people in the building, when I arrive I can only see blood coming out from the threshold of one of the appartments, and hear one of the neighbors saying that the woman that lived there had been quite sick lately, Susaku is blocking the way, not letting anyone into the appartment, the police arrive, we all go back to our own lives and some hours later the body has been taken away.
I do not pay much attention to it all, I sit again infront of the TV listening to whatever Helena and Sephiroth mumble about the book, nothing much, Sephiroth leaves before sunrise. Helena then started to get ready for bed, or whatever vampires call it when they rest, when I hear her scream, I run to the bathroom and see how she raises herself from the floor, staring at what to her is an empty mirror, when I ask what happened she claims she has seen the ghost of the recently deceased neighbor, I try qielding the idea that it might have been a Quashmall, but kI do not even finish talking when the TV changes itself from channel and its volume raises to a very loud noice of snow, when we turn to see, we only distinguish a man in black standing infront of it, I run to the kitchen to get a knife, by the time I am back I see Helena with her arm reaching to where the man was, touching air, and on the floor, right where he had been standing only pillows remain.
The TV is still on, I sort fo distinguish some strange voice behind the noice, but it is impossible todistinguish anything it says.
We let it pass, Helena got her rest and I simply kept on doing nothing, not daring to take bthe book until we have found some good proof of its working. The night arrives and Helena gets into action once again, she is just coming out of her bath when someone knocks at the door, I open and find Sephiroth, asking if he could come in, I let him pass, and am surprised when I see that he is followed by the familiar faces of the St. Giovannis and a small young kid.
Once they are all inside, I realize that Sephiroth was never here, only that woman Luca who used some power to trick me, they claim they want the book, such words inmediately triggers something within me, once again an item of power is trying to be taken away from me, luckily for me Helena has thought of something similar and manages to make herself stand out as an important and intimidating figure, such a demenour tht I am thankful that it is not directed at me, but within some seconds our visitors are crying and scared, their bloodstained tears falling to the ground.
My chance comes to use my skills, but It fails, my very inner fire fails to overcome the resistances of these people, its frustrating but it in the end it was not necessary for me to do anything,. Susaku arrives, as he heard the sobbing from our scared visitors, he too becomes enthralled by Helena´s visage, a glorious image to a mortal, I must say.
By the time its all over, I suggest Helena we should leave this place, and take the book with us. She agrees, as we leave, I find out that these attempt was carried out by some vampires belonging to some Lancea Sanctum, that they are quite powerful and dangerous, then I remember Master Proxy´s words about him being able to help me with the dealings I might have with the Vampires, so I say to Helena that I might have some way of solving this problem, but I clarify nothing beyond that.
During the time I stay, we investigate a bit within the book, as I simply am trying to find out what is it that the proxies want from it, pinpoint it and probably guard myself from being tricked by them, however I do not find much, Dante might have helped but I rather have the least people around the book, Kadaj also is excluded from this particular investigation, though some names come up, Cervantes, a priest involved with the keys, Ghast and the name of the Chinese guy we visited at the hospital, very recent deaths. Something drives me to keep the book at hand and keep investigating it.
My wasteland is starting to manifest, to build up, the cold air outside cannot cool the building, the air is starting to feel heavy, difficult to breathe, soon I will be scorned by those in this building, adding to that electric storms have been hitting the zone, the electric power is starting to fail, surges every now and then, I ask Susaku for a surge protector on Helenas behalf, He brings it one evening while Sephiroth and Helena keep analizing the book, and I am already too tired to keep on trying to find something besides those names. As I plug the TV and the cable receiver to the surge protector the relative quiet of the place is broken by the screams of an obviously terrified person, Susaku runs inmediately, followed by Seph and Helena, I hear many more steps from the people in the building, when I arrive I can only see blood coming out from the threshold of one of the appartments, and hear one of the neighbors saying that the woman that lived there had been quite sick lately, Susaku is blocking the way, not letting anyone into the appartment, the police arrive, we all go back to our own lives and some hours later the body has been taken away.
I do not pay much attention to it all, I sit again infront of the TV listening to whatever Helena and Sephiroth mumble about the book, nothing much, Sephiroth leaves before sunrise. Helena then started to get ready for bed, or whatever vampires call it when they rest, when I hear her scream, I run to the bathroom and see how she raises herself from the floor, staring at what to her is an empty mirror, when I ask what happened she claims she has seen the ghost of the recently deceased neighbor, I try qielding the idea that it might have been a Quashmall, but kI do not even finish talking when the TV changes itself from channel and its volume raises to a very loud noice of snow, when we turn to see, we only distinguish a man in black standing infront of it, I run to the kitchen to get a knife, by the time I am back I see Helena with her arm reaching to where the man was, touching air, and on the floor, right where he had been standing only pillows remain.
The TV is still on, I sort fo distinguish some strange voice behind the noice, but it is impossible todistinguish anything it says.
We let it pass, Helena got her rest and I simply kept on doing nothing, not daring to take bthe book until we have found some good proof of its working. The night arrives and Helena gets into action once again, she is just coming out of her bath when someone knocks at the door, I open and find Sephiroth, asking if he could come in, I let him pass, and am surprised when I see that he is followed by the familiar faces of the St. Giovannis and a small young kid.
Once they are all inside, I realize that Sephiroth was never here, only that woman Luca who used some power to trick me, they claim they want the book, such words inmediately triggers something within me, once again an item of power is trying to be taken away from me, luckily for me Helena has thought of something similar and manages to make herself stand out as an important and intimidating figure, such a demenour tht I am thankful that it is not directed at me, but within some seconds our visitors are crying and scared, their bloodstained tears falling to the ground.
My chance comes to use my skills, but It fails, my very inner fire fails to overcome the resistances of these people, its frustrating but it in the end it was not necessary for me to do anything,. Susaku arrives, as he heard the sobbing from our scared visitors, he too becomes enthralled by Helena´s visage, a glorious image to a mortal, I must say.
By the time its all over, I suggest Helena we should leave this place, and take the book with us. She agrees, as we leave, I find out that these attempt was carried out by some vampires belonging to some Lancea Sanctum, that they are quite powerful and dangerous, then I remember Master Proxy´s words about him being able to help me with the dealings I might have with the Vampires, so I say to Helena that I might have some way of solving this problem, but I clarify nothing beyond that.
domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2008
We head to the party Kadaj seems to be better already, Sephiroth calls again, I say to him that its all right if he wants to come, to my dismay, he brought the woman, I recognize her as the one that participated in my arrest. As I try to blend in she comes and violently pulls me away from the party into the house, dragging me into a small studio, I try to use my transmutations on her, but she resists easily, Twilight people, I am alreadyweary of them and I have spent little around them, Real, her name is Real Mayer, and with that she starts to torture me, such energy she puts into it that I finally feel my will broken, and I confess about everything I know, telling about me, the book, even Sephiroth., after I have talked, I feel my blood boiling, it hurts me, my torment is set loose, my tears fall to the carpet, I see the dress already bloodstained by my crawling, and I still jump to her, seeking some comfort in having her close by, but she walks away, insulting me as the monster I trully am, I cry, telling her that I did not chose to be what I am, but her scorn is the only reply I get. As she reaches the door Sephiroth comes in, he has felt my torment, He discusses with the woman until she calls him a monster, a monster just like me. He fights her, lifting her above the ground, trying to stop her. He worries for me. I cling to his coat, unable to stand up, I look up, he seems to want to kill her.
Kadaj breaks in as well and separates them I cry profousely as I confess that I have revealed his secret. He walks away trying to still his rage. I keep facing my tormentfor a while, glinging to Sephirothhe behaves cold, as usual, but still he stays by me.
Kadaj breaks in,k his eyes burning with rage, they focus on me and he charges, I barely have time to look into the two flames and stop him, Helena comes in and calms him down, she seems to be some sort of guardian or what Vampires call ghouls, she seems familiarized with these dealings. So young and she already has such a burden.
I leave them behind, I leave the party not worrying about the dress anymore, it si stained, scratched, ruined. I feel bad, I don´t want to be found, not by anyone, right now I would only accept Sephiroth, I go back to the appartment, it has been visited by the Twilight people, my TV is on the floor, broken, everything is out of place, they probably have taken some of my stuff, I left little, save for some money, judging that the door was not even locked I can say that anyone could have come and looted the place.
Two weeks have gone by, I am back on the streets selling coke, or that is what I tell them it is, instead of spending a couple hundreds in the real stuff, I spend a couple bucks in simple talcum, being what I am , wealth fades quickly, so I do not care for this to be a stable position.
A selll is finished, and my little fraud comes and gets me, three thugs come after me, they pull me into an alley, if only they knew that I am most dangerous when few can see me, I am pushed against a wall, and pointed at with a knife, I force a pyros into the guy´s mind, making him attack his friend, in seconds one tries to avoid being stabbed, another tries to stab his own friend and the third fights to pull them appart, I use the chance and run away, as I doo, I feel a presence, I turn and see proxy standing in a threshold. To some shabby building ,He tells mi his leader wants to meet me, that a Quashmall told them about me, that I would turn the tide and make us all human, it makes me feel important, it’s a pleasant feeling.
As I walk out of the place, hearing police and ambulance sirens aproachning, I realize that Sephiroth and the others have not contacted me, knowing that Sephiroth knows little about our condition, probably ignores the kind of monster he truly is, I do not think they have let me to quench my torment all this long, still they had the keys to get the book, did they get it or did someone else get it before us, before me.
Proxy warned me about Twilight, particularly about Real, about Genesis, the priests, those whom I have already fought,. He also mentions other Proxies, seems that is how these throng of Prometheans call themselves, he highlights that they are willing to help me, to fight in my name, and that I am to meet their leader in a couple of days. As I meditate on this, my cell rings, its Helena, they need me, they need someone who an drive, but it calms me to feel needed for once.
They make me drive them again to the place the party took place in, ironic, our host, Claudia, is attending some Chinese people, we wait a while watching the news in the living room, having some coffee and looking at the objects they have used for decoration, a woman named Luca joins us, as many in this social circles, she is proud and beautiful, but she stands out since she is caucacean but dresses in a Yeong tsam dress and uses a very oriental hairdo. Helena is then received by Claudia, she looks somewhat infuriated, annoyed by something, she´s been like this since her call, Sephiroth tries to go offer a hand, but Luca disuades him, I try to go as well, but I too fail to convince this woman.
When Helena comes out, she looks satisfied with her actions, still some fury emanates from her.
They ask me to head fo China Town, seems that Dante has no use for the keys, which makes me guess that the book has been taken already,
The men at the restaurant tell us about the secret kept by the key, a book, they say, that has information involving the chinese government, and that has been taken by some unknown fashion, Sephiroth, does not react to these words, still they say there is a twin to this book, and that it too, must be found, and offer us eighteen grand to find it, Sephiroth takes his pay from the previous job and decides not to take the new one, but I negotiate to get twice the new pay if we look for the twin.
Now I have something to tell Proxy, it is a glimpse of hope after loosing the first one.
Keeping this Proxy buisness stealthy, I simply take Helena to her next destination: seems the car belogns to Gustaf, he greets her with his huge arms wide open. His fondness for her is tickled again when she asks for a job, Gustaf offers her a position in some Russian ballet, after surviving the thugs, I decide its time to avoid getting my money with such lonely illegitimate means, and simply offer myself to do any non sexual job. Gustaf looks at me and offers me a position as Helena´s make up assistant. It sounds fair, so I take it.
It is a difficult job, Helena has such a great talent that she is promoted quickly to the lead role, now I have to make this good looking girl outstand even more. I make an effort, and succeed, the rehearsal is watched by a small group of people, and they seem to like it quite much.
After the performance visits come backstage, first it’s a proud looking woman in fine garments, Its been years since I have been involved in such high class circles, disquiet usually makes it even more difficult, but I do not heed it much, a second visitor arrives: Kadaj walks in with some drk rose, I have never understood what humans see in these things, they wither so fast, I look at the time, and head out, the leader is supposed to meet me in Central Park.
I get to the designated place and see them both, a figure clad in red and a figure clad in black, they greet me, the one I have been calling Proxy reveals himself, a young looking man, whose real name is Saed, he then points to the man in black, calling him Master Proxy, more of a Title, as it seems.
Master Proxy mad eme follow him to a Cathedral, we climb up to a balcony where the park and the buildings surrounding it, he tells me about how years ago a Quashmall appeared to him in that spot, and then makes me promise I would help these Proxies become human, I agree somewhat lightly, but as I do a white flame surrounds me, maybe the same Quashmall Sephiroth and I saw in the woods, maybe even the same that guided me to this City I have not learnt to love, its not importatn, I am now branded into the Throng, Caroline C, is now called C.C. Proxy.
Master Proxy tells me that the second book has been with the Chinese all this time, that the book I was told to look is still in NY, and that Genesis knows who took it. I ask for help against such a dangerous adversary, but I am told that those Proxies that have fought against the Hecatonchire have been destroyed. Worst of all is when I hear that Genesis is somewhere around the theater where Helena and Sephiroth are, I rush out of the church, hoping that I can get some information out of Genesis, and that he again is there peacefully.
I get out of the cab throwing a handfull of bills at the driver, I run to the alley leading to the backdoor of the theater and see Genesis standing against Sephiroth Helena and Kadaj, I run towards them, just to be captured by two pandorans, similar to the one we faced before, but this time havint Genesis´ face, they bite, tearing my flesh, exposing my bones, it hurts, it stings, I use my pyros to recover as they keep on biting, until somehow they stop Genesis and command him to stop his pets.
I use my Pyros to recover completely, I have little of it left, but Its better for me to be as good as possible in case another battle comes.
The questioning begins, they ask Genesis of his intention coming here, he replies he is looking for the book, I simply ask who has it, and he replies that we took it, I had been mistaken, upon further questioning Genesis madness emerges, he says that within the book is a secret of some Godess, that he and Sephiroth descend from her, his usual respect for Helena disappears as he dims her unworthy of the rewards the godess would offer. He leaves leaving us somewhat confused.
The woman that visited Helena rushed just then into the alley, aproaching her and seeing if she was fine, just then another Pandoran buzzed within the shadows, it seems to be tame, for the moment, I jump behind Sephiroth, the woman asked about the creature, trying to protect Helena, I too want to protect her, he has shown to be trustworthy, and besides being my income source for the moment, she too might be the key to get the book, which might be with those vampires right now. Seeing as how Helena trusts her, I take my chances, then agains it might just be me being reckless again, as I clarify that the creature would aim at me before attacking Helena. It all turns out peacefully in the end, with me explaining the woman, Cornelia, about us Prometheans, just enough for her to comprehend, it is then when I notice that she resembles Helena, mainly their eyes.
I asses the situation, would it be propper for me to ask for the book? I have only told Helena about Saed, not about Master Proxy, and Cornelia seems to be quite powerful within those in what they call the Invictus, she is either a vamprie as well, or some sort of Ghoul to a high ranking vampire. Its confusing, but Master Proxy made a move quite unexpected, I explain to him that Helena has the book, but that the Invictus is already involved, he tells me he can help, and uncovers himself, a young man, looking at much as old as I look, he said his name is Lelouch, and he leaves me behind as he walks to take some action.
Kadaj breaks in as well and separates them I cry profousely as I confess that I have revealed his secret. He walks away trying to still his rage. I keep facing my tormentfor a while, glinging to Sephirothhe behaves cold, as usual, but still he stays by me.
Kadaj breaks in,k his eyes burning with rage, they focus on me and he charges, I barely have time to look into the two flames and stop him, Helena comes in and calms him down, she seems to be some sort of guardian or what Vampires call ghouls, she seems familiarized with these dealings. So young and she already has such a burden.
I leave them behind, I leave the party not worrying about the dress anymore, it si stained, scratched, ruined. I feel bad, I don´t want to be found, not by anyone, right now I would only accept Sephiroth, I go back to the appartment, it has been visited by the Twilight people, my TV is on the floor, broken, everything is out of place, they probably have taken some of my stuff, I left little, save for some money, judging that the door was not even locked I can say that anyone could have come and looted the place.
Two weeks have gone by, I am back on the streets selling coke, or that is what I tell them it is, instead of spending a couple hundreds in the real stuff, I spend a couple bucks in simple talcum, being what I am , wealth fades quickly, so I do not care for this to be a stable position.
A selll is finished, and my little fraud comes and gets me, three thugs come after me, they pull me into an alley, if only they knew that I am most dangerous when few can see me, I am pushed against a wall, and pointed at with a knife, I force a pyros into the guy´s mind, making him attack his friend, in seconds one tries to avoid being stabbed, another tries to stab his own friend and the third fights to pull them appart, I use the chance and run away, as I doo, I feel a presence, I turn and see proxy standing in a threshold. To some shabby building ,He tells mi his leader wants to meet me, that a Quashmall told them about me, that I would turn the tide and make us all human, it makes me feel important, it’s a pleasant feeling.
As I walk out of the place, hearing police and ambulance sirens aproachning, I realize that Sephiroth and the others have not contacted me, knowing that Sephiroth knows little about our condition, probably ignores the kind of monster he truly is, I do not think they have let me to quench my torment all this long, still they had the keys to get the book, did they get it or did someone else get it before us, before me.
Proxy warned me about Twilight, particularly about Real, about Genesis, the priests, those whom I have already fought,. He also mentions other Proxies, seems that is how these throng of Prometheans call themselves, he highlights that they are willing to help me, to fight in my name, and that I am to meet their leader in a couple of days. As I meditate on this, my cell rings, its Helena, they need me, they need someone who an drive, but it calms me to feel needed for once.
They make me drive them again to the place the party took place in, ironic, our host, Claudia, is attending some Chinese people, we wait a while watching the news in the living room, having some coffee and looking at the objects they have used for decoration, a woman named Luca joins us, as many in this social circles, she is proud and beautiful, but she stands out since she is caucacean but dresses in a Yeong tsam dress and uses a very oriental hairdo. Helena is then received by Claudia, she looks somewhat infuriated, annoyed by something, she´s been like this since her call, Sephiroth tries to go offer a hand, but Luca disuades him, I try to go as well, but I too fail to convince this woman.
When Helena comes out, she looks satisfied with her actions, still some fury emanates from her.
They ask me to head fo China Town, seems that Dante has no use for the keys, which makes me guess that the book has been taken already,
The men at the restaurant tell us about the secret kept by the key, a book, they say, that has information involving the chinese government, and that has been taken by some unknown fashion, Sephiroth, does not react to these words, still they say there is a twin to this book, and that it too, must be found, and offer us eighteen grand to find it, Sephiroth takes his pay from the previous job and decides not to take the new one, but I negotiate to get twice the new pay if we look for the twin.
Now I have something to tell Proxy, it is a glimpse of hope after loosing the first one.
Keeping this Proxy buisness stealthy, I simply take Helena to her next destination: seems the car belogns to Gustaf, he greets her with his huge arms wide open. His fondness for her is tickled again when she asks for a job, Gustaf offers her a position in some Russian ballet, after surviving the thugs, I decide its time to avoid getting my money with such lonely illegitimate means, and simply offer myself to do any non sexual job. Gustaf looks at me and offers me a position as Helena´s make up assistant. It sounds fair, so I take it.
It is a difficult job, Helena has such a great talent that she is promoted quickly to the lead role, now I have to make this good looking girl outstand even more. I make an effort, and succeed, the rehearsal is watched by a small group of people, and they seem to like it quite much.
After the performance visits come backstage, first it’s a proud looking woman in fine garments, Its been years since I have been involved in such high class circles, disquiet usually makes it even more difficult, but I do not heed it much, a second visitor arrives: Kadaj walks in with some drk rose, I have never understood what humans see in these things, they wither so fast, I look at the time, and head out, the leader is supposed to meet me in Central Park.
I get to the designated place and see them both, a figure clad in red and a figure clad in black, they greet me, the one I have been calling Proxy reveals himself, a young looking man, whose real name is Saed, he then points to the man in black, calling him Master Proxy, more of a Title, as it seems.
Master Proxy mad eme follow him to a Cathedral, we climb up to a balcony where the park and the buildings surrounding it, he tells me about how years ago a Quashmall appeared to him in that spot, and then makes me promise I would help these Proxies become human, I agree somewhat lightly, but as I do a white flame surrounds me, maybe the same Quashmall Sephiroth and I saw in the woods, maybe even the same that guided me to this City I have not learnt to love, its not importatn, I am now branded into the Throng, Caroline C, is now called C.C. Proxy.
Master Proxy tells me that the second book has been with the Chinese all this time, that the book I was told to look is still in NY, and that Genesis knows who took it. I ask for help against such a dangerous adversary, but I am told that those Proxies that have fought against the Hecatonchire have been destroyed. Worst of all is when I hear that Genesis is somewhere around the theater where Helena and Sephiroth are, I rush out of the church, hoping that I can get some information out of Genesis, and that he again is there peacefully.
I get out of the cab throwing a handfull of bills at the driver, I run to the alley leading to the backdoor of the theater and see Genesis standing against Sephiroth Helena and Kadaj, I run towards them, just to be captured by two pandorans, similar to the one we faced before, but this time havint Genesis´ face, they bite, tearing my flesh, exposing my bones, it hurts, it stings, I use my pyros to recover as they keep on biting, until somehow they stop Genesis and command him to stop his pets.
I use my Pyros to recover completely, I have little of it left, but Its better for me to be as good as possible in case another battle comes.
The questioning begins, they ask Genesis of his intention coming here, he replies he is looking for the book, I simply ask who has it, and he replies that we took it, I had been mistaken, upon further questioning Genesis madness emerges, he says that within the book is a secret of some Godess, that he and Sephiroth descend from her, his usual respect for Helena disappears as he dims her unworthy of the rewards the godess would offer. He leaves leaving us somewhat confused.
The woman that visited Helena rushed just then into the alley, aproaching her and seeing if she was fine, just then another Pandoran buzzed within the shadows, it seems to be tame, for the moment, I jump behind Sephiroth, the woman asked about the creature, trying to protect Helena, I too want to protect her, he has shown to be trustworthy, and besides being my income source for the moment, she too might be the key to get the book, which might be with those vampires right now. Seeing as how Helena trusts her, I take my chances, then agains it might just be me being reckless again, as I clarify that the creature would aim at me before attacking Helena. It all turns out peacefully in the end, with me explaining the woman, Cornelia, about us Prometheans, just enough for her to comprehend, it is then when I notice that she resembles Helena, mainly their eyes.
I asses the situation, would it be propper for me to ask for the book? I have only told Helena about Saed, not about Master Proxy, and Cornelia seems to be quite powerful within those in what they call the Invictus, she is either a vamprie as well, or some sort of Ghoul to a high ranking vampire. Its confusing, but Master Proxy made a move quite unexpected, I explain to him that Helena has the book, but that the Invictus is already involved, he tells me he can help, and uncovers himself, a young man, looking at much as old as I look, he said his name is Lelouch, and he leaves me behind as he walks to take some action.
We head to the party Kadaj seems to be better already, Sephiroth calls again, I say to him that its all right if he wants to come, to my dismay, he brought the woman, I recognize her as the one that participated in my arrest. As I try to blend in she comes and violently pulls me away from the party into the house, dragging me into a small studio, I try to use my transmutations on her, but she resists easily, Twilight people, I am alreadyweary of them and I have spent little around them, Real, her name is Real Mayer, and with that she starts to torture me, such energy she puts into it that I finally feel my will broken, and I confess about everything I know, telling about me, the book, even Sephiroth., after I have talked, I feel my blood boiling, it hurts me, my torment is set loose, my tears fall to the carpet, I see the dress already bloodstained by my crawling, and I still jump to her, seeking some comfort in having her close by, but she walks away, insulting me as the monster I trully am, I cry, telling her that I did not chose to be what I am, but her scorn is the only reply I get. As she reaches the door Sephiroth comes in, he has felt my torment, He discusses with the woman until she calls him a monster, a monster just like me. He fights her, lifting her above the ground, trying to stop her. He worries for me. I cling to his coat, unable to stand up, I look up, he seems to want to kill her.
Kadaj breaks in as well and separates them I cry profousely as I confess that I have revealed his secret. He walks away trying to still his rage. I keep facing my tormentfor a while, glinging to Sephirothhe behaves cold, as usual, but still he stays by me.
Kadaj breaks in,k his eyes burning with rage, they focus on me and he charges, I barely have time to look into the two flames and stop him, Helena comes in and calms him down, she seems to be some sort of guardian or what Vampires call ghouls, she seems familiarized with these dealings. So young and she already has such a burden.
I leave them behind, I leave the party not worrying about the dress anymore, it si stained, scratched, ruined. I feel bad, I don´t want to be found, not by anyone, right now I would only accept Sephiroth, I go back to the appartment, it has been visited by the Twilight people, my TV is on the floor, broken, everything is out of place, they probably have taken some of my stuff, I left little, save for some money, judging that the door was not even locked I can say that anyone could have come and looted the place.
Two weeks have gone by, I am back on the streets selling coke, or that is what I tell them it is, instead of spending a couple hundreds in the real stuff, I spend a couple bucks in simple talcum, being what I am , wealth fades quickly, so I do not care for this to be a stable position.
A selll is finished, and my little fraud comes and gets me, three thugs come after me, they pull me into an alley, if only they knew that I am most dangerous when few can see me, I am pushed against a wall, and pointed at with a knife, I force a pyros into the guy´s mind, making him attack his friend, in seconds one tries to avoid being stabbed, another tries to stab his own friend and the third fights to pull them appart, I use the chance and run away, as I doo, I feel a presence, I turn and see proxy standing in a threshold. To some shabby building ,He tells mi his leader wants to meet me, that a Quashmall told them about me, that I would turn the tide and make us all human, it makes me feel important, it’s a pleasant feeling.
As I walk out of the place, hearing police and ambulance sirens aproachning, I realize that Sephiroth and the others have not contacted me, knowing that Sephiroth knows little about our condition, probably ignores the kind of monster he truly is, I do not think they have let me to quench my torment all this long, still they had the keys to get the book, did they get it or did someone else get it before us, before me.
Proxy warned me about Twilight, particularly about Real, about Genesis, the priests, those whom I have already fought,. He also mentions other Proxies, seems that is how these throng of Prometheans call themselves, he highlights that they are willing to help me, to fight in my name, and that I am to meet their leader in a couple of days. As I meditate on this, my cell rings, its Helena, they need me, they need someone who an drive, but it calms me to feel needed for once.
They make me drive them again to the place the party took place in, ironic, our host, Claudia, is attending some Chinese people, we wait a while watching the news in the living room, having some coffee and looking at the objects they have used for decoration, a woman named Luca joins us, as many in this social circles, she is proud and beautiful, but she stands out since she is caucacean but dresses in a Yeong tsam dress and uses a very oriental hairdo. Helena is then received by Claudia, she looks somewhat infuriated, annoyed by something, she´s been like this since her call, Sephiroth tries to go offer a hand, but Luca disuades him, I try to go as well, but I too fail to convince this woman.
When Helena comes out, she looks satisfied with her actions, still some fury emanates from her.
They ask me to head fo China Town, seems that Dante has no use for the keys, which makes me guess that the book has been taken already,
The men at the restaurant tell us about the secret kept by the key, a book, they say, that has information involving the chinese government, and that has been taken by some unknown fashion, Sephiroth, does not react to these words, still they say there is a twin to this book, and that it too, must be found, and offer us eighteen grand to find it, Sephiroth takes his pay from the previous job and decides not to take the new one, but I negotiate to get twice the new pay if we look for the twin.
Now I have something to tell Proxy, it is a glimpse of hope after loosing the first one.
Keeping this Proxy buisness stealthy, I simply take Helena to her next destination: seems the car belogns to Gustaf, he greets her with his huge arms wide open. His fondness for her is tickled again when she asks for a job, Gustaf offers her a position in some Russian ballet, after surviving the thugs, I decide its time to avoid getting my money with such lonely illegitimate means, and simply offer myself to do any non sexual job. Gustaf looks at me and offers me a position as Helena´s make up assistant. It sounds fair, so I take it.
It is a difficult job, Helena has such a great talent that she is promoted quickly to the lead role, now I have to make this good looking girl outstand even more. I make an effort, and succeed, the rehearsal is watched by a small group of people, and they seem to like it quite much.
After the performance visits come backstage, first it’s a proud looking woman in fine garments, Its been years since I have been involved in such high class circles, disquiet usually makes it even more difficult, but I do not heed it much, a second visitor arrives: Kadaj walks in with some drk rose, I have never understood what humans see in these things, they wither so fast, I look at the time, and head out, the leader is supposed to meet me in Central Park.
I get to the designated place and see them both, a figure clad in red and a figure clad in black, they greet me, the one I have been calling Proxy reveals himself, a young looking man, whose real name is Saed, he then points to the man in black, calling him Master Proxy, more of a Title, as it seems.
Master Proxy mad eme follow him to a Cathedral, we climb up to a balcony where the park and the buildings surrounding it, he tells me about how years ago a Quashmall appeared to him in that spot, and then makes me promise I would help these Proxies become human, I agree somewhat lightly, but as I do a white flame surrounds me, maybe the same Quashmall Sephiroth and I saw in the woods, maybe even the same that guided me to this City I have not learnt to love, its not importatn, I am now branded into the Throng, Caroline C, is now called C.C. Proxy.
Master Proxy tells me that the second book has been with the Chinese all this time, that the book I was told to look is still in NY, and that Genesis knows who took it. I ask for help against such a dangerous adversary, but I am told that those Proxies that have fought against the Hecatonchire have been destroyed. Worst of all is when I hear that Genesis is somewhere around the theater where Helena and Sephiroth are, I rush out of the church, hoping that I can get some information out of Genesis, and that he again is there peacefully.
I get out of the cab throwing a handfull of bills at the driver, I run to the alley leading to the backdoor of the theater and see Genesis standing against Sephiroth Helena and Kadaj, I run towards them, just to be captured by two pandorans, similar to the one we faced before, but this time havint Genesis´ face, they bite, tearing my flesh, exposing my bones, it hurts, it stings, I use my pyros to recover as they keep on biting, until somehow they stop Genesis and command him to stop his pets.
I use my Pyros to recover completely, I have little of it left, but Its better for me to be as good as possible in case another battle comes.
The questioning begins, they ask Genesis of his intention coming here, he replies he is looking for the book, I simply ask who has it, and he replies that we took it, I had been mistaken, upon further questioning Genesis madness emerges, he says that within the book is a secret of some Godess, that he and Sephiroth descend from her, his usual respect for Helena disappears as he dims her unworthy of the rewards the godess would offer. He leaves leaving us somewhat confused.
The woman that visited Helena rushed just then into the alley, aproaching her and seeing if she was fine, just then another Pandoran buzzed within the shadows, it seems to be tame, for the moment, I jump behind Sephiroth, the woman asked about the creature, trying to protect Helena, I too want to protect her, he has shown to be trustworthy, and besides being my income source for the moment, she too might be the key to get the book, which might be with those vampires right now. Seeing as how Helena trusts her, I take my chances, then agains it might just be me being reckless again, as I clarify that the creature would aim at me before attacking Helena. It all turns out peacefully in the end, with me explaining the woman, Cornelia, about us Prometheans, just enough for her to comprehend, it is then when I notice that she resembles Helena, mainly their eyes.
I asses the situation, would it be propper for me to ask for the book? I have only told Helena about Saed, not about Master Proxy, and Cornelia seems to be quite powerful within those in what they call the Invictus, she is either a vamprie as well, or some sort of Ghoul to a high ranking vampire. Its confusing, but Master Proxy made a move quite unexpected, I explain to him that Helena has the book, but that the Invictus is already involved, he tells me he can help, and uncovers himself, a young man, looking at much as old as I look, he said his name is Lelouch, and he leaves me behind as he walks to take some action.
Kadaj breaks in as well and separates them I cry profousely as I confess that I have revealed his secret. He walks away trying to still his rage. I keep facing my tormentfor a while, glinging to Sephirothhe behaves cold, as usual, but still he stays by me.
Kadaj breaks in,k his eyes burning with rage, they focus on me and he charges, I barely have time to look into the two flames and stop him, Helena comes in and calms him down, she seems to be some sort of guardian or what Vampires call ghouls, she seems familiarized with these dealings. So young and she already has such a burden.
I leave them behind, I leave the party not worrying about the dress anymore, it si stained, scratched, ruined. I feel bad, I don´t want to be found, not by anyone, right now I would only accept Sephiroth, I go back to the appartment, it has been visited by the Twilight people, my TV is on the floor, broken, everything is out of place, they probably have taken some of my stuff, I left little, save for some money, judging that the door was not even locked I can say that anyone could have come and looted the place.
Two weeks have gone by, I am back on the streets selling coke, or that is what I tell them it is, instead of spending a couple hundreds in the real stuff, I spend a couple bucks in simple talcum, being what I am , wealth fades quickly, so I do not care for this to be a stable position.
A selll is finished, and my little fraud comes and gets me, three thugs come after me, they pull me into an alley, if only they knew that I am most dangerous when few can see me, I am pushed against a wall, and pointed at with a knife, I force a pyros into the guy´s mind, making him attack his friend, in seconds one tries to avoid being stabbed, another tries to stab his own friend and the third fights to pull them appart, I use the chance and run away, as I doo, I feel a presence, I turn and see proxy standing in a threshold. To some shabby building ,He tells mi his leader wants to meet me, that a Quashmall told them about me, that I would turn the tide and make us all human, it makes me feel important, it’s a pleasant feeling.
As I walk out of the place, hearing police and ambulance sirens aproachning, I realize that Sephiroth and the others have not contacted me, knowing that Sephiroth knows little about our condition, probably ignores the kind of monster he truly is, I do not think they have let me to quench my torment all this long, still they had the keys to get the book, did they get it or did someone else get it before us, before me.
Proxy warned me about Twilight, particularly about Real, about Genesis, the priests, those whom I have already fought,. He also mentions other Proxies, seems that is how these throng of Prometheans call themselves, he highlights that they are willing to help me, to fight in my name, and that I am to meet their leader in a couple of days. As I meditate on this, my cell rings, its Helena, they need me, they need someone who an drive, but it calms me to feel needed for once.
They make me drive them again to the place the party took place in, ironic, our host, Claudia, is attending some Chinese people, we wait a while watching the news in the living room, having some coffee and looking at the objects they have used for decoration, a woman named Luca joins us, as many in this social circles, she is proud and beautiful, but she stands out since she is caucacean but dresses in a Yeong tsam dress and uses a very oriental hairdo. Helena is then received by Claudia, she looks somewhat infuriated, annoyed by something, she´s been like this since her call, Sephiroth tries to go offer a hand, but Luca disuades him, I try to go as well, but I too fail to convince this woman.
When Helena comes out, she looks satisfied with her actions, still some fury emanates from her.
They ask me to head fo China Town, seems that Dante has no use for the keys, which makes me guess that the book has been taken already,
The men at the restaurant tell us about the secret kept by the key, a book, they say, that has information involving the chinese government, and that has been taken by some unknown fashion, Sephiroth, does not react to these words, still they say there is a twin to this book, and that it too, must be found, and offer us eighteen grand to find it, Sephiroth takes his pay from the previous job and decides not to take the new one, but I negotiate to get twice the new pay if we look for the twin.
Now I have something to tell Proxy, it is a glimpse of hope after loosing the first one.
Keeping this Proxy buisness stealthy, I simply take Helena to her next destination: seems the car belogns to Gustaf, he greets her with his huge arms wide open. His fondness for her is tickled again when she asks for a job, Gustaf offers her a position in some Russian ballet, after surviving the thugs, I decide its time to avoid getting my money with such lonely illegitimate means, and simply offer myself to do any non sexual job. Gustaf looks at me and offers me a position as Helena´s make up assistant. It sounds fair, so I take it.
It is a difficult job, Helena has such a great talent that she is promoted quickly to the lead role, now I have to make this good looking girl outstand even more. I make an effort, and succeed, the rehearsal is watched by a small group of people, and they seem to like it quite much.
After the performance visits come backstage, first it’s a proud looking woman in fine garments, Its been years since I have been involved in such high class circles, disquiet usually makes it even more difficult, but I do not heed it much, a second visitor arrives: Kadaj walks in with some drk rose, I have never understood what humans see in these things, they wither so fast, I look at the time, and head out, the leader is supposed to meet me in Central Park.
I get to the designated place and see them both, a figure clad in red and a figure clad in black, they greet me, the one I have been calling Proxy reveals himself, a young looking man, whose real name is Saed, he then points to the man in black, calling him Master Proxy, more of a Title, as it seems.
Master Proxy mad eme follow him to a Cathedral, we climb up to a balcony where the park and the buildings surrounding it, he tells me about how years ago a Quashmall appeared to him in that spot, and then makes me promise I would help these Proxies become human, I agree somewhat lightly, but as I do a white flame surrounds me, maybe the same Quashmall Sephiroth and I saw in the woods, maybe even the same that guided me to this City I have not learnt to love, its not importatn, I am now branded into the Throng, Caroline C, is now called C.C. Proxy.
Master Proxy tells me that the second book has been with the Chinese all this time, that the book I was told to look is still in NY, and that Genesis knows who took it. I ask for help against such a dangerous adversary, but I am told that those Proxies that have fought against the Hecatonchire have been destroyed. Worst of all is when I hear that Genesis is somewhere around the theater where Helena and Sephiroth are, I rush out of the church, hoping that I can get some information out of Genesis, and that he again is there peacefully.
I get out of the cab throwing a handfull of bills at the driver, I run to the alley leading to the backdoor of the theater and see Genesis standing against Sephiroth Helena and Kadaj, I run towards them, just to be captured by two pandorans, similar to the one we faced before, but this time havint Genesis´ face, they bite, tearing my flesh, exposing my bones, it hurts, it stings, I use my pyros to recover as they keep on biting, until somehow they stop Genesis and command him to stop his pets.
I use my Pyros to recover completely, I have little of it left, but Its better for me to be as good as possible in case another battle comes.
The questioning begins, they ask Genesis of his intention coming here, he replies he is looking for the book, I simply ask who has it, and he replies that we took it, I had been mistaken, upon further questioning Genesis madness emerges, he says that within the book is a secret of some Godess, that he and Sephiroth descend from her, his usual respect for Helena disappears as he dims her unworthy of the rewards the godess would offer. He leaves leaving us somewhat confused.
The woman that visited Helena rushed just then into the alley, aproaching her and seeing if she was fine, just then another Pandoran buzzed within the shadows, it seems to be tame, for the moment, I jump behind Sephiroth, the woman asked about the creature, trying to protect Helena, I too want to protect her, he has shown to be trustworthy, and besides being my income source for the moment, she too might be the key to get the book, which might be with those vampires right now. Seeing as how Helena trusts her, I take my chances, then agains it might just be me being reckless again, as I clarify that the creature would aim at me before attacking Helena. It all turns out peacefully in the end, with me explaining the woman, Cornelia, about us Prometheans, just enough for her to comprehend, it is then when I notice that she resembles Helena, mainly their eyes.
I asses the situation, would it be propper for me to ask for the book? I have only told Helena about Saed, not about Master Proxy, and Cornelia seems to be quite powerful within those in what they call the Invictus, she is either a vamprie as well, or some sort of Ghoul to a high ranking vampire. Its confusing, but Master Proxy made a move quite unexpected, I explain to him that Helena has the book, but that the Invictus is already involved, he tells me he can help, and uncovers himself, a young man, looking at much as old as I look, he said his name is Lelouch, and he leaves me behind as he walks to take some action.
viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2008
A week goes by without news, we have been investigating the diary, without finding anything on the book, it only shows some strange numbers, Roman numbers without an apparent order. Lacking some, probably the ones belonging to the pages I destroyed.
We return to the same pizza hut we visited, its become our regular gahering place, which does not disturb me, since through this life mockery I have become fond of this particular dish. Helena has even become friends with the girl who works here, some Nina, to a point that she comes and offers her an invitation. Helena seems surprised, it is an elegant party held by some polititian, she raises and hugs the girl, for a moment I think she actually bit her neck, but again I have more important things to think about.
We hang around for a while, to my surprise my Azoth has not affected those people around me my disquiet is letting me have a calm time. Until I feel a prescense, it scares me, since the fact that I can feel it means its quite close, I look to the door and see a dreaded red coat with a wing showing behind it, Genesis walks to us, I tremble, but he only sits and as usual Helena´s charm works as magic, he treats her kindly. Some talking and he explains us about the order in which the pages are to be put, the numbers add up to give out some coordinates, we have enough numbers to make the two numbers, still more pages would be needed to make a third number, strange, why would some numbers remain unused? However Google Earth saves the day, pointing us to the coordinates, quite close to us, north of the city within the woods. When we get there, I can feel an Azoth, but am unable to find its source. I know we are close to the ocean, but its too quiet around us, as if something has kept the waves away from us. We find an abandoned construction near a clifff, some sort of old lighthouse, on its front there is a strange symbol, a V over crossed by an X and a point in the middle. We go in, the walls are covered in small writing, I read it aloud, its latin, I can read it but not understand it, I record a fragment in my cellphone. Its dark, there is no electricity, and using the cells as lanterns is too uncomfortable and insuficient, we head back to the city, and stop at a Walmart. As I go get some lanterns, batteries and a couple of Kitchen knifes to use as weapons in case something appears, Helena starts chatting with the night shift clerk, some Hindu guy.
By the time we get back to the lighthouse, a large luxurious vehicle is parkec outside it, A man sees us, he´s a priest, he comes to us and says it is dangerous for us young people to be out so late in such a place, I try to convince him to let us in by telling him we had bet we could get into the strange lighthouse and that our friends would call us cowards if we did not, .as we try to convince him to let us pass, two men emerge from the construction. These two inmediately recognize me as a monster, as if it were my fault, still he uses “Monsters” plural, one tries to charge against me, but I simply look into his eyes and paralyze him, the second one unsheathes a large sword, and rams Kadaj, making a deep wound.
I use my power and tell the paralyzed one to surrender, that he should take his friends out of here, and drive until their car runs out of fuel, he stops his friends and takes them away, I look around and Helena had already convinced the third one to stay still,.we can now enter the building, but Kadaj is severy wounded. So we decide to come back later.
We stop again at Walmart, Helena tells me to wait with Kadaj, he is bleeding. She explains me her plan, and reveals something about Kadaj that explains why we only go out during the night, he is a Vampire, and she would be sending people to us, people I must paralize and Kadaj would feed from them.
A guy comes our way, mumblind something about me being beautiful, and asking how much would I charge, just when I thought I could leave prostitution long in my past this comes out, I paralyze him and have Kadage bite him. I tell the guy to go home to his mom crying, he is about to obbey when Kadaj´s pride kicks in and he starts brawling the guy, I thought Kadaj would win easily, what could be worse than suck a deep wound? But after a few blows Kadaj falls to the ground and adquires the look of a dried corpse, I again paralyze the guy and make him go home to his mommy, a humiliation I still find funny.
Helena came to meet us and her surprise is mixed with a let down when she sees the corpse.that lies before me. With a little trouble we take him to an old building, a mannor. We are received by a woman named Cassandra, Helena treats her with respect, and she seems to hate doing this.
While Kadaj recovers, I receve a call, its Sephiroth, he finally reapeared. He tells me that some young woman wants to meet me. I deny the proposition.
Helena told Cassandra about the party, the woman kindly offers to lend us some clothes, by the end of the day we are ready, as ready as I can be, Cassandra lent me a dress, but she is quite tall, while I am quite short, so her beautiful dress just looks bad on me.
We return to the same pizza hut we visited, its become our regular gahering place, which does not disturb me, since through this life mockery I have become fond of this particular dish. Helena has even become friends with the girl who works here, some Nina, to a point that she comes and offers her an invitation. Helena seems surprised, it is an elegant party held by some polititian, she raises and hugs the girl, for a moment I think she actually bit her neck, but again I have more important things to think about.
We hang around for a while, to my surprise my Azoth has not affected those people around me my disquiet is letting me have a calm time. Until I feel a prescense, it scares me, since the fact that I can feel it means its quite close, I look to the door and see a dreaded red coat with a wing showing behind it, Genesis walks to us, I tremble, but he only sits and as usual Helena´s charm works as magic, he treats her kindly. Some talking and he explains us about the order in which the pages are to be put, the numbers add up to give out some coordinates, we have enough numbers to make the two numbers, still more pages would be needed to make a third number, strange, why would some numbers remain unused? However Google Earth saves the day, pointing us to the coordinates, quite close to us, north of the city within the woods. When we get there, I can feel an Azoth, but am unable to find its source. I know we are close to the ocean, but its too quiet around us, as if something has kept the waves away from us. We find an abandoned construction near a clifff, some sort of old lighthouse, on its front there is a strange symbol, a V over crossed by an X and a point in the middle. We go in, the walls are covered in small writing, I read it aloud, its latin, I can read it but not understand it, I record a fragment in my cellphone. Its dark, there is no electricity, and using the cells as lanterns is too uncomfortable and insuficient, we head back to the city, and stop at a Walmart. As I go get some lanterns, batteries and a couple of Kitchen knifes to use as weapons in case something appears, Helena starts chatting with the night shift clerk, some Hindu guy.
By the time we get back to the lighthouse, a large luxurious vehicle is parkec outside it, A man sees us, he´s a priest, he comes to us and says it is dangerous for us young people to be out so late in such a place, I try to convince him to let us in by telling him we had bet we could get into the strange lighthouse and that our friends would call us cowards if we did not, .as we try to convince him to let us pass, two men emerge from the construction. These two inmediately recognize me as a monster, as if it were my fault, still he uses “Monsters” plural, one tries to charge against me, but I simply look into his eyes and paralyze him, the second one unsheathes a large sword, and rams Kadaj, making a deep wound.
I use my power and tell the paralyzed one to surrender, that he should take his friends out of here, and drive until their car runs out of fuel, he stops his friends and takes them away, I look around and Helena had already convinced the third one to stay still,.we can now enter the building, but Kadaj is severy wounded. So we decide to come back later.
We stop again at Walmart, Helena tells me to wait with Kadaj, he is bleeding. She explains me her plan, and reveals something about Kadaj that explains why we only go out during the night, he is a Vampire, and she would be sending people to us, people I must paralize and Kadaj would feed from them.
A guy comes our way, mumblind something about me being beautiful, and asking how much would I charge, just when I thought I could leave prostitution long in my past this comes out, I paralyze him and have Kadage bite him. I tell the guy to go home to his mom crying, he is about to obbey when Kadaj´s pride kicks in and he starts brawling the guy, I thought Kadaj would win easily, what could be worse than suck a deep wound? But after a few blows Kadaj falls to the ground and adquires the look of a dried corpse, I again paralyze the guy and make him go home to his mommy, a humiliation I still find funny.
Helena came to meet us and her surprise is mixed with a let down when she sees the corpse.that lies before me. With a little trouble we take him to an old building, a mannor. We are received by a woman named Cassandra, Helena treats her with respect, and she seems to hate doing this.
While Kadaj recovers, I receve a call, its Sephiroth, he finally reapeared. He tells me that some young woman wants to meet me. I deny the proposition.
Helena told Cassandra about the party, the woman kindly offers to lend us some clothes, by the end of the day we are ready, as ready as I can be, Cassandra lent me a dress, but she is quite tall, while I am quite short, so her beautiful dress just looks bad on me.
miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2008
I am carried out of the van and fastened to some table. The one winged Promethean reported the last events to a strange man that speaks with glutony in his voice, craving to satisfy his curiosity, I think the strange one called him Dr. Hoyo, or something like that.
“A fine specimen for future experiments” Hoyo said, I tremble at these words and try to find my way out, I am too weak, and none of my transmutations can help me now, I will finally be destroyed.
A while passes, just a couple of hours at much, hours in which I am left alone to my thoughts, in which no sounds break an empty silence broken only by some old fan in the ventilation system, a silence that is broken harshly by the sound of glass breaking, an alarm activates and a soft thudding sound still reaches me,
I am set free, my eyes look at the strange Promethean, he is standing before me, a cold look in his eyes, he reaches for me and carries me over his shoulder as if I were only a bag of potatoes or something of the sort, and runs making his way through hallways that are already familiar to him.
Two people try to stop us, they wield large weapons and aim them at us, One faces me, while the strange one intimidates them, I simply try to make the one facing me to give me his gun, but he resists my powers easily. Who are these Twilight people?
Strange manages to get us into one of the vans, and gets us out of the instalations. We are chased, I find some grenades, and throw them out the window, they only throw smoke out, but it is effective enough to stall our pursuers, while the autocruise and we jump out of the van, we are bruised, but not hurt, the van fades in the distance followed by the other Twilight cars, I finally breathe calmly. It’s a stormy night, still walking in the cold air is much better than being trapped in some strange laboratory wondering what part of my body would be cut off next or what substance would be put into me, the woods protect us, still the clouds reflect the orange glow of the city lights far away, it’s the state of New York, as far as I can tell, but the city seems to lie miles away.
As we walk among the trees using the darkness to hide us, which is somewhat difficult for me with my light colored hair and a strange garment they put me on: white and the sleeves have belts and buckles to restrain who wears it, we see a strange glow emerging from behind some trees, we aproach it and find a strange cold white flame, it must be a Quashmall, it speaks with a strange voice, telling us that our pilgrimage involves a book with names in it.
The flame vanishes and we find ourselves in the darkness once again, we continue walking, I am too tired to ask strangeguy his name, or what he thinks we should do,I just follow him, he is stronger than I am, now I regret not learning more transmutations, but somehow I know he will help me.
We reach a small road, we turn to see a truck coming our way, and hitch a ride using my charms. In the end I managed to get some money out of him before getting off in Manhatan. There Strange leads me to a slumy part of the city, we are looked as enemies by everyone in the street, these humans, they treat everyone as if they irradiated an Azothic radiance, I am used to it. He finally opens his mouth, saying his name is Sephiroth, and offers me a place to stay in a small appartment.
Next morning Seph contacted some guy, asking him to go to China Town and look for some man in a restaurant. We do so, the pay is decent, and the job seems simple and quoincidentaly, we are to visit an old Chinese man in a hospital and get a key from him. What Proxy told me to do, maybe I can kill two birds with one shot.
The nurse at the reception tells us that the man is being visited by some priests, that we would have to wait, but Sephiroth heads to the elevator, as we head up, it stops, The elevator telephone rings, I pick it up “Wait five minutes” the voice said, I turn around to tell Sephiroth and find him climbing out the hatch on the top, finding that its imposible to climb up that way without calling all the attention we do not want, the five minutes go by and the thing moves again. As we get off, the group of priests pass right before us, .
We go to the man´s room, he does not react as we enter, not even my transmutations make him move or react, a girl rushed in shortly after, I use my transmutations on her and find out that the old man was helped by some guy named Dante and a cute girl, she gave me his card, a detective, so it seems.
We go to the adress in the card, a guy with no shirt and a red coat opens the door, he looks half asleep and more than talking he yawns a “Yes?” I try explaining what we are doing there, but before I knew it Dante and Sephiroth were fighting over Seph´s sword, which he carries around in a strange case.
Dante´s place is dark, the blinders and curtains are closed, a swift look around and my hypotheses turns around it being to make the mess and disorder hard to see.
The noice of Sephiroth and Dante arguing seems to have disturbed the young woman the girl mentioned, curiosity drove her to come, in fact she is cute, enough to threaten any Galateid, her attitude, her charm, I cannot identify what, but some strange aura makes her stand out, and still some memories in my mind seemed moved by her face. But I do not pay much attention to it.
Another guy appears, looking somewhat like Sephiroth, even has the silver colored hair, unlike the girl, he exhudes excesive stubborness and pride, a pride recently crushed.
We ask for the key, Dante said he needs it. The man at the restaurant only asked for the key, we can wait until Dante finishes with it. It might even be convenient for me to let him use it. The girl said her name is Helena, the proud guy´s name is Kadaj, I introduce myself simply as C.C. being a Promethean, a name is never really yours. Sephiroth introduced himself as well. We wait until nightfall to go out, I did not care why, I have plenty of time before me, these humans are strange, but they might have their reasons.
To my delight, we go to some pizza hut nearby and wait for Kadaj´s friends, they brought another key, its delightful, everything seems to be developing smoothly for me. They also left a clue: Dr. Ghast While we finish eating Dante and Kadaj go racing on their motorcycles.:
“Dr. Ghast” I type into google in an internet café nearby, some minutes and we find some names and information, this Sephiroth uses, a phone call later we have Ghast´s last adress, its within a wealthy district, fair enough.
We take a cab, I am careful to be the last one to get out of it, and again use my charm on the driver, getting some fair amount of money.
The house greets us with a crest belonging to a wealthy family, “St. Giovanni” I have heard of them, they are mostly devoted to medicine. We are welcomed by a beautiful woman sitting in the living room, long dark hair, white skin, exhuding confidence due to knowledge and beauty, such face would make an excelent Geass Wielder, but that will have to wait. Her manners match her looks and corteously offers us a seat, her name, she tells us is Rita, her accent is foreing, Italian.
Shortly after her cousin Donato appeared, dressed in as fine garments as money can buy, he, as his cousin is eager to make us comfortable in his house.
We explain our buisness, emphazising only that we need some of Dr.Ghasts belongings, they kindly let us dig into the stuff the man left before he left the house. The room they stored everything in is a mess, Helena called for help and Kadaj arrived shortly after. I got tired soon, its too chaotic for me to stand, Still I notice Helena is not looking with Sephiroth and Kadaj. When she appears again, she´s with Rita, who suggests we look again. We do so, and this time I find an old Log, I read it and find some interesting stuff involving Hojo and something called Proyect S. And it also revealed that the key is inside a Grandfather clock. By the time we exit the house its already quite late, still Kadaj proposes to go have some fun, it sound fair enough, I have seen this many times, celebration is important for humans.
To my benefit we take a cab, as we reach the place Sephiroth and I are disturbed by a presence, I hope its Proxy,
Once inside Helena starts dancing, her grace is notorious, as she is inmediately worshipped by those in the building. But Sephiroth and I worry more for that strange Azoth, we start looking for him, but again it is someone else who finds me, while Helena dances, no one notices the huge guy pulling on the small woman. I struggle to set myself free. But all I get is some complicated dialogue, the guy has delusions of eloquence. He finaly sets me free after taking the log from me, I run to Sephiroth.
Sephiroth tells Helena of the danger, she inmediately uses her charisma to get the information we need, some lame excuse of a man, or woman, or person in emo clothes points towards a door at the back, we hastily run up.
I arrive before the others, and find the guy tearing some pages off the log, I am desperate, unnable to control myself, I use a transmutation, revealing my disfigurement to Helena and Kadaj for the first time, my hair turned green, and my scar and eyes start to shine, my skin adquire its artificial tone, too reckless, Galateids are reckless, and somehow I am one, other supernaturals call it the mascarade, I have heard about it, but I do not mind breaking it infront of Kadaj and Helena, even though there are groups willing to kill those who break it, but Geass wielders crave for power, and I know that damn notebook means power, and if I cannot have it, no one will, my transmutation is effective, I make the guy give me the pages he tore, knowing that when he staps out of my grasp he will take them back I decide to destroy them, I eat them sure that the holy fire within me would be fueled as the paper is destroyed.
I hear Sephiroth call him Genesis, seeing himself surrounded by Kadaj and Sephiroth with their weapons unsheathed, and still having me around to fight his Azoth and capable of paralizing him, he escapes. Unknown to Helena and Kadaj, I see Genesis spread a wing much like Sephiroth´s.as he jumps off the building.
Sephiroth jumbed right behind him, while from the shadows a buzzing sound came acompanied by a growl, I ook around and see it, a huge bug looking Pandoran, it inmediately jumps over me, it brings me to the ground and tries to feed from my flesh, Dante jumps out of the very door we came out of and aided us to destroy the creature before it actually causes me any damage.
The relief I felt faded quickly when Helena pushed me against a corner, She makes the question simple and to the point so much that I simply answer without even trying to hide the truth, I even tell her about my purposes for the book. After hearing my story, she said she would help us Sephiroth and me.
We head back to the dance floor, Helena and Kadaj keep on dancing for a while, I just sit down and think about the fear I feel of Genesis returning and sending more Pandorans after me,.. and come to realize that Proxy meant Genesis, and not Ferrard, when he said, the “other”.
Kadaj proposes us to leave the place and go look for some underground races, we agree to do that, and I thank that Pandorans have it tough when surrounded by people, their flux is quenched by the true fire within humans.
After some talking with a Russian guy named Gustaf, Helena managed to get Kadaj entry into a race, the odds would mean he would get about half a million if he wins, it sounds really tempting
Kadaj stars fine, racing against representatives from what seems to be every ethnic group that also has a mafia within the city, some crash, some loose their tires, sabotage is notorious, these humans, some preach about doing whats right, and among the preachers there are those who do quite the opposite to their words. In the end Kadaj came victorious, still, every non Russian mafia seems to be now after his head.
With that the evening ended, sunrise is at hand, Helena and Kadaj seem tired, so does Dante, we part ways, I am tired as well, and scared.I log into a City Express to avoid going to Sephiroth´s place, to which I lack a key, and scared as well of returning to my appartment, the Twilight people might be there. But as I enter my room, the phone rings, I stop my steps, look at the damn thing and run away, no one should know I am here, I run out of the hotel and head to a subway station, hoping a train comes soon and takes me away from this place. The train delays, I tremble in fear, I have no weapons. I feel an Azoth aproaching, I turn and look, red clothes, at first I thought it was Genesis, but its only Proxy. I tell him everything I have learnt about the book, and he asked me to meet him there later.
“A fine specimen for future experiments” Hoyo said, I tremble at these words and try to find my way out, I am too weak, and none of my transmutations can help me now, I will finally be destroyed.
A while passes, just a couple of hours at much, hours in which I am left alone to my thoughts, in which no sounds break an empty silence broken only by some old fan in the ventilation system, a silence that is broken harshly by the sound of glass breaking, an alarm activates and a soft thudding sound still reaches me,
I am set free, my eyes look at the strange Promethean, he is standing before me, a cold look in his eyes, he reaches for me and carries me over his shoulder as if I were only a bag of potatoes or something of the sort, and runs making his way through hallways that are already familiar to him.
Two people try to stop us, they wield large weapons and aim them at us, One faces me, while the strange one intimidates them, I simply try to make the one facing me to give me his gun, but he resists my powers easily. Who are these Twilight people?
Strange manages to get us into one of the vans, and gets us out of the instalations. We are chased, I find some grenades, and throw them out the window, they only throw smoke out, but it is effective enough to stall our pursuers, while the autocruise and we jump out of the van, we are bruised, but not hurt, the van fades in the distance followed by the other Twilight cars, I finally breathe calmly. It’s a stormy night, still walking in the cold air is much better than being trapped in some strange laboratory wondering what part of my body would be cut off next or what substance would be put into me, the woods protect us, still the clouds reflect the orange glow of the city lights far away, it’s the state of New York, as far as I can tell, but the city seems to lie miles away.
As we walk among the trees using the darkness to hide us, which is somewhat difficult for me with my light colored hair and a strange garment they put me on: white and the sleeves have belts and buckles to restrain who wears it, we see a strange glow emerging from behind some trees, we aproach it and find a strange cold white flame, it must be a Quashmall, it speaks with a strange voice, telling us that our pilgrimage involves a book with names in it.
The flame vanishes and we find ourselves in the darkness once again, we continue walking, I am too tired to ask strangeguy his name, or what he thinks we should do,I just follow him, he is stronger than I am, now I regret not learning more transmutations, but somehow I know he will help me.
We reach a small road, we turn to see a truck coming our way, and hitch a ride using my charms. In the end I managed to get some money out of him before getting off in Manhatan. There Strange leads me to a slumy part of the city, we are looked as enemies by everyone in the street, these humans, they treat everyone as if they irradiated an Azothic radiance, I am used to it. He finally opens his mouth, saying his name is Sephiroth, and offers me a place to stay in a small appartment.
Next morning Seph contacted some guy, asking him to go to China Town and look for some man in a restaurant. We do so, the pay is decent, and the job seems simple and quoincidentaly, we are to visit an old Chinese man in a hospital and get a key from him. What Proxy told me to do, maybe I can kill two birds with one shot.
The nurse at the reception tells us that the man is being visited by some priests, that we would have to wait, but Sephiroth heads to the elevator, as we head up, it stops, The elevator telephone rings, I pick it up “Wait five minutes” the voice said, I turn around to tell Sephiroth and find him climbing out the hatch on the top, finding that its imposible to climb up that way without calling all the attention we do not want, the five minutes go by and the thing moves again. As we get off, the group of priests pass right before us, .
We go to the man´s room, he does not react as we enter, not even my transmutations make him move or react, a girl rushed in shortly after, I use my transmutations on her and find out that the old man was helped by some guy named Dante and a cute girl, she gave me his card, a detective, so it seems.
We go to the adress in the card, a guy with no shirt and a red coat opens the door, he looks half asleep and more than talking he yawns a “Yes?” I try explaining what we are doing there, but before I knew it Dante and Sephiroth were fighting over Seph´s sword, which he carries around in a strange case.
Dante´s place is dark, the blinders and curtains are closed, a swift look around and my hypotheses turns around it being to make the mess and disorder hard to see.
The noice of Sephiroth and Dante arguing seems to have disturbed the young woman the girl mentioned, curiosity drove her to come, in fact she is cute, enough to threaten any Galateid, her attitude, her charm, I cannot identify what, but some strange aura makes her stand out, and still some memories in my mind seemed moved by her face. But I do not pay much attention to it.
Another guy appears, looking somewhat like Sephiroth, even has the silver colored hair, unlike the girl, he exhudes excesive stubborness and pride, a pride recently crushed.
We ask for the key, Dante said he needs it. The man at the restaurant only asked for the key, we can wait until Dante finishes with it. It might even be convenient for me to let him use it. The girl said her name is Helena, the proud guy´s name is Kadaj, I introduce myself simply as C.C. being a Promethean, a name is never really yours. Sephiroth introduced himself as well. We wait until nightfall to go out, I did not care why, I have plenty of time before me, these humans are strange, but they might have their reasons.
To my delight, we go to some pizza hut nearby and wait for Kadaj´s friends, they brought another key, its delightful, everything seems to be developing smoothly for me. They also left a clue: Dr. Ghast While we finish eating Dante and Kadaj go racing on their motorcycles.:
“Dr. Ghast” I type into google in an internet café nearby, some minutes and we find some names and information, this Sephiroth uses, a phone call later we have Ghast´s last adress, its within a wealthy district, fair enough.
We take a cab, I am careful to be the last one to get out of it, and again use my charm on the driver, getting some fair amount of money.
The house greets us with a crest belonging to a wealthy family, “St. Giovanni” I have heard of them, they are mostly devoted to medicine. We are welcomed by a beautiful woman sitting in the living room, long dark hair, white skin, exhuding confidence due to knowledge and beauty, such face would make an excelent Geass Wielder, but that will have to wait. Her manners match her looks and corteously offers us a seat, her name, she tells us is Rita, her accent is foreing, Italian.
Shortly after her cousin Donato appeared, dressed in as fine garments as money can buy, he, as his cousin is eager to make us comfortable in his house.
We explain our buisness, emphazising only that we need some of Dr.Ghasts belongings, they kindly let us dig into the stuff the man left before he left the house. The room they stored everything in is a mess, Helena called for help and Kadaj arrived shortly after. I got tired soon, its too chaotic for me to stand, Still I notice Helena is not looking with Sephiroth and Kadaj. When she appears again, she´s with Rita, who suggests we look again. We do so, and this time I find an old Log, I read it and find some interesting stuff involving Hojo and something called Proyect S. And it also revealed that the key is inside a Grandfather clock. By the time we exit the house its already quite late, still Kadaj proposes to go have some fun, it sound fair enough, I have seen this many times, celebration is important for humans.
To my benefit we take a cab, as we reach the place Sephiroth and I are disturbed by a presence, I hope its Proxy,
Once inside Helena starts dancing, her grace is notorious, as she is inmediately worshipped by those in the building. But Sephiroth and I worry more for that strange Azoth, we start looking for him, but again it is someone else who finds me, while Helena dances, no one notices the huge guy pulling on the small woman. I struggle to set myself free. But all I get is some complicated dialogue, the guy has delusions of eloquence. He finaly sets me free after taking the log from me, I run to Sephiroth.
Sephiroth tells Helena of the danger, she inmediately uses her charisma to get the information we need, some lame excuse of a man, or woman, or person in emo clothes points towards a door at the back, we hastily run up.
I arrive before the others, and find the guy tearing some pages off the log, I am desperate, unnable to control myself, I use a transmutation, revealing my disfigurement to Helena and Kadaj for the first time, my hair turned green, and my scar and eyes start to shine, my skin adquire its artificial tone, too reckless, Galateids are reckless, and somehow I am one, other supernaturals call it the mascarade, I have heard about it, but I do not mind breaking it infront of Kadaj and Helena, even though there are groups willing to kill those who break it, but Geass wielders crave for power, and I know that damn notebook means power, and if I cannot have it, no one will, my transmutation is effective, I make the guy give me the pages he tore, knowing that when he staps out of my grasp he will take them back I decide to destroy them, I eat them sure that the holy fire within me would be fueled as the paper is destroyed.
I hear Sephiroth call him Genesis, seeing himself surrounded by Kadaj and Sephiroth with their weapons unsheathed, and still having me around to fight his Azoth and capable of paralizing him, he escapes. Unknown to Helena and Kadaj, I see Genesis spread a wing much like Sephiroth´s.as he jumps off the building.
Sephiroth jumbed right behind him, while from the shadows a buzzing sound came acompanied by a growl, I ook around and see it, a huge bug looking Pandoran, it inmediately jumps over me, it brings me to the ground and tries to feed from my flesh, Dante jumps out of the very door we came out of and aided us to destroy the creature before it actually causes me any damage.
The relief I felt faded quickly when Helena pushed me against a corner, She makes the question simple and to the point so much that I simply answer without even trying to hide the truth, I even tell her about my purposes for the book. After hearing my story, she said she would help us Sephiroth and me.
We head back to the dance floor, Helena and Kadaj keep on dancing for a while, I just sit down and think about the fear I feel of Genesis returning and sending more Pandorans after me,.. and come to realize that Proxy meant Genesis, and not Ferrard, when he said, the “other”.
Kadaj proposes us to leave the place and go look for some underground races, we agree to do that, and I thank that Pandorans have it tough when surrounded by people, their flux is quenched by the true fire within humans.
After some talking with a Russian guy named Gustaf, Helena managed to get Kadaj entry into a race, the odds would mean he would get about half a million if he wins, it sounds really tempting
Kadaj stars fine, racing against representatives from what seems to be every ethnic group that also has a mafia within the city, some crash, some loose their tires, sabotage is notorious, these humans, some preach about doing whats right, and among the preachers there are those who do quite the opposite to their words. In the end Kadaj came victorious, still, every non Russian mafia seems to be now after his head.
With that the evening ended, sunrise is at hand, Helena and Kadaj seem tired, so does Dante, we part ways, I am tired as well, and scared.I log into a City Express to avoid going to Sephiroth´s place, to which I lack a key, and scared as well of returning to my appartment, the Twilight people might be there. But as I enter my room, the phone rings, I stop my steps, look at the damn thing and run away, no one should know I am here, I run out of the hotel and head to a subway station, hoping a train comes soon and takes me away from this place. The train delays, I tremble in fear, I have no weapons. I feel an Azoth aproaching, I turn and look, red clothes, at first I thought it was Genesis, but its only Proxy. I tell him everything I have learnt about the book, and he asked me to meet him there later.
lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2008
WoD The Book of the Dead Names
Caroline C
It has been too long, already two centuries. I have seen to many wars, some caused by my own disquiet. It is finally time, the Quashmallim told me to come here and look for the girl, and I now have her right infront of me, I am well hidden, using my pyros to make myself transparent, keepimg myself well hidden.
She seems to be a slave, she acts shy, obbeys almost blindly, I see the fear in her eyes, and I have come to take her away from all the filth around her, she has a fair face, her eyes will serve well. She has come and gone many times, hurriedly, knowing that a small mistake will translate into a severe scalding. She brings out two large black plastic bags surely filled with garbage, and puts them next to the container I am hiding behind. As she is readying herself to get into the building, a vehicle enters the alley, it’s a large old van, two men get out as she heads for the cargo door, which she opens, she lifts a large bulk, something wrapped in some sort of old carpet and cloth rags, blood spills from the ends and I can clearly see hair sneaking from within the rags covering the face and most of the head. She puts the body next to the container, I can hear her moan from the effort, it is obvious the body is much too heavy, and as a slave, he might barely have enough to eat. She goes into the building as the two men start smoking, she comes out carrying a hacksaw and a knife. She kneels infront of the body taking off the carpet and letting the head still covered, she seems to dislike this job, but somehow she seems to be used to it.
She works diligently on it reducing the body into a mass of flessh and pieces of bone, until only the head remains, she unwraps it, and as the dead eyes stare into her, she drops it and steps back, her eyes widen and her voice collapses and drowns as she tries to scream, seems the dead body was someone important to her, or someone that should not be dead, one never knows with this crime sindicates.
The two men dropped their cigarretes, and bring out guns and aim at her, she looks at them, and with the shy voice the poor slave says “No, please” as she covers her face with her arms. Just before the clicking of the guns is over and the bullets get into place, I am already behind one of the men, as the first bullet is in place and the gun prepared, I have a knife going through the neck of the man, he falls and the other one seems to only stare at the knife floating in the air, the light is so dim that he cannot see me, he aims for the blade but it moves, I insert it right into his head, I take his coat and cover myself with it and cancel the transmutation so that I can be seen again.
The girl had fallen to the ground, she raises her eyes and sees me. “Will you be my new master? I.. I… My abilities are, cleaning and sweeping, I can help a bit in the kitchen… I can count to twenty and read just a little, I… I have also done some body cleaning before….” She looks at the head she dropped less than a minute before “I cannot stay here, please!”
I walk towards her, and extend a hand, she receives it as shyly as she did everything until then, a poor slave. She stands, takes her hand away and leans forward as some sort of greeting. I then signal her to follow me, I hotwire the van and drive away.
We stepped out of the van and I make her follow me to the old department building, some hobos sleep on the stairs, I open the door to the appartment I have been using and lead her to the bathroom, there the balm awaits. I point at a chair, she obbediently sits down, ever since we got away, she has avoided my eyes, she seems to be just a sweet person, still she seems to be unable to react to the sense of being free, knowing not of another lifestyle. But it would soon be over, I emptied the bottles into the tub, she did not ask a single question. And just sat there, mumbling of what they would do if they found her now that she had escaped, but it would not matter soon, that I knew, I was close to my own life, she coughed, my wasteland made it difficult for some to be within it for long. As soon as the mixture was ready, I walked behind her, I gently put my hand on her shoulder, and with the other hand, I pulled her long blonde hair, she did not complain, she seemed to be used to it, my hand moved from her shoulder into the medicine cabinet on the wall, from it I took the knife I had hidden, a swift move from my hand and I released her hair, just to slap her and inject some pyros into her, she is stunned, then I lift her head, and make her look at me, she again is paralized, I whisper to her to stay still, and she cannot resist the order. I take the knife firmly in my hand and move the blade to her neck, her life ends seconds later.
“I woke up, that is as back as I can remember, the first thing I saw was an old shower hanging right on top of me, and the rust stained white walls of a bathing tub around me, I moved my hand reaching out, I remember how I trembled as my hand grabbed the edge of the tub, I was terribly confused, I looked down, a body that felt strange, as if not belonging to me responded to my mind´s comand, floated in a mixture of wine vinegar and spices and herbs.
I stood up, letting the strange balm drip off, I looked around. The bathroom had obviously seen better days in a time already too distant, I knew it, but did not know why, it confused me, tears dripped of my cheeks falling into the mixture that now covered my feet and ankles. A chair had some clothes awaiting for me, pants a blouse and a jacket. Next to it a note laid.
‘It was necessary for me to achieve my goal to hurt you this much,
Tread carefully and you will once again be mortal
By the time you read this, I shall no longer be like you, and might
probably remember you not’
No name, just the text in a handwriting so careful.. no signature, It all puzzled me, I sat on the floor, next to the tub, wondering whether to cry or to simply get moving. Someone in the street turned a radio on, voices came through the small window, I fell asleep, just to be wakened when the sun rose again, and the radio was turned on again.
I looked at the clothes, used clothes, but clean, a bit large, the tub had no water coming out of its pipes, I put the clohtes on and walked out still smelling of the strange mixture, unsure of what would await me, and sure of only one thing. The place I woke up in would never see me again.
I walked into the streets not knowing what to do next, where to go or what I was, much less who I was. It was a city, a small city with a name I never bothered to find out. I walked among the allies, wondering how would I get something to eat, not too far from where I woke up, I found the heart of the slums, violence and distrust, finding malice in the eyes of everyone. I heard gunfire, something made me hide, knowing that the source was not far, and that it meant trouble, I jumped behind some trash bags. And saw the projected shadow of a man pass in the wall infront of me. A couple of minutes passed and I emerged, turned the corner and found myself facing a dead body, in her hand she held an ID card, and some money, she seemed to have tried to keep just that, maybe just money for the cab. I took them both, Carol, her name was Carol, being as confused as I was, I thought that if needed I could be Carol, or Caroline, the last name on the card had been pierced by the bullet, only a C remained.
I searched for more stuff that I could use, but only found fake gold earrings, and her somewhat empty purse nearby, she seemed to have been a prostitute, for I only found cigarretes, a lighter, and a big deal of preservatives, she still had her watch on, with it I paid the bus that took me out of that town.
Many years have passed ever since, I have roamed the country from a little town to another, at least fifty, staying at least six months in each, welcomed at first and scorned not long after, I have survived many times as a lap dancer, as a drug dealer, several times I have been a mistress to some man with money and no love at home, and a couple of times I have fallen for those men and ended up killing their families. Its these times that I have seen my own reflection change, a scar on my forehead shines, similar to a bird in shape, my eyes glow or a purplish red. My skin looks like the cheap mockery manequins are made of. Then in this state I have been shot and left for dead, I sometimes wish it had been true, but I come back, this condition makes me strong, but my inner fire pays the toll.
Those few I have found that are like me have taught me about my nature, Verney seems most knowledged about us he has been roaming the whole planet over the last three centuries. Most probably he is the eldest of us all, he told me he is seeking too become mortal, and to destroy his wrongest creation. He told me he knew one like me, the Geass Wielders, so similar to the Galateids, still different enough to stand out. The only thing he did not know, was the words that make us wake, the contract that gives us this half life. I would have to find another like me, probably, or divert into a new lineage, if I am to ever become human.
I have been lucky not to have faced a pandoran, when visiting New York, most of them, I was told, had been destroyed by some Ferrard, or something like that… I ran from the city, fearing to finally face one, but some days after, as I woke up in a shabby motel, and washed my face, my reflection showed the same mark I have in my forehead. I got scared, but the reflection did not move, after so many years, I finally met a Quashmallim, and it told me to return to the city
And now I am here walking again into the unknown, uncertain of what to do, and hoping I find something that aids my pilgrimage, as weak as I have tried to keep myself, not letting my monstruous nature grow while I am still alone.
Two months, its been two months, and I have found nothing, at least that nothing includes Pandorans.
Today´s meals have been paid, I sell a couple of doses to some punk in those horrid lose clothes, fitting people thrice his size, his hands shake, half out of anxiety, half out of fear, he wants the stuff to feel free, though he ignores I am just giving him talcum powder.
As I head back to the shabby little place I rent I feel a presence. I turn around and find myself looking at a tall man in strange garments that cover almost everything, the shadows do not let me see his face, he quite straightforward, he offers me a chance to become human, to end this horrible pilgrimage, I am quite eager to accept the chance, being so similar to those galateids, this recklessness I have regreted before, still it has some times paid fairly, I think of this as I take a small paper he hands me, It says I must go to the airport, and look for some old lockers, when I raise my eyes to ask some questions, he´s gone.
I take a cab, not worrying about the fare, though suck a trip would take most of my money, when we get there I use a simple moment in which the cabbie looks into my eyes, they always do, and I make him give me money, after all, its not every day that such a fair woman rides in his car.
The place is thriving with guards, all running to some storage room in a corner, I listen to what the people there say and hear something about a wild beast set loose within the airport.
I decide to wait for all the rucus to calm down and head to have something to eat, when it all starts to silence I head to the very storage room where the guards are, they have set some barricade to avoid people from entering, I am noticed by some of the guards, so much for my stealthy entrance.
I walk away and return a little time later, and aks one of the guards for help, I seduce him and make him follow me into the bathroom, there I reveal my true nature and make him give me his clothes, and leave him cuffed to the toilet, once in his uniform I manage to get into the storage room, and start looking for the lockers, It takes me some time, but I find them, but they are open, and empty. I crumble to my feet in frustration.
I walk out of the airport and head back home, looking for that strange character that gave me this mission, it was too good to be true, its not as if such a simple thing as finding something in an airport would end a pilgrimage, I get home containing my frustratin, I turn on the small TV and watch the news, some fire in china town,. I walk out again, I cannot stand still, I need to find the shady promethean. I walk aimlessly through the city, and it is him who finds me.
It appears it is a book he is looking for, and that some Other promethen, a powerful one, is looking for it as well, could it be this Ferrard guy I have heard about?
He says I can call him Proxy, seems he has been investigating me, but can I trust this shady guy, he looks strong, he might have anihilated me by now, I am not much of a fighter, but then again, he is incospicuous, while I can be stealthier than him. It is late though, I go home and rest,
The next morning arrives, Proxy told me to investigage a man rescued from the very fire in China town that I watched on the News, I start getting ready, I look into the empty fridge and pantries, but as I head to the door, I feel a strange presence, is it Proxy?, I look out the window and see a couple of vans parked there, many men in dark garments are walking out of them, it does not look good, since they are surrounding the building. I run out of the appartment, heading to the roof.
Every building around this one is highter, there is no chance to jump to another rooftop, I am trapped, still I hope none of them comes up here, they are too many, and I have only got the gun I took from the airport guard. When a gun is pointed to my back, I drop mine, and turn around slowly, finding two ice cold eyes, a young goth looking woman aims at me, still a simple glare from my eyes satisfies, I make her give me her gun, and get some information about those around the building
Proycet Twilight, a government agency chasing something called proyect G, She says she can feel me, as I feel others of my kind, but she is Human, I know her fire is not the corrupted fire mine is, still time grows short, I tell her to protect me, and she obbeys. I look from the edge of the rooftop at those below me, their leader appears, a tall strange man with silver hair, stranger still is a wing sprouting from his back, he argues with the woman I tricked,as some of the men enter the trucks again, I am saved. Rain, once I am calm again, I feel the rain falling over me.
The door opened to silently, it is his steps that make me look, he looks back, I paralyze him, but am unable to make him obbey my will, Soon more men with guns appear I set him loose, he orders them to take me, and I am dragged to the vans, they blindfold me and I only feel how the vehicle starts moving.As we move he asks my name, I only reply “C.C.”
Caroline C
It has been too long, already two centuries. I have seen to many wars, some caused by my own disquiet. It is finally time, the Quashmallim told me to come here and look for the girl, and I now have her right infront of me, I am well hidden, using my pyros to make myself transparent, keepimg myself well hidden.
She seems to be a slave, she acts shy, obbeys almost blindly, I see the fear in her eyes, and I have come to take her away from all the filth around her, she has a fair face, her eyes will serve well. She has come and gone many times, hurriedly, knowing that a small mistake will translate into a severe scalding. She brings out two large black plastic bags surely filled with garbage, and puts them next to the container I am hiding behind. As she is readying herself to get into the building, a vehicle enters the alley, it’s a large old van, two men get out as she heads for the cargo door, which she opens, she lifts a large bulk, something wrapped in some sort of old carpet and cloth rags, blood spills from the ends and I can clearly see hair sneaking from within the rags covering the face and most of the head. She puts the body next to the container, I can hear her moan from the effort, it is obvious the body is much too heavy, and as a slave, he might barely have enough to eat. She goes into the building as the two men start smoking, she comes out carrying a hacksaw and a knife. She kneels infront of the body taking off the carpet and letting the head still covered, she seems to dislike this job, but somehow she seems to be used to it.
She works diligently on it reducing the body into a mass of flessh and pieces of bone, until only the head remains, she unwraps it, and as the dead eyes stare into her, she drops it and steps back, her eyes widen and her voice collapses and drowns as she tries to scream, seems the dead body was someone important to her, or someone that should not be dead, one never knows with this crime sindicates.
The two men dropped their cigarretes, and bring out guns and aim at her, she looks at them, and with the shy voice the poor slave says “No, please” as she covers her face with her arms. Just before the clicking of the guns is over and the bullets get into place, I am already behind one of the men, as the first bullet is in place and the gun prepared, I have a knife going through the neck of the man, he falls and the other one seems to only stare at the knife floating in the air, the light is so dim that he cannot see me, he aims for the blade but it moves, I insert it right into his head, I take his coat and cover myself with it and cancel the transmutation so that I can be seen again.
The girl had fallen to the ground, she raises her eyes and sees me. “Will you be my new master? I.. I… My abilities are, cleaning and sweeping, I can help a bit in the kitchen… I can count to twenty and read just a little, I… I have also done some body cleaning before….” She looks at the head she dropped less than a minute before “I cannot stay here, please!”
I walk towards her, and extend a hand, she receives it as shyly as she did everything until then, a poor slave. She stands, takes her hand away and leans forward as some sort of greeting. I then signal her to follow me, I hotwire the van and drive away.
We stepped out of the van and I make her follow me to the old department building, some hobos sleep on the stairs, I open the door to the appartment I have been using and lead her to the bathroom, there the balm awaits. I point at a chair, she obbediently sits down, ever since we got away, she has avoided my eyes, she seems to be just a sweet person, still she seems to be unable to react to the sense of being free, knowing not of another lifestyle. But it would soon be over, I emptied the bottles into the tub, she did not ask a single question. And just sat there, mumbling of what they would do if they found her now that she had escaped, but it would not matter soon, that I knew, I was close to my own life, she coughed, my wasteland made it difficult for some to be within it for long. As soon as the mixture was ready, I walked behind her, I gently put my hand on her shoulder, and with the other hand, I pulled her long blonde hair, she did not complain, she seemed to be used to it, my hand moved from her shoulder into the medicine cabinet on the wall, from it I took the knife I had hidden, a swift move from my hand and I released her hair, just to slap her and inject some pyros into her, she is stunned, then I lift her head, and make her look at me, she again is paralized, I whisper to her to stay still, and she cannot resist the order. I take the knife firmly in my hand and move the blade to her neck, her life ends seconds later.
“I woke up, that is as back as I can remember, the first thing I saw was an old shower hanging right on top of me, and the rust stained white walls of a bathing tub around me, I moved my hand reaching out, I remember how I trembled as my hand grabbed the edge of the tub, I was terribly confused, I looked down, a body that felt strange, as if not belonging to me responded to my mind´s comand, floated in a mixture of wine vinegar and spices and herbs.
I stood up, letting the strange balm drip off, I looked around. The bathroom had obviously seen better days in a time already too distant, I knew it, but did not know why, it confused me, tears dripped of my cheeks falling into the mixture that now covered my feet and ankles. A chair had some clothes awaiting for me, pants a blouse and a jacket. Next to it a note laid.
‘It was necessary for me to achieve my goal to hurt you this much,
Tread carefully and you will once again be mortal
By the time you read this, I shall no longer be like you, and might
probably remember you not’
No name, just the text in a handwriting so careful.. no signature, It all puzzled me, I sat on the floor, next to the tub, wondering whether to cry or to simply get moving. Someone in the street turned a radio on, voices came through the small window, I fell asleep, just to be wakened when the sun rose again, and the radio was turned on again.
I looked at the clothes, used clothes, but clean, a bit large, the tub had no water coming out of its pipes, I put the clohtes on and walked out still smelling of the strange mixture, unsure of what would await me, and sure of only one thing. The place I woke up in would never see me again.
I walked into the streets not knowing what to do next, where to go or what I was, much less who I was. It was a city, a small city with a name I never bothered to find out. I walked among the allies, wondering how would I get something to eat, not too far from where I woke up, I found the heart of the slums, violence and distrust, finding malice in the eyes of everyone. I heard gunfire, something made me hide, knowing that the source was not far, and that it meant trouble, I jumped behind some trash bags. And saw the projected shadow of a man pass in the wall infront of me. A couple of minutes passed and I emerged, turned the corner and found myself facing a dead body, in her hand she held an ID card, and some money, she seemed to have tried to keep just that, maybe just money for the cab. I took them both, Carol, her name was Carol, being as confused as I was, I thought that if needed I could be Carol, or Caroline, the last name on the card had been pierced by the bullet, only a C remained.
I searched for more stuff that I could use, but only found fake gold earrings, and her somewhat empty purse nearby, she seemed to have been a prostitute, for I only found cigarretes, a lighter, and a big deal of preservatives, she still had her watch on, with it I paid the bus that took me out of that town.
Many years have passed ever since, I have roamed the country from a little town to another, at least fifty, staying at least six months in each, welcomed at first and scorned not long after, I have survived many times as a lap dancer, as a drug dealer, several times I have been a mistress to some man with money and no love at home, and a couple of times I have fallen for those men and ended up killing their families. Its these times that I have seen my own reflection change, a scar on my forehead shines, similar to a bird in shape, my eyes glow or a purplish red. My skin looks like the cheap mockery manequins are made of. Then in this state I have been shot and left for dead, I sometimes wish it had been true, but I come back, this condition makes me strong, but my inner fire pays the toll.
Those few I have found that are like me have taught me about my nature, Verney seems most knowledged about us he has been roaming the whole planet over the last three centuries. Most probably he is the eldest of us all, he told me he is seeking too become mortal, and to destroy his wrongest creation. He told me he knew one like me, the Geass Wielders, so similar to the Galateids, still different enough to stand out. The only thing he did not know, was the words that make us wake, the contract that gives us this half life. I would have to find another like me, probably, or divert into a new lineage, if I am to ever become human.
I have been lucky not to have faced a pandoran, when visiting New York, most of them, I was told, had been destroyed by some Ferrard, or something like that… I ran from the city, fearing to finally face one, but some days after, as I woke up in a shabby motel, and washed my face, my reflection showed the same mark I have in my forehead. I got scared, but the reflection did not move, after so many years, I finally met a Quashmallim, and it told me to return to the city
And now I am here walking again into the unknown, uncertain of what to do, and hoping I find something that aids my pilgrimage, as weak as I have tried to keep myself, not letting my monstruous nature grow while I am still alone.
Two months, its been two months, and I have found nothing, at least that nothing includes Pandorans.
Today´s meals have been paid, I sell a couple of doses to some punk in those horrid lose clothes, fitting people thrice his size, his hands shake, half out of anxiety, half out of fear, he wants the stuff to feel free, though he ignores I am just giving him talcum powder.
As I head back to the shabby little place I rent I feel a presence. I turn around and find myself looking at a tall man in strange garments that cover almost everything, the shadows do not let me see his face, he quite straightforward, he offers me a chance to become human, to end this horrible pilgrimage, I am quite eager to accept the chance, being so similar to those galateids, this recklessness I have regreted before, still it has some times paid fairly, I think of this as I take a small paper he hands me, It says I must go to the airport, and look for some old lockers, when I raise my eyes to ask some questions, he´s gone.
I take a cab, not worrying about the fare, though suck a trip would take most of my money, when we get there I use a simple moment in which the cabbie looks into my eyes, they always do, and I make him give me money, after all, its not every day that such a fair woman rides in his car.
The place is thriving with guards, all running to some storage room in a corner, I listen to what the people there say and hear something about a wild beast set loose within the airport.
I decide to wait for all the rucus to calm down and head to have something to eat, when it all starts to silence I head to the very storage room where the guards are, they have set some barricade to avoid people from entering, I am noticed by some of the guards, so much for my stealthy entrance.
I walk away and return a little time later, and aks one of the guards for help, I seduce him and make him follow me into the bathroom, there I reveal my true nature and make him give me his clothes, and leave him cuffed to the toilet, once in his uniform I manage to get into the storage room, and start looking for the lockers, It takes me some time, but I find them, but they are open, and empty. I crumble to my feet in frustration.
I walk out of the airport and head back home, looking for that strange character that gave me this mission, it was too good to be true, its not as if such a simple thing as finding something in an airport would end a pilgrimage, I get home containing my frustratin, I turn on the small TV and watch the news, some fire in china town,. I walk out again, I cannot stand still, I need to find the shady promethean. I walk aimlessly through the city, and it is him who finds me.
It appears it is a book he is looking for, and that some Other promethen, a powerful one, is looking for it as well, could it be this Ferrard guy I have heard about?
He says I can call him Proxy, seems he has been investigating me, but can I trust this shady guy, he looks strong, he might have anihilated me by now, I am not much of a fighter, but then again, he is incospicuous, while I can be stealthier than him. It is late though, I go home and rest,
The next morning arrives, Proxy told me to investigage a man rescued from the very fire in China town that I watched on the News, I start getting ready, I look into the empty fridge and pantries, but as I head to the door, I feel a strange presence, is it Proxy?, I look out the window and see a couple of vans parked there, many men in dark garments are walking out of them, it does not look good, since they are surrounding the building. I run out of the appartment, heading to the roof.
Every building around this one is highter, there is no chance to jump to another rooftop, I am trapped, still I hope none of them comes up here, they are too many, and I have only got the gun I took from the airport guard. When a gun is pointed to my back, I drop mine, and turn around slowly, finding two ice cold eyes, a young goth looking woman aims at me, still a simple glare from my eyes satisfies, I make her give me her gun, and get some information about those around the building
Proycet Twilight, a government agency chasing something called proyect G, She says she can feel me, as I feel others of my kind, but she is Human, I know her fire is not the corrupted fire mine is, still time grows short, I tell her to protect me, and she obbeys. I look from the edge of the rooftop at those below me, their leader appears, a tall strange man with silver hair, stranger still is a wing sprouting from his back, he argues with the woman I tricked,as some of the men enter the trucks again, I am saved. Rain, once I am calm again, I feel the rain falling over me.
The door opened to silently, it is his steps that make me look, he looks back, I paralyze him, but am unable to make him obbey my will, Soon more men with guns appear I set him loose, he orders them to take me, and I am dragged to the vans, they blindfold me and I only feel how the vehicle starts moving.As we move he asks my name, I only reply “C.C.”
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